You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 816 Pressing on Leng Yeyan

Chapter 816 Pressing on Leng Yeyan
So, the president of Tangtang Yeyan Group acted as the driver, driving Ye Qingxue, Ye Mohan and the little guy.

Ye Mohan leaned on the back of the chair, turned sideways and played with Ye Qingxue's silky hair, "How is living here?"

"Very good." Ye Qingxue raised her eyes and smiled at Ye Mohan.

Thinking of something, she wanted to lean over to lift Ye Mohan's trouser legs, and said with a worried look: "There is no one now, let me see the scar on your leg."

"There are outsiders here, let's go home and watch!" Ye Mohan squinted at Leng Yeyan, with a faint smile on his lips, as if provocative.

Leng Yeyan's face darkened, his thin lips were stretched into a straight line, and his hands gripped the steering wheel tightly.

Where are the outsiders?
Ye Qingxue didn't know, so she looked at Ye Mohan and followed Ye Mohan's gaze to know who the outsider Ye Mohan was talking about.

Ye Qingxue is angry, this stingy man!

The previous grievances are still in my heart, and she actually said that her uncle is an outsider!
So I gave Ye Mohan a lot of face and didn't get angry with him here.

"Okay." Ye Qingxue smiled at Ye Mohan, behind the smile was a gnashing soul.

Seeing Ye Qingxue's smile, Ye Mohan froze, feeling a creepy feeling all over his body.


When they arrived at Leng's house, Ye Qingxue was still angry, and had the urge to leave Ye Mohan alone and let him 'fend for himself' in the car!
But there is no way, let's get angry, go upstairs and deal with him.

Thinking that Ye Mohan's leg was not healed and had an operation, leaving a scar on his leg. If he pulled the wound and opened it, it would be very difficult for his leg to walk normally in the future.

Leng Yeyan really wanted to stand by and watch.

But thinking of Ye Qingxue being pregnant with a child and struggling to help Ye Mohan out of the car, he couldn't bear it.

Leng Yeyan was about to go forward to help Ye Mohan, when he saw two servants in the garden pruning flower branches, so he stopped in his tracks.

Waving to the servant of Leng's family, he said lightly: "You help the eldest lady to help this man down."

Ye Mohan's face darkened, and he said coldly, "No need!"

Leng Yeyan came over and gently pushed Ye Qingxue away, then supported Ye Mohan himself, and said coldly: "I am for Xiaoxue, she is pregnant, how can she bear your weight, otherwise you think I want to take care of you?" you?"

"It's a lot of nosy business." Ye Mohan gave Leng Yeyan a disgusted look.

The little girl is pregnant with the child, will he not know, will he put all his weight on the little girl?

Ye Mohan didn't put his own weight on Ye Qingxue's body, since Leng Yeyan came to help him, it's hard for him to push him away.

Ye Mohan raised his eyebrows, and put all his weight on Leng Yeyan.

"..." Leng Yeyan felt the sudden weight, and his face turned dark.

Ye Qingxue and the little guy at the side: "..."


"Grandpa." Ye Qingxue pushed Ye Mohan into the living room, and called out sweetly when she saw Leng Haiyu.

"Grandpa." Ye Mohan pursed his lips and called out.

Leng Haiyu responded with a smile, and said to Ye Mohan: "Mohan regards this as his own home, don't be too polite, let Yeyan take care of anything you need."

Leng Yeyan: "..."

Ye Mohan curled his lips, smiled at Leng Haiyu, "Okay."

Ye Qingxue smiled softly at Leng Haiyu: "Grandpa, we will go up first, and we will come down to accompany you later."

Leng Haiyu understood their feeling of being newlywed, smiled and waved, "Go up!"

"..." When Ye Qingxue saw Grandpa's appearance, she knew she had misunderstood.

(End of this chapter)

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