Chapter 138 Weaning
"Third, are you all right?"

Hearing Li Yaojun's words, Li Yaoqian became a little uneasy for a moment.

"Second brother, I'm fine!"

Li Yaojun took a deep breath, "We separated before, but what did we do? We got back together with our mother again."

"Is this called separation?"

"You may not have heard of it. Someone in the village talked about us, saying that we haven't been weaned yet!"

"Who said that? I tore his mouth!"

Li Yaoqian exploded immediately.

Not weaned?
Who said?
Don't bring such a spoiled person!

Li Yaojun took a look at his second brother, and said, "Second brother, I think what he said is right, isn't what the two of us are doing as if we were not weaned?"

"Obviously we separated, but what are we doing?"

"Isn't it just that you can't cook?"

"I can't learn it, who is born to cook?"

"Look at these two times, our family has been criticized, is there something about the elder brother?"

"Why? Isn't it because the eldest brother really separated from this family? In the eyes of the villagers, the eldest brother is a separate family!"

"I've made up my mind. This time, no matter whether I can get Laidi back or not, I will split it up, really split it up!"

"I don't want my son and daughter to grow up in the future. It is irresponsible to hear people talk about their father and say that he is not weaned."

"The divorce was forced by my mother. I was stupid and courageous at the time!"

"Now I'm thinking about it, let's do whatever I like, I don't want to wait on you anymore!"

"Just right, the house in my house collapsed, and I'm going to take this opportunity to move out, how about you, second brother? Do you want to come with me?"

Li Yaojun looked at Li Yaoqian, obviously hoping that the second brother would stand in the same camp as him.

"I, I'll think again!"

Compared with Li Yaojun's awareness, Li Yaoqian is obviously far behind.

Seeing his second brother like this, Li Yaojun knew that what he said was in vain.Maybe, his second brother will go back to his mother to sue later.

That's all, that's it!
Li Yaojun immediately rolled up his bedding and some poor clothes, and left the house. He had to go to the village committee compound to find a place to hide first.

In fact, just as Li Yaojun thought, Li Yaoqian found Lin Guilan right after he left, and told Lin Guilan about Li Yaojun's plan.

"Little bastard, you forget your mother when you have a daughter-in-law!"

"Let him go!"

"This time, get out and don't come back!"

Lin Guilan said resentfully, "It's a shame that I'm still ready for Tian'er, so I asked someone to build his house, so that's it, and leave him alone!"

The house of Li Dazhu's family collapsed, but the villagers quickly helped them repair the main house, but the time was limited, and Li Yaojun's house had not been repaired yet.

Originally, the intention of the village was to let Li Yaojun and Li Yaoqian squeeze together first, and then repair it after Tian'er is completely recovered.

But now that it came out of Lin Guilan's mouth, the meaning changed, and everything was her meaning.

It's a pity that Li Yaojun has already left the house, so he can't hear his mother's passionate words.

In the compound of the village committee, Li Zhengdao looked at Li Yaojun who came here with bedding and burdens on his back, frowned, and said, "Yaojun, what are you doing?"

"Uncle Zhengdao, I want to find a place to live in the village first, this is not me, have we already separated?"


Li Zhengdao was speechless for a moment. He didn't know what happened, but he knew that something must have happened.

This family can't make people feel relieved!
(End of this chapter)

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