The rich and powerful: I live with my boss

Chapter 360 The Second Encounter with the Male God 2

Chapter 360 The Second Encounter with the Male God 1
Until getting off the plane, Qin Zhen didn't know the other party's name, and the other party didn't ask her name.Of course, it is not necessary. From Qin Zhen's point of view, people who walk in the rivers and lakes have to be so informal. Everyone meets by chance, and after talking happily, they forget each other in the rivers and lakes.

The feeling of her feet on the ground made Qin Zhen feel at ease. The first thing she did after getting off the plane was to take a taxi back to the apartment, then pack her things and prepare to leave.

The house I rented last time hadn't expired yet. Fortunately, I didn't go to the landlord to check out. Although it was a bit wasteful, it seems that it is not a wise move now.

After packing up her things, she suddenly wanted to call Lin Qian, but when she took out her mobile phone, she realized that her mobile phone was still turned off.

But when it was turned on, Qin Zhen was taken aback.Several text messages came out in a hurry, all sent by Yang Zixiao.

She had forgotten that she should tell him when she left, after all, she went together, and now that she came back, she should say hello even out of politeness.

She clicked out the text messages one by one.

"Where are you?"

"When you see the text message, call back immediately."

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Qin Zhen, can you turn on the phone and call back first?"


The next few articles are almost all similar to this. In fact, he knows that she won't be able to see it unless she turns on the phone, but why does he still post it?
Qin Zhen thought about it for a while, and finally came to a conclusion: probably rich people burn too much money.

So she sent him a text message back: "I'm sorry, the plane cannot be turned on. I have already returned to Ruicheng. I don't think we should calm down. I hope you don't come to me during this time."

She tried her best to keep her tone calm and indifferent, and she had reason to believe that after the few hours on the plane, she had calmed down.

And what she said is indeed what she thinks in her heart now, she will not break up with him easily, because she loves him, so she doesn't want to let him go easily now.

But she thinks it's time for them to think calmly about their relationship and their relationship.

After she knew this text message, Yang Zixiao would definitely call her immediately.But Qin Zhen felt that she was not rich and could not afford the expensive phone bills, so she resolutely turned off the phone again.

At this time, it was the end of March in Ruicheng, and the breeze was blowing, and the willows were dark and the flowers were bright.Well, in fact, all of this was imagined by Qin Zhen. In this city, she only saw smog and dust everywhere.

So it turns out that life will not depend on Qin Zhen's will.And Yang Zixiao....Of course, she wouldn't act on her whim.

Goodbye to Yang Zixiao was three days later, when Qin Zhen was having cake with Lin Qian and Cui Nan in a dessert shop, Yang Zixiao appeared in front of her so gracefully.

Cui Nan and Lin Qian looked at each other, "Then what, Qin Zhen, we suddenly remembered that we still have work in the afternoon, so let's go first."

"Stop!" Qin Zhen took a spoonful of cake and raised his eyes slowly, "Who called?"

The two looked at each other again, and then Cui Nan spoke first: "What did you say, what call did you make?"

"Don't play tricks on me, who hit you?"

"Okay." Cui Nan was defeated, gritted her teeth, "Actually, Lin Qian is doing it for your own good..."

"Cui Nan!" Lin Qian squeezed him hard, "It's obviously you who called..."

"Then what, we really have something to do, we have to go!" Cui Nan pushed Lin Qian away after saying that.

Qin Zhen didn't say anything else, stood up calmly, and took the bag: "Waiter, pay the bill."

(End of this chapter)

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