You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 900 You Are More Alluring than the Stars!

Chapter 900 You Are More Alluring than the Stars! (6)

Ye Mohan said quietly: "It's a pity that you can't wear a wedding dress now."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

Ye Mohan: "At the beginning I advised you to hold the wedding early, but you chose to go against my will."

Ye Qingxue gave Ye Mohan a white look, "Is there anything I should envy? Our wedding is halfway through, and there is only one ring left."

"I put the ring in the safe, you want me to bring it to you." Ye Mohan held Ye Qingxue's white hands.

Ye Qingxue flatly refused, "No."

Ye Mohan: "Huh?"

"When we make up the wedding ceremony, I want you to wear it on my arm yourself.

I still have the platinum ring you gave me at the press conference, you can wear it first. "Ye Qingxue smiled at Ye Mohan, and swung her right hand in front of Ye Mohan.

"Isn't that wronging you?" Ye Mohan felt distressed.

"If you give me a diamond ring, how pointless is that? I still hope that you will wear it for me at the wedding."

"Why don't we choose a date this month to hold a make-up wedding?" Ye Mohan looked at Ye Qingxue.

He still wanted to hold the wedding earlier in his heart.

Ye Qingxue didn't answer, but stared at Ye Mohan with piercing eyes and reminded, "Your birthday is less than ten days away."

Just when Du Xiaofei told her about the wedding, she looked at the calendar.

It will be Ye Mohan's birthday soon.

Ever since she could remember when she was a child, Ye Mohan had never celebrated a birthday.

So this year, she planned to celebrate Ye Mohan's birthday.

Ye Mohan: "..."

He almost never remembers his birthday.

Even if I think about it occasionally, I just treat that day as an ordinary day.

"If you want to make it up now, let's make it up on your birthday, shall we?"

On that day, she could hold a birthday party for Ye Mohan.

Ye Mohan pursed his lips, "Of course."


After Du Xiaofei and Lu Jingxu's wedding was over, it was time for the banquet.

Lu Jingxu was busy greeting other guests, but Du Xiaofei came directly to the table of her brother Du Tingxiao and Ye Mohan.

Du Xiaofei was dressed in a fiery red toast suit, with high curly hair, like a beauty walking out of a painting.

Du Tingxiao cast a sideways glance at his sister, and parted his thin lips lightly: "I said you are not busy greeting guests, what are you doing here?"

It has to be said that his sister looks a lot like their mother.

just character...

Du Xiaofei replied naturally, "Can't I greet you? Huh?"

Du Tingxiao: "..."

Du Xiaofei didn't see the three little guys, so he asked, "Where are the three little guys?"

"I ran out to play, I'll call over." Tang Muqing was worried, and stood up to look for the three little guys.

"Don't worry, with my precious son, nothing will happen, they won't go too far." Ye Qingxue reassured.

Her baby knows very well and won't run around, otherwise she wouldn't sit here with peace of mind.

Tang Muqing worried, "I'm afraid that Little Strawberry will run around, and I won't even be able to watch Xiao Nuoyu."

Ye Qingxue: "Little Strawberry listens to the little guy very much, and absolutely obeys!"

Tang Muqing: "..."

She couldn't deny this.

Little Strawberry listened to what the little guy said, and it was almost as good as her mother.

Sometimes Little Strawberry doesn't listen to what she says, but she will definitely listen to what the little guy says.

Du Tingxiao looked at Ye Mohan and said with a smile, "Ye Mohan, my daughter seems to like your son very much, do you want to consider becoming an in-law?"

Ye Mohan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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