Chapter 338 Knowing
"Comrade Zhong, today is the holiday, go back early!"

"In the days of family reunion, it's not good to lose anyone, don't you think?"

Han Ganshan almost drove away people directly.

It's not that he is too wary of Zhong Jiye, but that Zhong Jiye is quite handsome and looks like a talent.Compared with Shen Aijun who once fascinated his daughter, Zhong Jiye's appearance is more attractive to women.

Such a man can't appear in front of his daughter, lest he win her heart.

How did Zhong Jiye know that Han Ganshan had so many dramas in his heart?

However, he is also a person with sharp eyesight. Looking at Han Ganshan's posture, he really didn't want to have too much involvement with him, so he didn't insist anymore.

However, Zhong Jiye still took out two boxes of moon cakes with unusual packaging from the car.

"Han Zhishu, this, you should accept it!"

August [-]th, mooncakes!
This really has to be accepted.

When Han Ganshan saw this, he had nothing to say.

The moon cakes can stay, but people, they still have to go.

Zhong Jiye quickly started the car and left Kuoshan Village.

Seeing the car leave, Han Ganshan was completely relieved.Immediately, he quickened his pace and rushed home with two boxes of mooncakes.

It's nothing to say, go back and give a few grandchildren a lesson, and then let them keep their sister-in-law's rescue in their stomachs, and no one is allowed to say anything.

One by one, no one can make him feel at ease.

Han Ganshan hurried home, while Zhong Jiye, who drove away, had a solemn expression. He could conclude that the people who saved his life were definitely not the boys of the Han family.

"Secretary Wang, who are the people in this Secretary Han's family?"

While driving the car, Zhong Jiye talked to the commune secretary Wang Wenkui who was accompanying him.

After listening to Zhong Jiye's question, Wang Wenkui smiled and said, "Old Han's family, I am very familiar with this!"

"Old Han has four sons, all of whom are married, and seven grandchildren, who are the first in our commune!"

"It is difficult for other families to have a son, but their family is always in charge."

"Secretary, I'm afraid you forgot that Lao Han has a daughter!"

The Minister of Armed Forces of the commune who accompanied him followed suit.

Wang Wenkui patted his head and said: "Yes, yes, look at my head, I can't always remember the daughter of the old Han family. Speaking of which, the daughter of the old Han family has a recognizable appearance!"

When Zhong Jiye heard Wang Wenkui's words, he thought he was in the fog, but in an instant, everything became clear.

Wang Wenkui was still talking, but Zhong Jiye didn't listen much anymore.He has now confirmed that the person who saved him is Han Ganshan's daughter.As for Han Ganshan's attitude, it is clear that he does not want this matter to be known by others.

Zhong Jiye is not a novice who is ignorant of the world, so he naturally understands what Han Ganshan is worried about.

In the past few days here, Zhong Jiye also heard a lot of things.And Kuoshan Village here is very famous recently. The famous thing is because a young man in the village saved a girl. The girl had to marry the young man, but the girl didn't want to.

Thinking of this, Zhong Jiye glanced at himself in the rearview mirror, he was not bad looking, his status was good, and his current job was decent, but why didn't Secretary Han look at him with a good impression?
Are you so bad?
Zhong Jiye felt that he was being looked down upon, and he was quite upset.

(End of this chapter)

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