You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 890 Ye Mohan, You Scum!

Chapter 890 Ye Mohan, You Scum! (2)

"The wedding is over before it's over. Let's take advantage of the large number of people and discuss the rescheduling of the wedding!" Gu Lanbing said.

Ye Mohan pursed his lips, and stared at Ye Qingxue with bright star-like eyes.

Having said so much, I finally got to the point.

"There's no need to discuss it, I won't marry!" Ye Qingxue was resolute.

Thinking of Ye Mohan cheating her all the time, Ye Qingxue became angry

It's like playing her like a fool!

She has always believed in his words. Is he using this to deceive her all the time?
No matter what you say this time, you can't forgive this scumbag Ye Mohan!
"Xue'er..." Ye Mohan panicked a little.

Ye Qingxue ignored Ye Mohan, and waved at Xiao Xian'er, "Xiao Xian'er, Xiao Nuoyu, mom will take you to play in the back garden."

"Father..." Xiao Xian'er looked at Ye Mohan.

Ye Mohan had no choice but to let Xiao Xian'er go.

Xiao Xian'er got down from Ye Mohan's arms, and happily ran to Ye Qingxue to hold her hand.

So, one big and two small just disappeared from everyone's sight.

Gu Lanbing couldn't help but reprimanded, "What are you looking at! It's not all your fault, your leg is healed, but it took a while to put it on, it's really difficult for you, walking with a limp all day long."

Ye Mohan: "..."

Ye Yitian: "Mo Han, you have gone too far this time. The little guy told us that your leg is healed. We will help you hide it, thinking that you have your own ideas, but I didn't expect this idea to be to expose your legs at the wedding. All right."

Ye Mohan: "..."

Leng Yeyan sneered: "At that time, he only thought of giving the little girl a surprise at the wedding, but he didn't think of the consequences of cheating the little girl."

Gu Zhen: "Brother, the main reason is that you have lied to my sister once or twice, no wonder my sister.

Didn't you just pretend to be lame last time to get my sister to agree to be with you?
My sister is going to marry you this time, and you are still pretending to be lame, didn't you ask for it? "

Seeing Ye Mohan's sharp eyes, Gu Zhen shrank his neck, "Take the last sentence as if I didn't say it."

Mrs. Ye: "Mo Han, Xue'er's belly is getting bigger day by day. If you can't coax her well now, then you can only hold it after Xue'er has given birth."

Ye Mohan stood up and left the living room directly.


at the same time.

There is a green lawn in the back garden.

Next to it is a manor, full of flowers, with the fragrance of flowers floating in the wind.

One big and two small sit on the swing in the back garden.

"I wanted to see my mother that time. Grandpa asked me to do that on purpose, and then let Uncle Yan take me away." Xiaoxian'er's soft voice was as beautiful as spring water.

Ye Qingxue smiled, "You knew I was your mother a long time ago, didn't you?"

Si Ning'er is Xiao Xian'er.

Xiao Xian'er bumped into her on purpose, just to see her.

It's just that her father protected Xiao Xian'er so well that even Ye Mohan couldn't find out through his investigation.

"Grandpa has a picture of my mother. I have taught Xiao Xian'er to recognize her since I was a child." Xiao Xian'er smiled, her beautiful eyes bent into crescent shapes.

The little guy tilted his head and asked, "Why didn't Grandpa teach you to recognize Dad?"

Xiao Xian'er shook her head, "I don't know, it was Xiao Xian'er who asked, and Grandpa told Xiao Xian'er that the handsome uncle next to Mom is Dad."

From the corner of the corner of the little guy's eyes, he saw a familiar figure, and smiled slyly, "Then do you like Dad?"

Xiao Xian'er raised her small face and looked at Ye Qingxue, "I like it, but Xiao Xian'er likes mom more."

(End of this chapter)

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