You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 361 Her father is not dead

Chapter 361 Her father is not dead

Ye Qingxue's emotions didn't fluctuate much at first, but her eye sockets were unconsciously stained with mist as she spoke.

Ye Qingxue sobbed and took a deep breath, adjusting her emotions, "I don't know if I'm more like you, or like... like my dad!
I haven't met Dad, I only know his surname is Si..."

Gu Lanbing was very uncomfortable listening to it.

She seemed to be telling Ye Qingxue that her father was not dead.

But she was so scared, so afraid that Ye Qingxue would leave.

She admits she is selfish.

The current Si Nian is no longer the unarmed Si Nian of the past.

He loves Ye Lan so much, if he knew that his and Ye Lan's daughter was her Xue'er, he would definitely take it away from her.

And she was just sure, if Ye Qingxue knew that her father was not dead, would she still stay in the Ye family.

Gu Lanbing was worried, but she didn't know that what Ye Qingxue said just now had been heard clearly by someone she was worried about knowing somewhere not far from the cemetery.

Ye Mohan worried that Ye Qingxue would be even more sad if he stayed any longer, so he found an excuse to leave the cemetery.

After the Ye family left, Si Junyu walked slowly to Ye Lan's graveyard.

The stern face and the deep eyes are full of surprises and excitement that have not been seen in many years.


Lin Yueyan didn't know that her thoughts were seen through by the Ye family, and she always thought that Mrs. Ye and Ye Mohan believed her.

So I came to Ye's house in the name of visiting Mrs. Ye.

Aunt Yun came over and told Mrs. Ye that Lin Yueyan was coming.

Gu Lanbing didn't hide anything on his face, and his face was full of disgust and disgust.

Originally, she had a good impression of Lin Yueyan, and thought she was a very good girl.

But after learning about her plot from Ye Mohan, who would have thought that the seemingly weak woman had such a wicked mind.

Framed her family, Xue'er, so that she couldn't see Xue'er for several days.

Gu Lanbing said with disgust: "Let her go."

Mrs. Ye raised her eyelids expressionlessly, and said lightly: "Wait a minute, let her in."

"Mom, you..." Gu Lanbing was puzzled.

Mrs. Ye glanced at Gu Lanbing, "I know it well."

As soon as Lin Yueyan came in, she held a gift and greeted her softly, "Grandma Ye, Mrs. Ye."

Mrs. Ye said lightly: "Come and sit down!"

As for Gu Lanbing... Lin Yueyan hasn't even lifted her eyelids since she came in, she hasn't even looked at Lin Yueyan.

Standing where she was, Lin Yueyan could feel the alienation from Mrs. Ye and Gu Lanbing.

When Mrs. Ye asked her to sit there, Lin Yueyan put away her thoughts.

Smiling, she walked to Mrs. Ye and sat down, "Grandma, here are the supplements I brought you."

Mrs. Ye glanced at the tonic, her tone was still cold, "I have a heart."

Seeing that Mrs. Ye was alienated from her, Lin Yueyan was sure that the feeling just now was not an illusion, and asked with a smile, "Grandma Ye, are you in a bad mood today?"

Mrs. Ye stared at Lin Yueyan for a while, then slowly said, "Yueyan, if this is true, how wonderful you would be!"

Lin Yueyan's face changed slightly, and she tried to calm herself down, "Grandma Ye...I don't...don't understand what you mean!"

Gu Lanbing sipped her tea as if nothing had happened, and when she heard Lin Yueyan's words, she couldn't help but cast a contemptuous glance at Lin Yueyan.

Really good at pretending!
If it weren't for the fact that she was a round younger than herself, she would definitely not even want quality and integrity, and would drive her away.

She thought she was wasting her tongue even if she competed with her acting skills.

It's time to call her younger sister, she has never been moral anyway, let her come over to meet Lin Yueyan.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, give it...


(End of this chapter)

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