Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 281 Reporting to the Police

Chapter 281 Reporting to the Police

"I'm not lying!"

"Why should I lie?"

Zhao Lin was questioned by the old branch secretary, so it was naturally impossible to admit it.

She pushed Jiang Yi into the river on impulse before, so she was doomed to embark on this road of no return.As long as she survived these few days, she would leave with a letter of introduction.

At that time, she will be a college student, and she will no longer have to stay in this poor and backward mountain village, let alone live in that dark adobe thatched house.

"Old party secretary, I know that my usual performance is not good, not as good as Jiang Yi's, but I swear to God about this matter, if I lie, I will be struck by lightning and die a terrible death!"

With Zhao Lin making such a vicious oath, the villagers of the Shuangyashan Brigade were a little suspicious.

Even though the activities to break the feudal superstitions are very intense, the villagers still hold in awe of certain things that are divine.

"You girl, if you hold your head three feet above the gods, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

Liu Haishan walked slowly on crutches.

Jiang Yi is his daughter-in-law. Ever since she married into their old Liu's house, she has done things neatly and has a good relationship with his son. If Jiang Yi ran away with other men, Liu Haishan would not believe it.

"Uncle Liu, if I lie, I will never get married!"

"Even if you don't lie, you can't get married!"

Liu Haishan was not ambiguous at all, and directly confronted him.

After beating Zhao Lin, Liu Haishan looked at the old branch secretary again, and said, "Brother, this matter must be reported to the police!"

"Who in our team doesn't know what kind of person Xiaoyi is?"

"Back then, when Xiaoyi came to our team, she was so agile and diligent, it was absolutely impossible to pretend!"

"It's Zhao Lin who is lazy."

"My little Yi may have been killed by her!"

"This matter must be reported to the police, and let the police investigate clearly!"

Liu Haishan said that he didn't believe that his daughter-in-law would run away with another man. Since this was not true, why did Zhao Lin spread rumors?

The truth can only be that Zhao Lin has an ulterior secret.

"Okay, report to the police!"

The old party secretary also didn't believe that Jiang Yi would run away with other men, and was admitted to university. If Liu Haishan and his wife forbid her to go to school, it is still possible for her to run away.

But in fact, Liu Haishan and his wife raised their hands to support Jiang Yi's taking the college entrance examination and going to university.

With such a good in-laws on the table, how could Jiang Yi run away?

There really might be ghosts in here!
Zhao Lin was dumbfounded when she heard the old party secretary's decision.

But she understands that she has reached this point and there is no way out, so the only thing she can do is to fight to the end.

Jiang Yi's body had already been washed away along the river. Even if her body was found, it would not be many days later. Moreover, the place where the body was found must be far away from the Shuangyashan Brigade.

As long as Jiang Yi can't find it, he won't lose.

"Report to the police, you must report to the police!"

Zhao Lin understood in an instant that she had to be tough, otherwise, she might be exposed.

She immediately looked at the crowd with a righteous face, and said: "I, Zhao Lin, swear to God, I didn't lie, Jiang Yi just ran away with another man!"

"Then tell me, who did I run away with?"

The moment Zhao Lin finished speaking, Jiang Yi's voice sounded from behind the crowd.

She is back!

The time is just right.

(End of this chapter)

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