You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 889 Ye Mohan, You Scum!

Chapter 889 Ye Mohan, You Scum! (1)

The corner of Ye Qingxue's mouth twitched, black lines all over her head.

She just wants to stay with her father for a few days, and it's not like she won't be back.

As for everyone so excited?

Si Junchi opened his thin lips lightly: "Okay."

Ye Qingxue's pretty eyes lit up, "Dad, did you agree to stay here, or did you agree to take me away together?"

Si Junchi: "I promise to stay here."

Ye Qingxue hugged Si Junchi excitedly, with a joyful smile on her face.

She really didn't think that her biological father was still in this world.

Not only handsome, but also so young!
And also helped her raise Xiao Xianer.

Afterwards, Ye Qingxue said to Leng Haiyu and Leng Ye again with crooked eyebrows, "Grandpa, uncle, you will also stay here for a few days!"

Leng Haiyu sneered, "We won't stop."

Ye Qingxue came over, her soft voice was full of girlish coquettishness, "Grandpa, I just met you as a grandfather, don't you still want to stay with me forever?
It just so happens that you are so close to my father here, he is your daughter's husband. "

Mrs. Ye said: "Let's all stay here. Our house has a lot of rooms, and we can all live in them. I'll ask someone to arrange them now."

Leng Haiyu was silent for a few seconds.

Seeing that Ye Qingxue insisted on keeping him, with an expression of 'he won't let him go', she finally nodded, "Okay."

Leng Yeyan glanced at Leng Haiyu, and said calmly, "I'll pick you up in a few days."

Ye Qingxue stared at the sky speechlessly.

Why is it so difficult for one or two to persuade them to live here?
Ye Qingxue directly threatened Leng Yeyan, "Leng Yeyan, if you leave, don't even think about taking my grandfather home!"

Leng Yeyan: "..."

Seeing that Leng Yeyan stopped talking, Ye Qingxue raised her eyebrows proudly.

The little guy tugged at Ye Qingxue's hand, stared at Si Junqi with big round eyes, and asked childishly, "Mom, this is Nuoyu's grandfather, right?"

After listening to this for so long, the little guy has already almost understood the whole thing.

He always thought that Mommy was born by his grandparents, and that Lao Mo was picked up by his grandparents.

But I didn't expect Mommy to have a father.

Ye Qingxue just remembered that she forgot to introduce her father to the little guy.

Leaning over to the little guy, he said softly, "Baby, this is Mommy's father, that is, your grandfather! But your sister is called Grandpa, so you should call me Grandpa too!"

"Grandpa." The little guy yelled obediently with his eyebrows curved.

"Let grandpa hug me." Si Junchi pursed his lips and picked up the little guy.

The little guy was held in Si Junzhen's arms, and he turned to Ye Mohan and said, "Dad, it turns out that you weren't picked up by your grandparents from the trash can."

"..." Ye Mohan's face darkened.

It's all his seed, why doesn't this little thing speak well for him by the little girl like Xiao Xian'er.

On the contrary, she repeatedly pissed him off!

Ye Qingxue glared at Ye Mohan, and said angrily, "Your father was picked up from the trash can by your grandparents."

Ye Mohan: "..."

The little guy felt sorry for Ye Mohan silently for a second.

"Little Xian'er, come here, come to Dad." Ye Mohan looked at Xiao Xian'er, with a nice smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Xian'er came over and called Ye Mohan sweetly: "Father."

Ye Mohan held Xiao Xian'er in his arms.

Looking at my daughter who used to stay in the incubator with the little one.

The heart is full of sweet happiness.

He also never thought that there would be such a day, and he would really meet Xiao Xian'er.

(End of this chapter)

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