Life and Death in Tibet: The Dream of Chenye Chen

Chapter 7 Retreating Lu Lang and Counterattack

Chapter 7 Retreating Lu Lang and Counterattack
Since Luo Changqi arrived in Lulang, the training of the whole army began to pay more attention to shooting. Almost every day, he took the commanders of the companies and battalions to the suburbs for shooting competitions.In addition, Zhou Chunlin and Zhang Pengjiu from Sichuan and Fang Zhongru from Hubei were used again.Zhou Chunlin entered Tibet with the army and served as the platoon leader.Zhang Pengjiu went to Tibet with the transportation team and served as the secretary. He was a figure that many people dismissed.In less than a month, Zhou Chunlin was promoted to the position of the preparatory battalion management belt; Fang and Zhang were respectively promoted to become rehabilitation committee members, and they followed Master Luo all day long, and Master Luo also regarded them very highly.Later, the bandits in Bomi were wiped out and pacified. Luo Changqi appointed Zhang Pengjiu as the director of Dongjiu, and appointed Fang Zhongru as the director of Yigong.The funniest thing is Fang Zhongru, who wrote letters to friends all over the place not long after he took office. In the letter, there were sentences such as "My brother is a martial artist who does literary affairs, and he is like a man who fills a house". laughing stock.

When the troops are on the front line, they change commanders, and there are usually some new measures. At this time, the season is close to autumn, and the weather is cold day by day.I ordered Nishihara to go back to Demo with Zhong Ying to prepare some winter clothes.Nishihara was reluctant at first, so I promised her that I would go to Demo in a few days, so she reluctantly agreed to go first.

After I returned to Lulang, the rewards that should be rewarded and those that should be punished and reviewed will never be tolerated, so the morale of all the soldiers under my command has been boosted.Bomi's army is also strictly guarding Dongjiu, and it seems that they will fight a protracted tug-of-war with us, so they stayed here for more than a month.During this period, Commander Zhao sent Peng Risheng to lead three battalions of frontier defense troops to regularly pass from Shuobanduo through the mountains of Chunduo, and directly hit the heart of Bomi.At the same time, we secretly ordered our army to immediately attack in the direction of Dongjiu.After Luo Changqi took over the order, because he had to prepare a large amount of food and grass transportation, he ordered me to lead the troops on the road first, with three Gatling guns attached, four days late.I also immediately set off as a team, but along the way I couldn't see the Bomi bandits jumping out to resist.When we arrived at the Dongjiu Bridge, there was no one on the bridge. How about searching for nearby cottages?The inhabitants have all migrated.I was very surprised, and immediately ordered my subordinates to search more carefully within a radius of tens of miles, but there was still no trace of people, so I concluded that the border army might have conquered the central part of Bomi.He immediately reported this situation to Luo Changqi and asked the troops to advance and retreat.On this day, I stopped marching and ordered the troops to mow weeds and set up tents on the plain west of the bridge to rest and wait for orders.I didn't expect that because this place has been occupied by Bomi bandits for a long time, there are many bones everywhere in the open space, and the barriers are still there.I got off my horse to pay my respects, and I can still faintly hear the cries of the army fighting desperately to kill the bandits in this wilderness and mountains.In the middle of the night, I smelled a strange smell from time to time, which made me sleepless all night. In the end, I called someone to hold a candlestick and went to the field to see. I saw a lot of broken limbs in the surrounding grass, covered with thin One layer was buried in the ground, and even under the pillow I slept on, I picked up a few broken bones.It was all because of the fierce battle for too long and the hot weather that the corpses of the dead soldiers were not collected in time, which resulted in such a terrifying scene of blood turning into green phosphorous and corpses in the wilderness.Looking at the brutal fate of these unknown victims, I can't help but feel bitterness in my heart.

In the afternoon of the next day, a large army led by Luo Changqi arrived.After inspecting the situation in this area, I moved forward without stopping and called me to the rear. Therefore, I was delayed by another day before I followed the main force and set off.After passing through Nayidanga and Balangdeng, the old positions and fortresses were re-examined, and the corpses of our soldiers that could be searched were gathered in one place for cremation.However, due to the long time and the hot weather, most of them turned into dust and sand. Only at the place where Balang climbed down the mountain, the body of Liu Duiguan was found, cremated, and taken away in a package.I thought of the tragic battle scene at that time, and I was speechless for a moment. I only silently wished that the loyalty and righteousness in the world can last forever.So the troops stopped here to rest for a long time, and ordered the soldiers to gather the wreckage as carefully as possible, bury it in a selected place, and then set off again.

Walking forward from Balangdeng, you pass the three mountains of Jingzhong, Shuzhi, and Yangga. They are all stacked with mountains, towering into the clouds, so that many mountains near and far bow down to them.The road for people to walk is a narrow road between dangerous cliffs and deep valleys, which is extremely steep.All our officers and soldiers exhausted their strength for three days before barely climbing over.Every time you go up and down a mountain, it takes a whole day of time and effort, and you can't relax on the road. Almost all the troops are climbing and landing between deep ravines and ravines all the time.The mountains near and far are also full of ancient trees that stand thousands of years old, piercing straight into the sky.The big tree is at least ten circumferences thick and more than ten feet high, covering the sky in the valley so that the sun cannot be seen at all.Occasionally, merchants from barbaric aborigines ventured to and from this narrow road, and then carried a lot of goods on their backs. They had to walk for six days to pass through the deep valley.During these six days, three days were spent on the mountain, and three days were spent at the bottom of the ravine.There are innumerable flat places on the mountain for inhabitation, so since ancient times, passers-by have leaned against the roots of big trees and dug holes to hide themselves from the wind and rain. It is five or six feet deep, and at the end of the day, a person can stand upright and lie down, which can be regarded as the good fortune of time.But no matter how big the chiseled hole is, it is still less than half of the whole tree!It's so big that I don't know what to do with them.When I passed there, I stopped and thought: Although the material of this tree is regarded as a pillar, it was born in an inappropriate place. If I can't meet people who can make use of it, I will have to spend my whole life in a poor place, discarded like waste materials. up!In life, it is not uncommon for Huai Jin to embrace Pu and not meet him!In addition, autumn is here in this mountain, the leaves fall, and the flowing mountain spring soaks for a long time, slowly turning into humus soil. The pools in the vicinity are cold and contain poisonous juice. A strange sarcoma, drooping five or six inches long.In the Bomi area, no matter the age or gender, no one is spared from this strange tumor.

The troops continued to descend the mountain, and the terrain was undulating. After walking for half a day, they arrived at a place called Tangmai.The famous Yarlung Zangbo River is in front of us. The water is turbulent, tens of meters wide, and the waves are choppy. There is only a bridge made of vines on the left and right banks, which is barely passable.Before our troops arrived, it was cut down by wild bandits.So we had to camp on the edge of the river bank.The next day, the marching speed was even faster, and everyone on the way was sweating profusely, with dry mouths and chapped lips.After stepping into the river with bare feet and washing my face with a towel, I felt bitingly cold, which was unbearable.Because Bomi is full of high mountains and steep river banks; the streams are small and cold, because these rivers are shaded in deep valleys and do not see the sun all year round!
On this day, soldiers were sent everywhere to look for people in the nearby villages, but they couldn't find anyone. They all heard the news of the war and disappeared without a trace.In the middle of the night, an aborigine appeared, who turned out to be the little leader of the village in this area.I'm offering a bounty to try and entice people to help us build the bridge.In the early morning of the next day, an old man was called out from somewhere, with two large rattan ropes on his back. We followed him to the river, and saw him walking here and there, walking up and down along the river. After calling and shouting for a long time, finally, an aborigine appeared in the jungle on the opposite bank, also with a woolen rope in his hand, so the two people took one end of the rope on both sides of the river and threw it upstream, and suddenly the two ropes intersected and became tangled in the air. Form a rope, then spread the rope bridge, and extradite the past.They found the best fixed location for the rope bridge. It turned out that there was a stone pier facing each other on both banks, more than ten feet high, and wooden pillars were buried in the central depression of the stone pier.The two tied the rope to the pillar, and the prototype of the bridge took shape.The native on the other side of the river first climbed the rope bridge and swung over. I curiously took a look at the wool rope he was using. One end of the rope was tied with a three-shuttle iron hook.He also inspected the old man's rope and found that there was also a big iron ball tied to it. Only then did he know the reason why they were throwing back and forth by the river. As long as the ends of the two ropes were intertwined in mid-air, they would become one.When crossing the bridge, people stand against the bridge pillars with their backs facing the river.A bent wood a few feet long and shaped like a half moon is tied tightly to the chest of the person crossing the river, through which the bridge rope passes.In addition, there is a thin rope, which is tied to the person's back, and this method is used to cycle to the other side of the river, and a person behind him is always pulling and guiding.Everyone who crossed the river had to fall on their backs, with their hands and feet tightly hugging the bridge rope. There was also a person on the opposite river bank holding the thin rope with his hand, and he had to pull the rope slowly with all his strength.

The bridge was barely completed, and all the officers and soldiers transitioned one after another. It took about 10 minutes for each transition.It will take at least three days for the whole battalion to cross the river.When our army first crossed the first row of soldiers, I was impatient and followed them across the river.At the beginning, I climbed to this turbulent cable bridge, and I followed the momentum and descended relatively smoothly. I just occasionally glanced at the Taotao River below me, and felt a little frightened. I couldn't believe my eyes.When we slowly got to the middle of the cable bridge, the rope bridge plummeted down more than a foot high, and the human body was only two feet away from the rolling torrent. I saw waves spraying around me, splashing on my face and staining my clothes. The millennium cold of inexplicable abyss rises steeply from the Yarlung Zangbo River, and my panicked heart seems to have fallen into an ice hole of white mist.The original mountain peaks, snow, sky, birds, rocky land, trails, and the familiar faces of the surrounding officers and soldiers are all gone, as if washed away by this torrent from hell.Relying only on some kind of survival instinct, I found that my hands, legs and feet were still trying to climb and pitch upwards for no reason.After struggling for a long time as if isolated from the world, I suddenly felt that I saw the cliff on the other side standing still in the torrent.So, when I got to the other side, I was already sweating and panting.There used to be more than 100 households on the other side, but they had already fled in the past two days.I stayed there for two days and two nights before the entire battalion of soldiers crossed the river.Since then, the road has become much smoother, and the number of mountain peaks passed by during the march has gradually decreased.All of us are walking on the right bank of the big river. There is a sandbar seven or eight miles long, and papaya trees grow all over the place, forming a dense forest.Each tree is more than ten feet high, and the trees are full of fruits and fragrant.After advancing for more than ten miles, we received an order from the division headquarters Luo Changqi, saying that there was a wild bandit rebellion in Yigong (now Yigong Township, which belongs to the central part of Bomi), and the local garrison suffered huge losses. We should lead our troops to rush there immediately. Suppress and wipe out the way for the rebels to retreat.Going forward, we met a secretary who was in a state of embarrassment. He had just escaped from Yigong, so we took him and continued forward, camping at a place called Biejia.I asked the secretary about the history of the rebellion. It turned out that the Tibetans there were inexplicably panicked when they knew that our large army had arrived in Tangmai (now Tongmai small market town).The lamas in Yigong immediately surrendered, and the local garrison left a group of soldiers stationed in their residence.Unexpectedly, the officers and soldiers coveted the property in the Lama Temple for a while, lost their minds, and began to scramble and plunder wantonly, which caused a sudden change.Local Tibetans gathered thousands of people and besieged for two days. The garrison soldiers were powerless to resist and disarmed one after another.After a scuffle, there were many casualties, and the number of garrison troops who survived was no more than forty.

The next day we set out on the road and walked fifty miles up the river.From time to time along the way, you can see Tibetan cottages, leaning on the right bank of the river.After walking for more than ten miles, suddenly a big mountain lay in front of the army. The mountain was high and the road was dangerous. The backside of the mountain was said to be the territory of the Bomi wild bandits.The guide told us: "20 years ago, this was still a small stream. Later, for some reason, the mountain on the left suddenly collapsed, and the rocks blocked the valley, so it gradually became small lakes (ponds). , and the area on the right bank was completely flattened.” Our troops walked down Haizi for a while, sometimes crossing the water on foot.Looking from a distance, there are countless smoky bonfires on the other side of Haizi, and indigenous soldiers and horses appear from time to time.There seems to be dug trenches where they landed along the coast.I had just finished deploying the cordon and so on, and the Peng Guan belt of the border guards also arrived with the well-known Risheng troops.Risheng, a native of Shiziqiao, Yongsui, Hunan Province, has been in Sichuan for more than 20 years as a soldier. He started as a cooking soldier and has been promoted and made meritorious service. He is now in the position of supervisor and leader. A famous hero!The people from the same country met in a foreign land, and the nostalgia was deeply moved. Risheng continued to confess to me that his troops are willing to fully assist our army in operations. I am also very grateful, and made an appointment with them to attack across the board at dawn the next day. Climbing the mountain from the left bank, our army crossed the sea from Yigong to attack. It was negotiated and agreed, and Risheng took his leave.Their camp was in a village about five miles downstream from Haizi.

The attack and recovery of Bomi was my first initiative. The first phase of the war was mainly due to the ineffectiveness of the neighboring troops, which led to the defeat and retreat of the troops.Today I met a bunch of clowns in Yigong again. They fought happily, but even asked the border guards to come to help me. Ah!So before dawn, I repeatedly encouraged my officers and soldiers to show a little courage and attack alone.All the officers and soldiers were also very excited, willing to do their best for this battle.The troops first collected seven civilian boats upstream, and at four o'clock in the morning, they sent two teams of troops across the mountains on the opposite bank to launch an attack.I took another two teams of soldiers, detoured four miles upstream, and smuggled them by boat.At that time the moonlight was dim, the small boat was full of people, the waves were rippling, pitching left and right, the edge of the cabin was no more than one finger high from the water.I took advantage of the night to warn my soldiers that if any soldiers from the Bomi wild bandits found out and opened fire on us, they must remain calm again and again. Moreover, all the officers and soldiers on board held their breaths and did not dare to move at all, because they were slightly injured. As soon as it shakes, the troop carrier will be destroyed and sunk immediately.Fortunately, in the dark night, the troops were still far away from the battlefield, and the boat sailed silently.When it was slowly approaching the shore, he immediately tried to hide the boat in the reeds.At the beginning, I made an appointment with another army that went over the mountain. When they got down to the mountainside, they would fire their guns. When the time came, I would respond to their attack.However, I waited on the shore for a long time, but I couldn't hear the gunshots.I was also afraid that the advance of the army's sneak attack would be noticed by the bandit enemy at dawn, so I quickly sent scouts to the front to spy.They came back and reported: "The wild bandits are sitting around the fire in a group of several people. Most of them dozed off and were unaware." For a while, thinking about the two climbing teams, they should have already been on their way down the mountain, so we immediately landed on the boat, encouraged all officers and soldiers to advance in two ways, and fired the first shot to capture the bandits' village.

Those gangsters in Bomi, when they heard the gunshots, they all ran away in fright. Once they made up their minds and wanted to fight back with their guns, most of them were routed.My other two troops, who had crossed the mountain, had already descended halfway up the mountain. They happened to encounter hundreds of bandits who had been defeated by us. At that time, the soldiers ran even more aggressively, desperate to choose a way, so they had to flee upstream along the river.Three to 400 people were killed by our joint annihilation along the way, while our troops suffered only four casualties.I decided to gather the whole battalion, take advantage of the victory and pursue, divide my men into three groups, and search along the coast.The terrain along the coast is flat, and after walking for more than ten miles, we arrived at a large forest, where there were hundreds of Bomi bandits, relying on the danger of trees to block our army's advance. The frontal battle lasted for half an hour, but we also The two detachments had already outflanked them to the left and right, and for a moment they were attacking from three sides. The bandits finally failed to resist and scattered in all directions.Our army gathered at that place, rested for about an hour, and marched forward for more than 40 miles. The road was full of plains and fine grass, and the scenery was like a creation made in heaven.Seeing that it was getting late overhead, he ordered the troops to set up tents and camp in the middle of the grassland.The officers and soldiers were so hungry that their eyes went straight, and they searched for food everywhere and came back to cook.There was a guard who somehow found a lot of red peppers behind the mountain and brought them back.Soldiers from another army searched and killed a bison in the mountains. Before they could slaughter it, they cut off a large piece of meat from the leg of the beef and brought it to me. I'm so happy, I immediately stir-fry it with chili peppers, it's really a delicious meal that I will never forget.I have been fond of eating this dish all my life. I haven’t had it for a long time since I arrived in Tibet. I almost forgot its taste. Unexpectedly, today, in such a barren place, it’s the time when the hunger is unbearable after another war. Eating this dish is even more energetic!On this day, on a whim, I let go of my stomach and didn't know how much I ate. Anyway, in the end, my stomach was bulging, and I couldn't get up from sitting on the ground.Lie down and go to sleep immediately, and it is uncomfortable, and the appearance is very funny.

In the early morning of the next day, I got up to cook at four o'clock, and set off again at five o'clock.Still going upstream along Haizi, although the terrain is ups and downs along the way, it is not enough to climb over the mountains, and there is no trace of bandits along the way.After walking for fifty miles, I arrived at a place whose name I have forgotten. There are only a dozen households, but the houses are all strange, low and narrow, and far less exquisite than what we saw in Gongbu.So they were preparing to camp. At this time, Peng Risheng led his frontier guards to arrive from behind. When they met, they congratulated our army for fighting such a beautiful battle of annihilation, and they didn't seem to be angry at all.I also knew his mood, so I slowly accompanied him for the rest of the time. After seeing a gap, I asked him to an empty house with no one there, and confessed to him why I arbitrarily unilaterally fought this battle. act first.I talked about the shame of being forced to retreat in Nayidanga last time, and talked with him about my sense of honor as a soldier, so I wanted to use this battle to sweep away the grievances of the previous battles. Compete with him and so on.After listening to my explanation, Commander Peng was quite able to understand my difficulties.So the two discussed tomorrow's battle again, and through the investigation, they found out that most of the Bomi bandits had retreated to the eighth-level fourteenth village.Not far from where we are now camping, we should try to cross the river and march to the right.This task was undertaken by my troops, and Battalion Commander Peng went forward for more than 20 miles, which is the extreme end of Haizi, and marched along the coast there. return.The discussion was over, and we were going to leave early the next morning. I exchanged a safe journey with Commander Peng. Both of us were a bit reluctant to leave, and we agreed to meet again at Chunqing Temple (Chunduo Temple) in the future, because that place was the The base camp of the border guards.

We all set off, climbing the mountain, and traveled several miles, with dense forests and rugged roads along the way.Going down the mountain, at the foot of the mountain is a fast-moving river, five or six feet wide, and the terrain on both sides is about the same height. There are rattan bridges to pass through, but there are no boats or other equipment to cross the river.Fortunately, last night, we kept an extra eye on ourselves and brought three old Tibetans with the army as guides, so we heard their introduction that we should use the saddle bent wood on the back of the camel instead of transitional tools. The old man, using the saddle board, climbed the rattan rope with a proud skill, hung his body and feet, and leaped to the other side of the river in the blink of an eye. All the soldiers who saw it were amazed. There are many rattan bridges in Bomi, and villages and villages have always used ropes as bridges. They are four or five feet high and dense like nets, allowing children to walk on them from childhood..." So Tibetan children practiced it when they were very young. , Of course, when you grow up, you will be more skilled.But for Han soldiers, it is still very difficult to cross such a rattan bridge that needs to be climbed quickly, requiring both boldness and carefulness.The central part of Bomi has high mountains and steep banks. It is said that there is another kind of bridge called Yuanyang Bridge, which is made of two rattan ropes.The second rope is fastened to the high place of the second bank, and then slowly lowered to the lower part of the A bank, forming an interesting intersection. A bamboo basket is hung on each rattan rope, so that people can sit inside, pull the rope with both hands, and slowly descend. It is also very convenient to come and go.

It took another day and night for our troops to cross the river. All the officers and soldiers of the army completed the transition. Then we marched along the river. The mountains on both sides of the river were narrowed. Sometimes we walked to the mountainside, and sometimes we walked on the banks of the cliffs and narrow paths. Very hard.After walking [-] miles to a place called Bajie, a large plain appeared in front of me, several miles in length and width, with more than a dozen households and a small Lama Temple. Several Tibetan women came to the camp to see me and said: I saw dozens of passing bandits coming home from here a few days ago.I said: "There are a lot of bandits, there should be more than this number." The Tibetan woman said: "They were all recruited from different places, not from one village to another. They heard that they had been defeated, and they all came from behind the mountains. Flee to their respective hometowns." As for me, I was also skeptical, and I still tried to investigate in various ways.They stayed there for three days, and what they heard was similar to what they said, so they led the troops back to Yigong.

When I lived on the eighth floor, I lived in a lamasery. The officers and soldiers under me were half camped or half camped, and many of them pitched tents by the river bank.Soldiers dug up large ice cubes, and the snow crystals inside were as big as a wine jar and as small as a fist. They were white and clear, like natural crystals, and no matter how big a fire was lit, they could not melt them.They dug out dozens of pieces of amber-shaped beeswax in those deep valley glaciers. The color is golden and slightly blush, and there are a large number of solidified bees and ants inside, which look lifelike.After I saw it, I couldn't help but went to the other side of the river to look for it. I dug up a lot, and I packed two big bags full of them and carried them back.The next day, an old lama came to meet with me, and told me about the detailed history and customs of Fourteen Village, saying that it is a barbaric tribe in the most remote place in the world. I asked several times about snow crystals and beeswax, and the lama said : "This place is full of cliffs, and the peaks of the mountains are covered with snow for thousands of years. It has never melted since the beginning of Pangu. What you are talking about is the crystallization of layers of ice edges after tens of millions of years. , are rare treasures!

"This thing is extremely cold in nature. When it falls on people's hands, if the eyes are swollen and painful due to heat, just rub it with it, and the swelling and pain will disappear immediately. Including skin diseases, such as scabies, are caused by blood heat. Use it Wipe it, and it will be effective immediately; beeswax, that is, large and small honeycombs. These honeycombs have accumulated honey for a long time on such a steep rock wall, and it is impossible for anyone to take it, so after thousands of years, they are agglomerated into Stone, gradually turned into beeswax. Some people here in Tibet use it to make twisted beads. The two you have now are all obtained because of the movement of the earth’s crust and the collapse of the rock wall from a high place. Bomi Here, only the eighth-level and fourteenth villages have them, and they are all unrivaled treasures!"

On the second day after we arrived in Bajie (now Bagai Township), the local lamas sent whole cows, homemade wine and tsampa as rewards for the soldiers for their long journey.So they shared them with the officers and soldiers below.That night, a calf came to the place where the battalion slaughtered the cattle, wailing tactfully, wandering around, no matter how hard you chased it away, it couldn't be driven away. The scene was really horrible.It was like this again the next day. I couldn’t help being surprised, so I asked the local lama, who said: “For any calves that have not been weaned, if people kill the cow and the blood stains are splashed on the ground, within a hundred days, the cow will die. , the calf sniffed it, and still knew it was its mother’s blood, so it kept whining and screaming, trying to wander around, and refused to go far for at least ten days!” After hearing this, I felt lost.I remember a long time ago when I was in Shanxi and Gansu, I saw many village walls with long strips of paper like advertisements posted everywhere, which said: "Advise the king not to shoot three spring birds, and the son will look forward to the mother in the nest." It can be seen that there is no distinction between things and people's hearts are the same.Although humans and beasts are very different, they also have the same Buddha nature. To achieve the extreme is like Confucian far-behind cooking, and Shi's abstinence from killing. A person who killed his parents and said that he did his job thoroughly, what would such a person think when faced with the calf above?I thought about it, and couldn't help but sigh!
From now on, I will organize the troops from the eighth level and go back.I still walked along the river all the way, not easily crossing those dangerous rattan bridges, walked more than 50 miles to the coast, and then marched along the seaside, and arrived in Yigong two days later.There are many villages along the way, and they are no longer as deserted as the other side.Before I set off, I asked the generals of the troops to go ahead, holding a proclamation, telling the residents everywhere to go home with peace of mind, and not to panic and lose their homes because of the passing of the army.Every time we go to a place, we will definitely gather the local people to comfort and persuade them in many ways, so that the Tibetan people are very happy.In the coastal area, it is often seen that there are large pieces of huge dead trees standing in the water, up to four or five feet above the water surface, and it is impossible to know the true height of these trees.The Tibetan guide who was traveling with him said: "Only 20 years ago, there were still large tracts of forests here. Then one day, the mountains fell and the ground cracked, and the high mountains became the sea, and those forests became what they are now. How many village houses are there in the sea? No one knows..."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to a certain place in the sea, saying that it was the land of a certain village in the past, and another place was a lama temple with a glorious building in the past... and the changes in the valley at that time, as he explained it, it seemed that they were all in the past. Looking at the eyes, it seems to be listening to the fairy in the sky talking about the illusion in the distant East China Sea.

When we were about to arrive at Yigong, we saw a large plain where the horse farms were surrounded by thick wooden fences into an oval shape, and dozens of herds of horses galloped among them. The Tibetan tour guide told me: "This place of Yigong produces There are a lot of fine horses, and what you see is the horse farm here." When we got closer to have a look, we saw a group of fine horses, each of which was very majestic.One of the jujube horses, with its head held high and hoofs high, galloped and galloped, and the rest of the horses seemed to be unable to catch up with it.After arriving in Yigong, I asked several local leaders, and they all said: "The horse you saw is the most famous horse in Yigong. Yigong is close to the sea, and there is a legend that a dragon in the sea came out of the water and the horse So I gave birth to such a dragon colt." Because I was very pleased with its handsome appearance, I was willing to pay a lot of money and asked them to buy it for me.Those leaders all agreed to look for it for me, and made an appointment within five days, and it would be done.I gave them three hundred yuan in Tibetan coins as a deposit for buying a horse.During that time, Luo Changqi was stationed in Katuo (now Qatar), because Bomi's bandit leader named Baima Qingweng had led his troops into the area of ​​Yeren Mountain, so Changqi sent my troops to Katuo.You want to discuss with me about further suppression of bandits.On my side, the officers and soldiers were very tired because of the continuous march.So after a day's rest, he led the troops on the road.It took two days on the road to get there.

I have been in Yigong for two days, and the local leader actually sent me the bay red horse that I had hoped for at the racecourse.And it is said that this is the most expensive horse in the Yigong area.I went out to look, and it seemed that it was not the one I saw a few days ago.Later, I invited friends from my generation who are good at showing horses to watch for a long time. They also felt the same way, saying that this horse’s mane and tail are too thick, so I’m afraid it’s not a particularly good breed, and its frame is very strong. , with a big face, I tried to ride it for a few laps, and it felt normal, so I was a little disappointed in my heart.

After our large army withdrew from Lulang, all the bandits in Bomi were mobilized and stationed in the Dongjiu area. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, the border guards took advantage of his unpreparedness and launched a surprise attack, all the way to Qingduo Temple, forming an attack on them The posture of the abdomen.So their leader, Baima Qingweng, turned pale with fright, and hurriedly dispatched an army from Dongjiu to help, but it was already too late. If the command had not asked Zhong Ying to be transferred, the fight would have been carried out earlier as planned. The unlucky Baima Qingweng has been captured by us long ago, and the military chaos in Bomi area can be expected to be put down.

After our army joined forces with the frontier guards, Baima Qingweng had already led hundreds of remnants of his men, crossed Savage Mountain, and fled to Baimagang.His very powerful son-in-law Linga.Then he retreated steadily all the way, and after three battles and three defeats, the border guards also threw away their helmets and armor and fled to Gebugou at the foot of Savage Mountain.When I arrived in Katuo, Army Commander Luo Changqi happily praised me for conquering Yigong and not relying on the help of frontier troops.Then we discussed the plan to march into Gebugou. I thought that the place was too remote and it was not easy to fight with troops, so I tried my best to persuade him to take the method of appeasement. After careful consideration, Chang Qi agreed to my plan.So we sent a platoon leader named Wang Fu and a local Tibetan official there.According to what Wang Fu came back to say later: "The road is full of cliffs and precipices. We passed seven suspension bridges made of vines before arriving at Gebugou. There are three cliffs, surrounded by rivers, and behind it is the Baimagang. Stretching mountains. The whole area is surrounded by high shores and rapids. There is no way to get through. There is only a rattan bridge hanging on the deep stream, which is barely a bridge. Moreover, Linga led more than 100 guards and lived in the Lama Temple on the mountain. , There are more than 100 gangsters guarding the rattan bridge at the foot of the mountain. Fortunately, we brought Tibetan officials to cross the bridge several times, repeatedly explained our intentions to the gangsters, and waited for a day by the bridge before allowing us to cross the bridge. "Wang Fu and others arrived at the lamasery on the mountain. Linga sat high on his throne, looking arrogant and indifferent. Wang Fu and others had no choice but to kneel and kowtow to The first few steps announced loudly: "The army came here because the people in Dongjiu area were repeatedly harassed by Gongbu bandits. The main reason is that you didn't ask and ignored them, but instead picked up troubles by mistake. Fortunately, the crusade was successful today. The Bomi area basically It is safe and sound, and the border guards will be withdrawing back to Qamdo in the next few days. Because there is no leader to control our army in the area around Bomi, we have to wait for Ling Jia to go back to appease the army as soon as possible, so that the army can retreat. The counselor specially sent us to greet you. Please lead the troops back to Bomi as soon as possible after receiving the order." After repeating the statement several times, Linga sat on it, still skeptical.Wang Fu and the others lived on the mountain for another two days, trying every means to persuade Linga to believe his words.He led all his men out to accept the surrender.When the troops of the Bomi bandits passed Renjinbang, a battalion of our soldiers stationed there came out to stop his entourage, saying that there were many frontier guards stationed in Katuo, lest there would be misunderstandings between the two sides.When they arrived in Katuo, Linga and his party were asked to live in the Lama Temple, and they prepared sumptuous food and wine to drink with them, but they secretly sent soldiers to guard the surroundings of the temple to prevent them from freely entering and leaving.The next day, I also went to see them in the lamasery. Linga looked very suspicious and panicked, and kept asking me where the counselor was?I said, "I've gone to Qamdo to visit General Zhao. I'll definitely be back tomorrow." The expression on his face gradually stabilized. Master Luo Changqi decided to take them all together because the bandit capitals recruited from all over the country had already been escorted to Katuo. Kill them all.In the early morning of the third day, Master Luo went to the execution ground set up in the suburbs, sat up majestically, and ordered Linga and other bandit leaders who had surrendered to come out, enumerate their crimes loudly one by one, and execute the Fa on the spot.Among these bandit chiefs, only Lin Ga is a majestic man, only in his twenties. Seeing Mr. Luo sitting on it, he knew that the situation was not good.Immediately, he glared and roared loudly, unwilling to be tied up and sent to death like this.In an instant, a dozen of the most powerful soldiers rushed up, held down his hand instead, and tied him tightly with thick ropes, but Linga still managed to break free and escape, and the ropes used for binding were snapped!I was on the side, quickly grabbed the big knife from the guard's hand, and cut it from behind his back. After being hit by my knife several times, I fell to the ground, and I was caught with my arms tied, waiting for the last few knives to die.

After Ling Ga and several other bandit leaders were killed, we can no longer use tricks to lure Baima Qingweng.The latter is said to have fled far into Savage Mountain, where the local troops could not enter at all.So Master Luo had no choice but to get up and go to Changdu, and sent a telegram to General Zhao Erfeng, asking for instructions on the next step.In order to capture the young man of the white horse, General Zhao offered a huge reward to councilors and Tibetan officials from all over the country to recruit anyone who has the ability to get close to this bandit leader.There happened to be a man named Zhu Shen, who had just served as the governor of Qamdo. Once he talked with the lama in Qamdo Lama Temple about the arrest of Baima Qingweng. I lived there three times and went to chant scriptures for them. I am familiar with many chiefs there. I don’t know if these people are still there?” Zhu Shen listened to him, his eyes lit up, and he quickly urged him to say: “You just got to know them in the past. If things come to fruition, it shouldn’t be a problem to help you find the name of an eminent monk in a large lamasery with the prestige of our General Zhao!" The lama was immediately moved, and happily talked to Zhu Shen left.They acted according to the detailed plan, and when they arrived at the old den of the wild bandits in the deep mountains and dense forests, the lama also went up to meet the chief he had met in the past, and threatened on the spot that there were hundreds of thousands of troops, and Bomi had been pacified. It is said that Baima Qingweng has absconded here and has already moved to chase him.Should have figured it out sooner.The chiefs of the indigenous mountain people were taken aback, and asked the lama what to do?The lama said: "Where is Baima Qingweng now?" The chiefs said: "He came to our mountain a while ago, and we didn't allow him to come in, but there is nothing we can do about him!" The lama took the opportunity to say: "Why don't you go?" Lure him out, cut off his head and give it to the Han army? In this way, you can also avoid disasters around you." The chiefs hesitated for a long time, and said: "What if these bandits retaliate against us? What should we do?" Lama Said: "You didn't allow him to come in at the beginning. This grievance has already been forged. Even if you don't kill him today, you can guarantee that he will not come to you for revenge in the future? The fire is already burning to the brow, why don't you hurry up and find a way? Isn't this not wanting?" Are you alive?" Then the chiefs came to their senses and hurriedly summoned all the chiefs from the surrounding hills to discuss.After several days of controversy, I decided to listen to the lama's advice on trapping and killing.Immediately set up a secret formation, and sent someone to lure Baima Qingweng who was hiding in the deep mountains to the bridge. Everyone rushed forward and killed the famous bandit leader on the spot.The natives defended the bridgehead with a dense array of bows and arrows.The rest of the bandit soldiers from Bomi saw that the situation was not good and their leader was dead, so they dispersed in a rush and ran for their lives.The lama took those chiefs and the severed head of the White Horse Qingweng himself, and made a detour to Katuo to offer meritorious service.Master Luo was overjoyed, he rewarded those chiefs heavily, and sent another person to send the head of Baima Qingweng to Lhasa.Because of this action, General Zhao owed the most credit to the lama in Chamdo, and immediately promoted him to Hutuktu (eminent monk) in Shuobanduo.Not a single soldier was lost in this battle, not a single bullet was spent, and the great success was achieved entirely because of God's help, and it was definitely not something that could be achieved by pure human power.

Entering the territory of wild bandits and natives from Bomi, there is a big Baimagang mountain in the middle.After passing this mountain and going forward for more than ten miles, the world-famous Yarlung Zangbo River spans in front of the visitors. The river is more than seven feet wide, and there are only crumbling rattan bridges on both sides of the river.The cliffs on both sides of the strait are covered with wild vines, and each vine is as thick as a knife handle.The width of the bridge is about Zhang Xu, and it is only more than ten Zhang above the river.These bridges are all formed by the natural combination of these wild vines that have grown in the past thousands of years, not artificial at all.The shape of the bridge is like a long dragon, hollow like a bamboo.The branches and leaves are luxuriant and firm.People walk on the bridge, as if they got into a tunnel.The local savages call this kind of bridge "Gere Tengqiao", "Gere", which means "God-made" in Tibetan, that is, the meaning of the god-made rattan bridge in the sky.The savages are superstitious about gods, and their words are unavoidably miraculous, but if you think about it carefully, how did this kind of bridge grow together?Originally, the area of ​​the river was sixty to seventy feet wide, and the height of the bank was nearly a hundred feet high. The current was fast. Anyone who came here to see it would know that such a project would never be completed by manpower.The changes in the canyon are really unimaginable. You must know that the big river we see today is by no means the small stream in ancient times!So when someone passed by here, it should be easier to make a bridge with vines.It can be done with a little bit of effort. After tens of millions of years, the shallow stream finally becomes a huge river bed, and the small stream becomes a big river. It is also getting deeper and deeper, the river bank is getting wider and wider, and the vines of the short bridge hanging on it are getting longer and thicker.Although its construction process is unknown to us, we can infer from this principle that the origin of such a bridge can also be imagined, and it is by no means human-made overnight and can be explained.

Baima Qingweng and Linga were killed successively, and the bandit leaders who came to surrender from all over the country were gradually killed.As a result, the bandits in Bomi were shocked and couldn't find a place to escape. It began to happen that the eminent monks in Qingduo Temple, together with the battalion officer Jue Luo Nieba and others, gathered thousands of people in Baga Mountain, declaring revenge.To the south of that area is the Daxue Mountain, more than 800 miles away from Chunduo Temple, separated by a Jinzhu Mountain.I raised an objection on the grounds that the terrain was remote and the proportion of such a large snow-capped mountain to this group of soldiers was too great. Master Luo disagreed and insisted on sending that group of soldiers to take risks. The captain's surname is Shi, from Shandong. The army stationed in Bomi mutinied and returned to Tibet. This group of soldiers could not return because the mountain was blocked by heavy snow. In the end, they were all captured and killed by the bandits in Bomi, and not even a single one was left alive.There is another rumor that they fled to the area of ​​the 39 ethnic groups and were annihilated by the Tibetan army. I don't know which version is closer to the truth.

Luo Changqi thought that the whole territory of Bomi had been pacified, and began to plan for the aftermath. He divided the whole of Bomi into three counties, imitating the example of the Sichuan frontier defense army, and setting up directors to govern.In addition, a silver bone pagoda from the Bomi Lama Temple in the central part was taken and sent to the capital, dedicated to Bei Le Zaitao in Beijing, in recognition of his contribution to calming Bomi.This pagoda is made of sterling silver, with several jewels embedded in the body of the pagoda. It was originally used to place the ashes of eminent monks after they passed away.There are lamaseries all over Tibet. Later, they all heard that the pagoda was sent to the Yazhou area. The Qing court in the interior had been abolished, and the 100 Revolution had begun.After Bomi was pacified, the Sichuan border guards withdrew to two battalions, but the battalion led by Peng Risheng was still stationed at Chunduo Temple, playing cards with his officers and soldiers every day, and the troops were unguarded. .This army has been in Tibet with General Zhao for a long time, and its combat capability is very strong. The only weakness is that it lacks education and no decent training at all. .One night, the officers and soldiers gathered upstairs to gamble as usual, and they were having fun when suddenly more than [-] wild men and bandits sneaked into the barracks with sharp knives in their hands. Time rushed to shout for killing. Fortunately, the officers and soldiers on the upper floor got their start early. When they heard that the police opened fire and blocked the attack, they killed more than a dozen gangsters. What a thrill!
(End of this chapter)

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