You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 886 I am Little Fairy

Chapter 886 I am Little Fairy (4)

Gu Lanbing told the truth with complicated emotions, with a bit of regret on his face, "We originally thought that Si Nian was dead.

But at Ting Xiao and Mu Qing's wedding, we saw Si Nian, and later we were afraid that you would leave us, so we never told you..."

"Father, are you... are you really my father?" Ye Qingxue looked at Si Junchi in disbelief with tears in her pretty eyes.

"I also went to see your mother on the Ching Ming Festival three years ago. After hearing your conversation, I realized that you are the child of me and Lan'er." Si Junyu's deep eyes, like a pool, showed a sensational heat that had not been seen for a long time. .

His usual cold face revealed a lot of emotion.

Tomb-sweeping Day three years ago...

Ye Qingxue remembered that she went to see her grandfather and mother that day.

It turned out that at that time, Dad already knew his life experience.

"Father." Ye Qingxue hugged Si Junzhen, her beautiful face was completely wet with tears.

Her little fairy is not dead, nor is her father...

One or two big news made her so excited that she couldn't express it in words.

The man in front of her was her father, her biological father.

The people around were completely overwhelmed by the current atmosphere, with tears in their eyes.

Leng Haiyu wiped the corners of his eyes.

He never thought that he would still see his daughter's husband in his lifetime.

Never thought that his daughter's husband turned out to be such an excellent man.

Si Junzhen's body was slightly tensed by Ye Qingxue's hug, tears welled up in his deep eyes.

A slightly uncomfortable and stiff hand patted Ye Qingxue's back lightly, and her thin lips parted slightly and said with concern, "You are pregnant with a child now, so it is not easy to be too emotional."

"Dad, you know I'm your daughter, why don't you come and recognize me!"

Ye Qingxue hugged Si Junzhen, tears wet Si Junzhen's shoulders, she couldn't control her emotions at all.

Si Junchi pursed his thin lips, his voice a little hoarse, "As long as you live a happy life, I will be satisfied."

Ye Mohan was worried that Ye Qingxue would be too emotional, so he hugged Ye Qingxue from Si Junqi's arms.

Ye Qingxue wiped away her tears, looked at Mrs. Ye, and asked sobbingly: "Grandma, parents, you all already know that my father is still alive, why didn't you tell me, and kept it from me."

Mrs. Ye said: "We are afraid that you will leave us. Back then you and Mo Han were having a lot of trouble, and you didn't want to be with Mo Han. We were afraid that you would go to Si Nian."

Ye Mohan looked at Si Junyu, "Since you knew about it three years ago, why didn't you send Xiaoxian'er back early?"

Si Junyu said coldly: "What happened three years ago was enough to make my daughter heartbroken, before I'm not sure whether my daughter is willing to be with you, I will not return Xiao Xian'er!

If my daughter wasn't with you, I would return Xiao Xian'er to Xue'er, but not to you! "

The little girl nodded thoughtfully, and said softly: "So grandpa let me recognize my mother since I was a child, and didn't teach me how to recognize my father. I asked grandpa, and grandpa told me."

"You..." Ye Mo was angry, staring at Si Junyu with a dark fire in his deep eyes.

Taking his daughter away, he didn't even teach his daughter to recognize him as a father.

Ye Qingxue stared at Ye Mohan, only then realized that she was hugged by Ye Mohan.

Pushing Ye Mohan away, reprimanded him, "What are you! He is my father, show me some respect!"

(End of this chapter)

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