You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 815 The Scar on Ye Mohan's Leg

Chapter 815 The Scar on Ye Mohan's Leg
Ye Qingxue frowned because she didn't understand.

Mo Weiwei had just finished seeing her, so why did she come to Leng's house to look for her again?
Maybe something is wrong!
Ye Qingxue didn't think much, and directly sent Mo Weiwei the detailed address of Leng's family.

Then Ye Qingxue put away her mobile phone and said to Leng Ye: "Let's wait at the airport! I can't sit here."

Leng Yeyan nodded slightly, "Okay."


After waiting at the airport for a few minutes, a plane landed slowly.

Ye Qingxue raised her wrist to look at the time on the watch, it was about the same time as Ye Mohan said, it must be this plane.

The plane landed steadily, and as soon as the hatch was opened, many people were seen descending densely, like waves in the sea.

Ye Qingxue frowned until there were fewer people, only one or two got off the plane, and Ye Qingxue frowned before seeing Ye Mohan's shadow.

Didn't you say it's about three o'clock, it's already three o'clock, why haven't you seen Ye Mohan yet?

Just as Ye Qingxue was in a daze, she heard the little guy call out sweetly, "Daddy."

Ye Qingxue looked up suddenly, and saw Ye Mohan wearing a black windbreaker sitting in a wheelchair, standing on both sides were Xiao Feng and Han Yu.

Ye Qingxue happily led the little guy and trot over, hugged Ye Mohan and lay on his shoulder, softly calling, "Husband."

Ye Mohan hugged Ye Qingxue and curled his lips, "Did you bring the little guy here?"

Ye Qingxue let go of Ye Mohan, and just as he was about to answer, the little guy replied with a smile: "It's uncle and grandpa!"

Ye Mohan's deep gaze slowly looked into the distance, and as expected he was standing with Leng Yeyan, Ye Mohan's face turned dark instantly.

Ye Qingxue didn't feel anything, and said softly to Ye Mohan: "Honey, let's go home!"

Ye Mohan looked at Ye Qingxue, his face returned to the gentleness before, "Mm, good."


Xiao Feng said: "I won't go in with you guys anymore. I've been with Ye Mohan in England for more than half a month, and I'm exhausted. Now I'll go back and have a good rest."

Han Yu also said: "President, Miss Ye, I should go too."

Ye Mohan cast a sidelong glance at Han Yu, and said displeasedly, "You should change your mind."

Han Yu: "..."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

"You are all here, go to Leng's house for dinner, and leave tomorrow morning!" Ye Qingxue said to Xiao Feng and Han Yu.

The two of them took care of Ye Mohan in England for half a month, and they left just like that when they came back, Ye Qingxue felt very sorry.

Han Yu respectfully said, "No need, Mrs. Ye."

"Little girl, no need." After Xiao Feng said quietly, he thought of something and took out an ointment from his pocket, "By the way, this is the ointment for scars on Mo Han's legs, apply it twice a day."

Ye Qingxue frowned and took the red packaged ointment, raised her eyes and asked Xiao Feng, "Didn't the leg not heal? Why is there still a scar?"

Xiao Feng covered his mouth and coughed lightly, then raised his eyes and said to Ye Qingxue: "If the leg is not cured, surgery will be necessary."

Ye Qingxue turned to look at Ye Mohan, and was about to lift Ye Mohan's trouser legs when she took it down, "Let me see."

Ye Mohan held Ye Qingxue's wrist, and said softly, "We'll see when we go home."

Ye Qingxue looked around and saw that they were all people passing by, so she didn't insist on looking at the scar on Ye Mohan's leg, but felt heavy in her heart.

Han Yu pushed Ye Mohan into the blue Maserati driven by Leng Yeyan, and left.

 PS: ask for tickets
(End of this chapter)

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