You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 360 The person who sleeps is different!

Chapter 360 The person who sleeps is different!
Violence flashed across Ye Mohan's eyes, and he said coldly: "If this is the case, this woman's mind is not ordinary."

Mrs. Ye: "Your mother also gave you the same medicine. Doesn't this mean that your mother is not in the right mind?"

Ye Mohan glanced at Mrs. Ye, and slightly parted his thin lips: "'s different."

Mrs. Ye: "Oh, grandma knows, people are different!"

People who sleep are different!
Ye Mohan: "..."


When Mrs. Ye saw Ye Qingxue, she hurriedly walked Ye Qingxue over and led Ye Qingxue over.

"Your brother told grandma the whole story. Grandma knew she was wrong, so she shouldn't have believed you. Can you forgive grandma?" Mrs. Ye said in the last sentence with a pleading tone.

Ye Qingxue stared at Mrs. Ye stupidly, not knowing what to say.

How did everything change after one night?

Seeing that Ye Qingxue didn't speak, Mrs. Ye continued, "Xue'er... grandma really knows she was wrong, can you still not forgive grandma?"

"Ah? Forgive, forgive... No, I never blamed you, how can I not forgive you!" Ye Qingxue reacted and nodded quickly, following Mrs. Ye's words, realizing that what she said was wrong, she hastily changed her words .

Mrs. Ye worried and asked again, "You really didn't blame grandma?"

Ye Qingxue: "No."

Mrs. Ye: "Well, grandma believes in you!"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Mohan wanted Lin Yueyan to leave City A, but Mrs. Ye saw that Lin Yueyan hadn't hurt Ye Qingxue, and instead almost disfigured herself.

In addition, Lin Yueyan saved Ye Mohan back then, and Mrs. Ye didn't want to do too much, so let Ye Mohan forget about it.

Ye Mohan didn't make a move to let Lin Yueyan leave.


Tomb-sweeping day this day.

Also, the Ye family was afraid that Ye Qingxue would be sad if she went to Ye Lan and Grandpa Ye's cemetery, so they planned to go secretly without telling Ye Qingxue.

After all, the doctor said when Ye Qingxue had a miscarriage, don't let Ye Qingxue's emotions fluctuate too much.

Ye Qingxue had been looking forward to Qingming Festival for a long time, and even got up half an hour earlier than usual.

Before anyone could speak, Ye Qingxue took the lead and said that she would go to the cemetery to see her grandfather and Ye Lan.

Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Gu Lanbing gently reminded: "Xue'er, don't be sad when you go!

You are still pregnant with your child, and you will soon give birth in more than a month, so there should be no accidents at this time. "

Ye Qingxue nodded: "Yes, I know."

Although Gu Lanbing was worried about Ye Qingxue's lingering fears, but seeing the whole family go, at least she had someone to take care of her.

The Ye family went to see Grandpa Ye's cemetery first, and then went to Ye Lan's cemetery.

Although Ye Qingxue had already restrained her emotions, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when she saw Grandpa Ye and Ye Lan's cemetery.

Ye Qingxue took a step forward, touched her stomach, and said, "Mom, it's not convenient for me to kneel down for you now, you won't blame me, will you?"

Gu Lanbing: "If she knows that you are pregnant with twins, she is too late to be happy, so how can she blame you!?"

Ye Qingxue nodded to Gu Lanbing, and then said to Ye Lan's tombstone: "Mom, when I give birth to a baby, I will definitely bring two babies to see you. They are your grandson and granddaughter!"

Ye Mohan interjected, his thin lips parted slightly: "It's the grandson and the granddaughter!"

Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan a white look.

Ye Qingxue: "Mom, there is no picture of you at home. I still don't know what you look like. I really want to see your face."

(End of this chapter)

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