You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 885 I am Little Fairy

Chapter 885 I am Little Fairy (3)

Si Junchi's voice was a little hoarse, rolled his throat, and continued: "So I plan to wait for Xiao Xian'er's body to fully recover, and send Xiao Xian'er back..."

Having said that, Si Junchi looked at Ye Qingxue, "But I didn't expect Xueer to leave."

When Jiang Ning's people stole the two children, Xiao Nuoyu was handed over to the Dihei organization, and Xiao Xian'er was handed over to her.

It took a lot of effort for Ye Mohan's people to snatch Xiao Nuoyu back from the Dihei organization.

Jiang Ning was stopped by Si Junyu's men while walking on the road, and Xiao Xian'er was snatched back from Jiang Ning.

Si Junzhen was outnumbered and rescued Xiao Xian'er, so Jiang Ning and others ran away.

Jiang Ning didn't have any handles, but she still had Xiao Xian'er's golden lock, so she bought a simulated baby model to pretend to be Xiao Xian'er.

Everyone was startled when they heard this.

Ye Qingxue didn't know what kind of feelings she had for this commander, but she felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy
In short, she was very grateful to him for saving Xiao Xian'er and raising Xiao Xian'er so much.

"That's why you didn't exchange Xiao Xian'er back, did you?" Ye Mohan asked back with gritted teeth, his face darkened.

He was very grateful to Si Junchi for saving Xiaoxian'er.

But he already knew that Xiao Tuanzi was a child of their Ye family three years ago, but he still hasn't sent it back.

Not only did they all have Xiao Xian'er dead, but he also suffered from three years of lovesickness for the little girl.

If he had sent Xiao Xian'er back earlier, the little girl would definitely come back sooner when she heard the news that Xiao Xian'er was still alive.

Si Junchi raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Mohan, "You have hurt Xue'er deeply, so naturally I don't want to return Xiao Xian'er to you."

Ye Mohan clenched his fists, and looked at Si Junchi with piercing eyes, "Xiao Xian'er is a child of my Ye family!"

"Ye Mohan!" Ye Qingxue frowned coldly.

She also didn't know why the Chief Si didn't return Xiao Xian'er back then.

But now Xiao Xian'er has come back, and the Chief Secretary has told Xiao Xian'er's name since she was a child, and told Xiao Xian'er that she is Ye Qingxue's daughter.

They should be happy, grateful.

Instead of worrying about the past.

"Xue'er, were you pregnant with twins?" Leng Haiyu asked.

When Ye Qingxue saw the little girl in her arms, she couldn't hide a smile on her face, "Well, but during the full moon feast, the two of them were retaliated by their enemies and took them both away.

I saw Xiao Xian'er thrown off the cliff with my own eyes, so I always thought that Xiao Xian'er had left. "

Leng Haiyu nodded with a slight smile, and looked fondly at the little girl in Ye Qingxue's arms, "I see, it's good to be back now."

Mrs. Ye took a look at Si Junyu, her face was a little dignified, and she turned to look at Ye Qingxue, "Xue'er, grandma has one more thing to tell you."

Ye Qingxue asked: "Grandma, what's the matter?"

Gu Lanbing held Mrs. Ye's hand, "Mom, tell me, we can't keep Xue'er a secret."

"Actually...the Chief Secretary next to you is your biological father." Mrs. Ye stammered.

"What?" Ye Qingxue opened her eyes wide in shock and turned to look at Si Junqi.

Leng Haiyu, Leng Yeyan and the others also showed shocked expressions.

Du Xiaofei asked Du Tingxiao in a low voice, "Brother, isn't Chief Si a colleague of you? How did you become Xiaoxue's father?"

Du Tingxiao squinted at Du Xiaofei, "How do I know?"

Du Xiaofei: "..."

Gu Zhen was shocked, "Mom, we always thought that my sister was born by my aunt.

If my sister hadn't been pregnant with my brother's child back then, we still wouldn't know that my sister was not born to my aunt, and now my sister has not only found her grandfather, but also her father..."

Gu Lanxin reprimanded coldly in a low voice, "Stop talking"

Gu Zhen: "..."

Mrs. Ye continued: "He is your father, Si Nian!"

"Father...?" Ye Qingxue looked at Si Junchi in surprise, and couldn't help but murmured.

Turning to look at Mrs. Ye, "Grandma, didn't you say that my father has..."

(End of this chapter)

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