You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 901 You Are More Alluring than the Stars!

Chapter 901 You Are More Alluring than the Stars! (7)

Du Tingxiao looked at Ye Mohan and said with a smile, "Ye Mohan, my daughter seems to like your son very much, do you want to consider becoming an in-law?"

Ye Mohan: "..."

Du Tingxiao looked at Ye Qingxue, "Little girl, what do you think?"

Ye Qingxue nodded, smiling slyly, "Of course, I treat Little Strawberry as my daughter, and Little Strawberry spends more time with me than you!"

Du Tingxiao: "..."

Du Xiaofei rested her chin in her hand, "Then do I want to make an appointment for Ding Ding as well?"

Ye Qingxue directly refused, "My little Xian'er doesn't accept anyone younger than her."

Du Xiaofei: "Don't you have two more in your stomach?"

Ye Qingxue: "..."

"I have something to tell you, this month NO.18 we plan to hold a make-up wedding." Ye Mohan said.

Xiao Feng looked at Ye Mohan, "Isn't NO.18 your birthday?"

Ye Mohan: "Yes, we will hold it on that day."

Du Tingxiao teased, "Let's talk about it first, we won't pay any more."

Ye Mohan cast a sideways glance at Du Tingxiao: "No need."

Du Tingxiao: "..."

Such a boring man, I really don't know how the little girl fell in love with this man!

"Little girl, this man is so boring, don't you plan to change her husband?" Du Tingxiao teased with a smile, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"I want to change it! But I can't find one better than him in all the world, what can I do!?" Ye Qingxue said naturally.

"..." Du Tingxiao's eyes twitched.

This girl is really the poison of Zhongye Mohan.

Leaving from the banquet, they returned to Muyun.

After putting the two children to sleep, Ye Qingxue returned to her and Ye Mohan's room.

Ye Mohan leaned against the bed, the light shone on his handsome face.

The whole person exudes the innate, noble, aloof and royal aura that is uniquely endowed by nature.

It's such an excellent man, she never thought that there would be such a day when she and Ye Mohan would really be together.

Ye Qingxue walked towards Ye Mohan and hugged his thin waist, "Husband, I love you."

Seeing Du Xiaofei's wedding today, I felt a lot of emotions for some reason.

What's even more fortunate is that she and Ye Mohan are not siblings!

Seeing Ye Qingxue, Ye Mohan softened his cold outline, and said with a light smile, "What's wrong? Why did you say this to me suddenly?"

Ye Qingxue sighed, "I just think that the luckiest thing in my life is to meet you."

Ye Mohan hugged Ye Qingxue in his arms, "You are my Ye Mohan's woman, this is destined!"

"Let's make up the wedding, this time I want to marry from the Si family." Ye Qingxue looked up at Ye Mohan.


Ye Mohan whispered next to Ye Qingxue's ear: "No matter where you are married from, I will take you to my side, and then we will become one for the rest of our lives."

A lifetime... two in one?

Ye Qingxue's cheeks blushed, and she gave Ye Mohan a white look, "It's not serious."

Ye Mohan hugged Ye Qingxue on the big bed, and then covered Ye Qingxue's red lips.

The kiss was long and delicate.

Ye Mohan's big hand slowly reached into Ye Qingxue's pajamas, and gently lifted the ribbon on her body.

A blush appeared on Ye Qingxue's cheeks, and she lowered her hands on Ye Mohan's chest, "No, I'm pregnant with a child. If I do this kind of thing too much, it's not good for the child."

This man doesn't know restraint at all!
She is still pregnant with her child, and she will not let her go every night.

Ye Mohan: "The two little guys are very stable in your belly."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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