Chapter 337
Although Han Hongbo is still a child, he already understands everything he should know.

These days, the most troublesome thing in the village is the incident between Liu Fuzu and He Zhaojin.

How did this happen?

The reason is that Liu Fufu rescued He Zhaojin who was about to jump into the reservoir. Due to his reputation, He Zhaojin could only choose to marry Liu Fufu.

But this marriage, He Zhaojin was not happy, so she ran away.

As for Liu Fuzu, there is a hole in his head, because of a woman, he actually doesn't recognize his parents.

People in the village are talking about these things almost every day.

Even the members of the Han family said a lot.At the same time, I also educated Han Hongbo and the others so that they all have more brains. If they commit the same stupidity as Liu Fufu, they will be punished.

Now, Zhong Jiye came here, if it was known that the person who saved Zhong Jiye was actually their sister-in-law, then what would their sister-in-law do?

Marrying a man that no one knows?

Not to mention whether my sister-in-law is willing or not, they are unwilling anyway.

In this family, sister-in-law is their talisman and protector.

Every time they make a mistake or cause trouble, as long as they invite their sister-in-law to come forward, they can always get a little leniency.

Of course, now I have to add the most important one, as long as my sister-in-law is here, there will be meat to eat.

If my sister-in-law is married, who will take them fishing?

Without their sister-in-law's luck, the fish in the river can only be watched, greedy, but they can't be caught at all.

Zhong Jiye didn't know who saved him, although he knew that it wasn't any of Han Hongbo and the others who saved him, but when he woke up, it was indeed Han Hongbo and Han Hongjiang brothers who were there.

"Brother Zhong, thank you!"

After being driven back to the village by Zhong Jiye, the Han Hongbo brothers quickly got off the car and waved goodbye to Zhong Jiye.

"You're welcome!"

Zhong Jiye waved his hand and said again, "By the way, I brought you some gifts. This is a gift to thank you for saving your life!"

"No, no, we saved you, not for this!"

Han Hongbo responded quickly.

"Brother Zhong, it's the holidays today, we won't delay you going home for the holidays!"

Han Hongbo waved goodbye very politely, and then took a few brothers to flash.

"Secretary Han!"

After Han Hongbo's brothers ran away, Zhong Jiye found Han Ganshan, "I don't know whose family those little brothers are from?"

"I also brought a lot of presents!"

"Comrade Zhong, you are being polite!"

Han Ganshan quickly waved his hands, "Those are my grandsons, they saved you, they saved you. No matter who it is, they can't ignore the situation at that time, you are too expensive!"

"This way, you take it back!"

How could Han Ganshan accept Zhong Jiye's gift of thanks?
If you accept a thank you gift, even if it is out of courtesy, you still have to invite the other party to come home for a meal or something.

If this person agreed to go to his house, wouldn't he be revealing his secrets?
My daughter, you can't marry away!
Besides, this Comrade Zhong has a lot of background and is a real city resident.

If my daughter married the other party, it would be thousands of miles away.In case the daughter was wronged in any way, there was nothing he could do on his side.

The girl married since ancient times was wronged!

He Han Ganshan doesn't have any great skills, so he can only marry his daughter as close as possible.At least in this area, Han Kanshan is quite capable.

(End of this chapter)

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