Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 383 Rhetorical Questions

Chapter 383 Rhetorical Questions
Han Ganshan felt quite hopeless at the moment.

He has always felt that he is a good family member in the village, his sons are filial and sensible, and although his daughter is not his own, she is sometimes self-willed, but recently she has become more sensible.

The farming industry has started in the village, and the future development will definitely not be bad.

Everything is going in a good direction, and Han Ganshan feels that he will be able to retire honorably and go home to enjoy the rest of his life in a short time.

However, all this beautiful things were ruined because of Zhang Lanlan!

"White-eyed wolf!"

After hearing what Han Ganshan said, Zhang Lanlan didn't reflect on her own mistakes, but just said "white-eyed wolf".

"We raised her so big, is this how she repays us?"

"If I had known she was such a white-eyed wolf, I would never have agreed to the exchange!"

"White-eyed wolf, you will be punished sooner or later!"

When Zhang Lanlan heard that Jiang Yi had left, the words of blame kept coming out of her mouth.

Listening to Zhang Lanlan's words, Han Ganshan closed his eyes in despair.

Now he no longer wants to say a word to Zhang Lanlan.

He didn't know why Zhang Lanlan became like this, but he knew that he couldn't change Zhang Lanlan's thoughts.In Zhang Lanlan's heart, that youngest son has surpassed everything.

Zhang Lanlan babbled for a while, but didn't hear a response from Han Ganshan, so she stopped talking and looked at Han Ganshan who had his eyes closed.

"Why don't you speak?"

"You speak a word!"

Zhang Lanlan didn't know what happened to Han Ganshan, but Han Ganshan's silence made her feel a little flustered.

Han Ganshan opened his eyes, looked at Zhang Lanlan, and said, "What do you want me to say?"

"Swearing with you?"

"Xiu'er was well raised by us, isn't your son raised by Xiu'er's mother?"

"How did Xiu'er live at our house?"

"What kind of life did your son live in Zheng's family?"

"What face do you have to call someone a white-eyed wolf?"

"Didn't you agree to replace Xiu'er with your son?"

Han Ganshan didn't save any face for Zhang Lanlan.

Even though he knew that Zhang Lanlan would not be able to wake up by saying these words, he still couldn't vomit.

Han Ganshan really couldn't figure out what kind of ecstasy soup that youngest son, who didn't grow up in front of them, poured into his old wife, so that she didn't even talk about the most basic right and wrong!
Zhang Lanlan was questioned a series of times by Han Ganshan, but she was silent for a while, and then she retorted, "If she hadn't grown up in our family, then the Zheng family valued sons over daughters, and she and her mother would not have a good life!"

"Based on this, both she and her mother owe us!"

"owe you?"

Han Ganshan sneered, "When you brought Xiu'er back, Yuzhu gave you a lot of money!"

In those years, life at home was really difficult, but after Xiu'er was born, although life at home was also difficult, it has improved a lot.

Why is it so much better?
At first, Han Ganshan couldn't figure it out.

I just think Zhang Lanlan is the one who can manage the house and is a good wife.

But when the girl grew up slowly, Han Ganshan realized that something was wrong, because the girl grew more and more like Han Yuzhu when she was young.Then, Han Ganshan paid special attention and discovered the difference between Zhang Lanlan's treatment of his daughter and his son.

This difference has nothing to do with patriarchal thinking.

Then, Han Ganshan guessed the truth.

Just to save face for Zhang Lanlan, Han Ganshan chose to remain silent.

(End of this chapter)

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