You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 807 After giving birth to this one child, I will never have another child

Chapter 807 After giving birth to this child, I will never have another child
Mentioning Leng Yeyan, Ye Mohan unconsciously felt jealous, "That's his biological father, as it should be."

Ye Qingxue: "Then he is still my grandfather!"

Ye Mohan: "..."

It seems that the little girl doesn't hate Leng Haiyu at all.

Since he couldn't argue with the little girl, then he would not argue with the current affairs. In the end, he made the little girl angry, and he was the one who suffered.

Ye Mohan: "Did the two little guys torment you?"

Ye Qingxue: "No, I haven't had much morning sickness recently, everything is fine."

"That's good, I'll go back soon in England, don't miss me too much." Ye Mohan's thin lips curved.

"..." Ye Qingxue was speechless and rolled her eyes, "I don't miss you!"

"Duplicity." The corners of Ye Mohan's mouth curved deeper, and his eyes were full of warmth.

"Nothing!" Ye Qingxue curled her lips arrogantly.

Ye Mohan: "..."

"Husband, Mu Qing is also pregnant, and it has been a month."


"But how did I find out that Du Tingxiao has been making fun of you recently?"

Ye Mohan replied without thinking: "He envies me."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Qingxue asked again: "Mu Qing asked me to find out if the baby in her stomach is a boy or a girl, but I didn't want to. Do you want a boy or a girl?"

Ye Mohan: "I like everything you gave birth to."

Ye Qingxue brushed through her heart like a spring breeze, a sweet smile appeared on her face, and she asked softly, "Then do you prefer boys or girls?"

Ye Mohan's thin lips parted slightly: "We have little ones, and we hope to have more girls."

"Me too." Ye Qingxue smiled, and immediately changed her face, a sad face, "But what if the two little guys in my stomach are boys?"

"Then continue to have children, and strive for the next child to be a girl!"

Ye Qingxue refused at first: "No!"


"This baby is a pack of two. If I continue to give birth, I will become a pig. After giving birth to this baby, I will never have another baby."

Ye Mohan smiled, "Didn't you say you wanted to give me a football team? How many are there?"

Ye Qingxue rolled her eyes speechlessly, "What you said was drunk! You really took it seriously!"

Ye Mohan said softly: "I will remember every word you said in my heart."

Ye Qingxue smiled, then thought of something, and asked, "What about the bad words?"

Ye Mohan: "Automatically forget."

Ye Qingxue frowned with a smile.

Every time Ye Mohan can coax her into a happy mood, every sentence is full of love words, and there is a kind of palpitation in her heart.

After chatting with Ye Mohan again, Ye Qingxue hung up the phone.

The little guy glanced at the smart watch on his wrist, and said in a childish voice with a mature tone, "Mummy, you have been talking to Dad for four to ten minutes!"

"..." The corners of Ye Qingxue's mouth twitched, she took the little guy's little hand, and smiled coquettishly, "Let's go, let's go see your grandpa!"


Ye Qingxue led the little guy to Leng Haiyu's ward, and saw Gu Lanbing and Ye Yitian inside, chatting with Leng Haiyu.

Hearing Leng Haiyu's voice still weak, Leng Yeyan said with concern: "Dad, you just woke up not long ago, and the doctor said it's not easy to talk more."

"Boy, do you think your father is nagging?" Leng Haiyu reprimanded in a weak tone.

Turning to see Ye Qingxue, there was a touch of tenderness between the brows, "Xue'er, why have you been gone for so long?"

Leng Yeyan: "..."

The little guy's big round eyes looked at Leng Yeyan sympathetically.

 "Qing Xue misses Mo Han and thinks about guarding"

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