The rich and powerful: I live with my boss

Chapter 359 The Encounter on the Plane 2

Chapter 359 The Encounter on the Plane 2
"Are you sad?" The man's lips moved slightly, and his voice was soft.

"It's sad." Qin Zhen corrected.

"Understood." The man nodded, with a scrutinizing smile on his brows and eyes, but such a scrutiny would not make people feel abrupt, and such a smile would not make people feel inappropriate.

"Understand what?"

"Sadness is because I broke up with my boyfriend, but I'm sad..." He glanced at Qin Zhen, "It's because I had a fight with my boyfriend."

Qin Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then continued to correct, "It doesn't have to be a boyfriend, maybe it's a girlfriend or a family member?"

The man thought for a while, but didn't argue with her, just smiled, "Maybe."

"Are you a psychiatrist?" Although the question was a bit impolite, Qin Zhen couldn't hold back the question for a while.

"how do I say this?"

Qin Zhen pointed to the book in his hand, which was an English book on psychology.

He didn't answer, but still had that gentle smile on his face, then changed the subject, "You are a very bold girl."


"Very few people cry without restraint on a plane."

When he said this, Qin Zhen just turned her head and met those eyes that seemed to understand everything, and she suddenly felt at ease.She had never seen such a feeling in Yang Zixiao's eyes.

She thought, maybe some things are like this, the more you care about it, the less secure you feel.You will only feel at ease when he has nothing to do with you.

Just like at this moment, she saw An Xin in the eyes of this man who had only met once.

So she opened her mouth and replied quite naturally: "Maybe it's just because they are too sad. Many people can't control their emotions when they are sad."

"But you don't look like a person who can't control his emotions." The man looked at her, his eyes met, and there was clarity and determination in his eyes.

Qin Zhen immediately retorted, "You are wrong about this. If I can control my emotions, I will not expose my dissatisfaction to my rival in love, nor will my boyfriend feel vicious."

"That's because you love him too much."

"I love him so much..." These three words dimmed Qin Zhen's eyes again.Yes, she loves him too much, but he doesn't care about her at all.

"But you don't have to be too sad. If that man is really worthy of your crying for him, he must understand you. If he doesn't understand you, then he is not worthy of your sadness."

Qin Zhen was startled because of these words.

But in just a second, she regained consciousness.She and this man just met, it seemed a little inappropriate to talk about this topic, so she changed the subject again.

"Are you from Ruicheng?"


"Then are you traveling to Ruicheng?"

"No, I'm going to talk about some things." The man's answer was honest, and then he added, "However, I'll also travel along the way."

"Oh." Qin Zhen nodded and asked again, "Then where are you from?"

The man deliberately imitated Qin Zhen's appearance and thought for a while before answering: "Singapore, but I lived in Ruicheng for a while when I was a child. My grandparents lived there."

"Then are you going back to see them?"

"No." The man shook his head, his face still calm, "My grandma has been dead for several years."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Qin Zhen was a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, but that's not how it's used." The man smiled lightly, and his voice always reminded people of the wind and the moon.All the words, as if through his mouth, turned into the sound of the pipa played by the businesswoman by the Qinhuai River.

"My grandma's departure has nothing to do with you. You don't have to be so nervous, and I won't blame you."

His language is always just right and funny, which makes people feel kind and familiar.

Qin Zhen was still a little nervous, but immediately relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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