Chapter 384 Greed
"She traded her daughter for our son, that's what she should give!"

Zhang Lanlan didn't think there was anything wrong with her.

Han Yuzhu wanted a son for no reason, why should he exchange his son with her for a daughter?
This means that she is kind-hearted, otherwise, she would have to be kicked out by the Zheng family just because Han Yuzhu couldn't give birth to a son.Speaking of which, she is the great benefactor of their mother and daughter, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is their reborn parents.

"You are right!"

Han Ganshan saw that Zhang Lanlan was completely on the edge of the horns, and realized that it was useless to say what he said now, so he stopped arguing with her.

Anyway, the daughter has already left, no matter what Zhang Lanlan thinks, it is impossible for things to develop according to her mind.

As for the future, let nature take its course!
Han Ganshan sat for a while, then slowly stood up and walked out.

Today's Lao Han's family has been separated long ago, and his sons can live their own lives, and he is also getting old, so it's time for him to live a few days of leisure.

Zhang Lanlan saw Han Ganshan walking out like this, and asked anxiously, "Why are you going?"

"Go for a walk!"

"What's wrong? Can't you?"

Han Ganshan looked back at Zhang Lanlan, and answered blankly.

Zhang Lanlan stared at Han Ganshan, and said, "Aren't you going to take care of Jianhua's affairs?"

"I can't control it!"

Han Ganshan doesn't want to take care of it, and he has no ability to take care of it.

Besides, why should he care?
From the moment Zhang Lanlan replaced his son, he only had one daughter.

"You can't ignore it!"

"If you don't care, what will our Jianhua do?"

"Han Yuzhu will definitely not recognize our Jianhua again, what do you want our Jianhua to do?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Han Ganshan chuckled, "When you changed your child, you didn't discuss it with me, so don't come to me now, I'm just a farmer, I don't have the ability!"

To be a human being, you must have self-knowledge.

It is true that Zheng Jianhua is his biological son, but he does not recognize this son.

As for Zhang Lanlan wanting to admit it, that is also Zhang Lanlan's freedom.

"Also, that child's surname is Zheng, and my surname is Han!"

After saying these words, Han Ganshan told Zhang Lanlan clearly that he did not recognize this son.

However, Zhang Lanlan would not give up so easily.

After Zhang Lanlan watched Han Ganshan leave, she thought about it for a while, and finally made up her mind to discuss with her sons when they came back.

As long as this marriage can be facilitated, she will not only recognize her son, but also benefit the four sons from the younger son.

Such a good thing, she can't believe that her sons don't help.


Han Ganshan left the house and walked slowly to the commune.

He could actually guess where his daughter went.

However, when Han Ganshan arrived at the commune, he did not enter the compound of the commune. Instead, he wandered outside for a while, and finally found the old head Xie in the commune's communication room.

After confirming from Mr. Xie that his daughter had indeed arrived at the commune, Han Ganshan entered the commune leisurely.

He had already made up his mind and was going to resign from his job as party secretary of Kuoshan Village.

There are some things that you can't afford to mess with, and you can afford to hide them.

Han Ganshan still made up his mind, and when he resigned from his job as party secretary, he would send a letter of introduction to the village and go outside.

As for how much trouble Zhang Lanlan can make, it depends on her ability!
"Isn't this nonsense!"

When Han Ganshan found the commune secretary Zeng Jiaquan to express his intention to resign, Zeng Jiaquan directly patted the table.

Now this Kuoshan Village is a model unit. Han Ganshan led the breeding business, how can he change his generals?

(End of this chapter)

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