Chapter 336 Accident
The jeep that entered Kuoshan Village was very new, but because of the road conditions, there were a lot of mud spots on the body.

But the more this is the case, the more it reflects the newness of this car.

Just like a line in the Tang poem "Cicadas Noisy Lin Yujing", because of the contrast, it stands out.

As the eldest brother, Han Hongbo and his six younger brothers looked at the brand-new jeep splashed with a lot of mud from a distance, all of them were a little eager to move, and wanted to touch it, but they were a little timid.

"Brother, look at that man, does he look like the one my sister fished out of the river that day?"

While the brothers were eagerly looking at the jeep, the youngest second soldier suddenly raised his finger and pointed at the one among the people coming out of the village committee.

"What does it look like, it is!"

Han Hongbo looked up and instantly confirmed the identity of the other party.

After all, he and his cousin Han Hongjiang had worked hard to get the drink out of this man's stomach.

The two worked together to put each other upside down to control the water.

"Go, go!"

Seeing an acquaintance, Han Hongbo immediately brought his brothers forward.

After all, they are each other's saviors.

They don't want to repay each other's favor, they just need to drive the car and take them around on the road.

When Han Hongbo and his brothers moved forward, Zhong Jiye also saw their brothers.

He didn't know who saved him. When he was struggling to survive in the water, he saw someone going down the river, but he was knocked unconscious before he could see the rescuer clearly.

When he woke up, he only saw the two brothers Han Hongbo, and the two brothers ran away after he woke up.

Before the two left, they just said that they were from Kuoshan Village.

When Zhong Jiye found Kuoshan Village, the reason why he was so high-profile was that he wanted to lure Han Hongbo and his brothers out.

Facts have proved that his strategy is correct.

Han Ganshan was originally looking for someone to accompany him, but he saw several grandchildren of his family coming forward, and was about to show off his grandpa's airs when he discovered that Zhong Jiye had actually joined his grandchildren together.

Then, Han Ganshan understood.

Before, my daughter obviously took the mooncake tickets to the town, but she turned around and said that the mooncake tickets were soaked in water.

At that time, he was still wondering why his daughter was so careless, and after making a fuss for a long time, she actually went into the river to save someone.

and many more!

It was my daughter who saved the life!

Knowing this, Han Ganshan lost his composure for an instant.

He didn't even know when his daughter learned to swim. Of course, the worst thing was that her daughter went into the water to save someone!

Is diving into the water to save people something ordinary people can do?

Even if you are a big man, if you accidentally go into the water to save someone, you will lose your life. Since when did my daughter become so bold?
While Han Ganshan was thinking wildly, Zhong Jiye had already taken Han Hongboge for a few circles.

"These bastards!"

Seeing the jeep leaving the village, Han Ganshan couldn't help feeling a little anxious. He didn't want his grandsons to confess their daughters.

Although Han Ganshan spoke righteously about the matter of He Zhaojin and Liu Fufu, but when the matter fell on his daughter, his mentality was naturally different.

After all, it's none of your business to hang on high.

But if this matter involves him, how many people can remain calm?
Concerned about chaos, these words have already been summed up very well by the ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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