Chapter 280 Murder
After talking with Xiaoyouyou, Jiang Yi chose to return immediately.

It's just that she didn't return to the present world this time, but directly entered the next mission time and space.


"Little Yu'er, let me tell you, if you do this again, you will lose me!"

Jiang Yi is really angry now.

She was pulled directly into the task before, so she endured it.But it happened again, he is now a full-time tasker, and he can choose whether to accept the task or not.

But the reality is such a slap in the face, uh, no, bullying!
"Host please don't get excited!"

"The last mission, as well as this mission, are time-pressed, and the host has to work overtime!"

"Fart, if you work overtime, you still get overtime pay. If I work overtime, it's fine if I don't have overtime pay. It's impossible to get a good review. Just say, is there anyone who bullies people like this?"

"Let me tell you, I have a temper too!"


"Host, please forgive me, I won't be an example!"

"But pull it down, anyone who says that it is not an example, there must be a next time!"

"Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore, let me take a look at the current situation first."

After Jiang Yi and Xiao Yu'er finished complaining, they began to fuse the memories of their predecessors.

After merging the memories of his predecessor, Jiang Yi was speechless for an instant.

This thing is so weird.

It's rare that her predecessor has the same name as her, but unfortunately, she was killed by someone.

Uh, this is the first college entrance examination resumed after those chaotic years. As an educated youth, I was married in the village. opportunity to study.

Who would have thought that when she went to receive the notice, she would be pushed into the river by the so-called good sisters who were traveling with her.

The other party didn't want to stay in the village forever, but she didn't pass the college entrance examination and couldn't leave the village, so she thought of this impostor.

Coincidentally, the appearance of this good sister is so similar to that of her predecessor.

"Little fish, tell me, what should I do now?"

It was the first time Jiang Yi encountered such a situation.

Oh, by the way, the man who was married before went to serve in the army two years ago, and there was no news of him coming back after going there, the kind of people who are not alive or dead.

And the father-in-law and mother-in-law of the previous life were very kind to her daughter-in-law.

The college entrance examination was also supported by the two elders wholeheartedly, otherwise, why would she be able to cross the single-plank bridge that thousands of troops are scrambling for after being married?

"The host decides on its own, I am a fish!"

Facing Jiang Yi's question, Xiao Yu'er's answer was very salty.

Jiang Yi sighed, and said: "Forget it, don't worry about it, let's go back to the village and have a look!"

Of course, Jiang Yi didn't know that the woman who killed her predecessor was now discrediting her in the village, saying that she was admitted to the university, got the notice, and ran away with a man.

"Zhao Lin, you must speak with evidence!"

"What kind of person is Jiang Yi, we are full of people in the village, who doesn't know?"

"Also, you went to the post office with Jiang Yi. You came back, but she didn't come back. You said she ran away with another man. Without a letter of introduction from the team, she couldn't even report to school!"

"I think you're lying!"

The old secretary of the Shuangyashan brigade stepped forward and said something that directly stunned Zhao Lin, who was spreading rumors.

(End of this chapter)

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