You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 808 Mommy, it's not good to lie!

Chapter 808 Mommy, it's not good to lie!
"Dad, Mommy!" Ye Qingxue called Ye Yitian and Gu Lanbing.

Then he walked to Leng Haiyu, and said softly, "Mo Han was calling me just now, and you didn't come in because you were afraid of making noise."

Leng Haiyu looked at Ye Qingxue with a kind expression on his face, "Oh, how is Mo Han's leg?"

"I just arrived in the UK, and I haven't started the operation yet."

Leng Haiyu smiled and said, "Mo Han loves you very much, right!?"

Ye Qingxue's thin lips curled up, a trace of shyness appeared on her face, "It's okay."

The little guy looked at Grandma Ye Qingxue with disdain and said angrily: "Mum, it's not good to lie! Daddy loves you more than the baby."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Because of the little guy's words, except for Leng Yeyan's thin lips, everyone in the room couldn't help laughing.

Laughing with a smile, tears welled up in Leng Haiyu's eyes.

To be able to recognize his granddaughter and see his granddaughter so happy in his lifetime is the happiest thing God has given him.



Leng Yeyan stayed in the hospital for half a month after waking up.

And Ye Mohan also went to England for half a month.

Although Ye Qingxue often talked with Ye Mohan, she never asked about the condition of Ye Mohan's legs.

Because she cared too much about Ye Mohan's legs and would only put pressure on him.

But Ye Mohan never revealed to her about his legs, it only made Ye Qingxue feel that his legs were not healed!
Thinking about it, Ye Qingxue felt a little irritable, and crawled on the balcony, resting her chin on one hand, and resting on the guardrail with the other, she tapped her fingers one after another.

At this time, Ye Qingxue's cell phone rang.

Seeing the word 'husband' displayed on the phone, the haze in Ye Qingxue's heart flew away.

Ye Qingxue had a good-looking smile on the corner of her mouth, and called softly, "Husband."

Ye Mohan's thin lips curled up: "I'm going back today, the plane is at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Ye Qingxue's eyes lit up, and a sense of joy welled up in her heart like an ice-breaking spring, "Are you coming back today? Great, then I'll pick you up at the airport."

After a while, Ye Qingxue couldn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone, so she frowned unconsciously.

Just about to ask, Ye Mohan said, "The leg is not healed."

The smile on Ye Qingxue's face froze for a moment, and her mood became slightly heavy.

But this heaviness disappeared like smoke, and did not surround her all the time.

Ye Qingxue smiled brightly and innocently again, "It's okay husband, we will exercise and recover slowly when we come back. Xiao Feng also said that your legs will always recover one day."

Ye Mohan asked: "Are you still in the hospital?"

"No, grandpa just got out of the hospital today, and I'm at Leng's house now."

"Is grandpa fully recovered?"

Ye Qingxue smiled sweetly, "Yes, almost recovered."

Ye Mohan said softly: "Since we are discharged from the hospital, let's go back to City A directly!"

Ye Qingxue pursed her lips, paused for a few seconds, and then slowly parted her thin lips: "Husband, I want to stay at Leng's house for a few days before going home. Grandpa has just been discharged from the hospital and he is reluctant to part with me. I want to spend more time with him. "

Ye Mohan: "We often go to Ningxiang City to meet your grandfather."

Ye Qingxue thought of something and smiled, "Husband, we will take wedding photos when you come back!"

Ye Mohan hooked his lips, "Okay."

Ye Qingxue's tone carried a hint of a little girl's coquettishness, "Husband, I plan to get married at Leng's house, and you will come to Ningxiang City to pick me up when the time comes!"

Ye Mohan didn't hesitate, "OK!"

(End of this chapter)

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