You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 817 Scars are Shocking and Shocking

Chapter 817 Scars are Shocking and Shocking

Leng Haiyu turned his eyes to Leng Ye and said, "Yeyan, you help Mo Han upstairs, and I'll let someone carry the wheelchair upstairs."

Leng Yeyan: "..."

Leng Yeyan reluctantly supported Ye Mohan upstairs, and Ye Qingxue followed behind.

Leng Yeyan sent Ye Mohan to the room and left.

After entering the room, Ye Qingxue reprimanded Ye Mohan: "Ye Mohan, Leng Yeyan is my uncle, not an outsider, so you can't respect him!? Be more polite!?
Chen Zhima, you keep all the rotten millet in mind, when did you stop being so stingy? "

The servant brought the wheelchair up, seeing that the form was wrong, and left in a hurry.

The more Ye Qingxue thought about it, the angrier she became, and she said what she saw, even the wheelchair Ye Mohan used to sit in felt uncomfortable.

Pointing to Ye Mohan and then to the wheelchair, "Also, look at you, if you hurt one leg but not two, why do you have to sit in this wheelchair? If you are capable, you can sit in a wheelchair even if you go up and down stairs." Let someone help you?"

After Ye Qingxue scolded Ye Mohan, she put her hands on her waist and panted for breath.

Seeing Ye Mohan staring at her with fiery eyes without saying a word of regret, Ye Qingxue became even more angry.

She said so much here, but he didn't even say a word.

Just when he was about to reprimand him, Ye Mohan slowly opened his thin lips and said two words, "Leg hurts."

These two words immediately changed Ye Qingxue's face, and the angry face immediately turned into worry.

Originally, I went upstairs to see the scar on Ye Mohan's leg, but Ye Mohan got too angry.

"Sit down, let me take a look at your legs." Ye Qingxue glared at Ye Mohan, and said angrily.

Immediately after that, he nervously and carefully lifted Ye Mohan's trouser legs.

Seeing Ye Qingxue's nervous look, Ye Mohan curled his lips, this time he didn't stop Ye Qingxue from touching his trouser legs.

Sure enough, Ye Mohan had a scar of about [-] centimeters on the inside of the knee of his right leg.

The scars are shocking and shocking.

Ye Qingxue's heart trembled fiercely, and a layer of mist soon filled her eyes.

Ye Mohan asked softly, "Why are you still crying?"

Ye Qingxue pouted, "If I knew it earlier, I would have let you go. The leg was not healed, and there is still such a long scar."

Ye Mohan coaxed: "I've been shot before, let alone this insignificant little scar?"

Ye Qingxue felt terrified when she thought of the shot that was shot at Ye Mohan in France, she raised her eyes and stared at Ye Mohan, "You still feel very proud, don't you?"

"Not proud." Ye Mohan said flatteringly.

Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan a white look, lowered her eyes and looked at Ye Mohan's leg with distress, her fingers trembling slightly caressed the shocking scar.

Ye Mohan pulled Ye Qingxue into his arms, and said softly, "Isn't there Xiao Feng's medicine for removing scars? That medicine is very effective, and the scars will fade away after two or three months of application."

Ye Qingxue's eyes still stayed on that scar, and she asked in a slightly heavy tone: "Really?"

Ye Mohan kissed Ye Qingxue's earlobe ambiguously, "What did you lie to you for?"

Ye Qingxue trembled all over, when she raised her head to look at Ye Mohan, her red lips were firmly blocked by Ye Mohan.

In the next second, the tip of Ye Mohan's slightly cold tongue penetrated deep into the back of Ye Qingxue's teeth, and there was burning affection in his eyes.

The sudden kiss caught Ye Qingxue off guard like a storm, and Xiangjin rubbed her tongue between her entangled tongues.

Her mind was blank, she just obediently obeyed, letting Ye Mohan explore and suck.

 PS: ask for tickets
(End of this chapter)

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