Chapter 382
Be a tool man without emotion!
Jiang Yi felt that she had come to her senses, at least she would never be stupid again.

Of course, human beings have another characteristic, that is, they are used to healing their scars and forgetting about the pain.

Jiang Yi herself doesn't know if she can be a successful tool person, but she feels that she should be able to do this task.

Instead of blowing the wind by the river, Jiang Yi stood up and turned back to Old Han's house.

When Jiang Yi came home, Han Ganshan was not at home, only Zhang Lanlan was at home.

Seeing Jiang Yi coming back, Zhang Lanlan walked over.


"If you still want to persuade me to marry Zheng Jianhua, then don't worry, I won't agree!"

Jiang Yi directly interrupted Zhang Lanlan's words, and did not intend to waste any more saliva with her.

Since Zhang Lanlan never thought about her, why should she talk about her feelings?

She just wants to sacrifice herself to fulfill her son, so why should I put up a person who values ​​love and righteousness here?


Hearing Jiang Yi speak so directly, Zhang Lanlan was also taken aback.

But she quickly responded, she actually knelt down in front of Jiang Yi.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing Zhang Lanlan kneeling down, Jiang Yi was stunned on the spot.

She never dreamed that Zhang Lanlan would be able to do this, this is simply insane!

"Xiu'er, your mother raised you so much, and never hit you once when you were young!"

"Mom only asks you for this one thing!"

"Just promise!"

Do you want to ask for revenge?
Jiang Yi looked at Zhang Lanlan who was kneeling on the ground for a long time, but she didn't say anything, and finally turned and left.

This home, it seems, can't stay anymore.

Jiang Yi went back to her room, simply packed a few clothes, wrapped them in a bag, and left directly.

It's not like she has nowhere to go.

As early as when Kuoshan Village was engaged in breeding, the commune made it clear that it was willing to provide her with a job opportunity, but Jiang Yi said to wait until things in Kuoshan Village were roughly on the right track.

This was an excuse, after all, she didn't think too much about it.

Even if she wanted to start a business, she was going to train a bunch of nephews and let them be her own tools.

But now, under Zhang Lanlan's persecution, if he wants to live a quiet life in the future, he has to stay away from Zhang Lanlan.

The work at the commune is just right.

Of course, if you go to work by yourself, the problem of accommodation must be solved.

This point, I believe that the commune will definitely be able to handle it, after all, she is a capable person.

Which of the leaders of the commune doesn't want to make some achievements?
Zhang Lanlan didn't know that Jiang Yi was gone, she really worked hard for her youngest son.After kneeling down, she didn't want to stand up, she had to force Jiang Yi to compromise.

Even if she is not a real mother, she is still a adoptive mother.

This nurturing grace is on display here, and she doesn't believe that her daughter will not compromise.

It's a pity that Zhang Lanlan, who has completely fallen into self-centeredness, is doomed to do nothing.

When Han Ganshan heard that Jiang Yi had left the village with a burden on his back, he hurried back. When he saw Zhang Lanlan's actions, he was so angry that he almost fainted.

Seeing Han Ganshan fall, Zhang Lanlan woke up from her self-fantasy, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Han Ganshan.

Han Ganshan sat there, most of his energy lost in an instant.

"You are satisfied!"

"My daughter is gone, she doesn't recognize us anymore!"

"Now, you are happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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