Life and Death in Tibet: The Dream of Chenye Chen

Chapter 8 Retreat to Jiangda after Bomi Mutiny

Chapter 8 Retreat to Jiangda after Bomi Mutiny
The border guards led by Battalion Commander Peng returned to Qamdo not long after, and Commander Luo's troops moved to Chunduo Temple.But I still stayed in Katuo. At that time, Zhou Chunlin was often by Mr. Luo's side, and he repeatedly said: "Now the influence of the Gelaohui has spread all over Tibet, and more people have mixed into the army! In the past, our army came from Lulang The retreat was due to the fact that some people in the army dared to disobey the orders of the superior officers, but obeyed the orders of their own gang forces, so they failed. Now their aura is even more arrogant, making the officers in the army useless, and their power has been taken away. Our army has been going on an expedition beyond the Great Wall, so far from the interior, if something happens, the danger will be immeasurable!" When Master Luo Changqi was in Lhasa, he often heard people talking about the Gelaohui, and he hated it. After taking office, I heard Zhou Chunlin and others mention it again and again, so I seriously considered that I wanted to take advantage of Bomi's tendency to put down the wild bandits and make internal adjustments to my army to eliminate future troubles.It just so happened that Wang Yujiao, the platoon leader of the army stationed in Chunduo, had improperly punished the soldiers, and members of the Gelaohui set up a private court in the suburbs to "call" the platoon leader Wang to kneel. The leader, Master Luo, caught a glimpse of this scene from upstairs in the lamasery, and couldn't figure out what was going on, so he asked Zhou Chunlin to investigate immediately. And a little Zhengmu can actually make our platoon leader kneel down with the power of the Gelaohui, how decent is that!" On the spot, he ordered a strict investigation of the members of the Gelaohui organization among the soldiers and the names of their leaders. I don't know, I'm shocked when I check it!It turns out that the proportion of officers and soldiers joining gangs has reached 90.00% of the entire army13.The general entry point of the gang is "gathering together", which is divided into five halls of benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust, with Sichuanese Liu Huiwu, Gan Jingchen and others as the leaders, that is, the leader of the gang.Zhang Ziqing, the quartermaster of the battalion where I work, is also the vice president of the gang, an important leader, and there are 1911 members in total.At that time, six people including Gan Jingchen and Zhang Ziqing were stationed in Demo with the army; the other seven were distributed in the barracks of Bomi.Master Luo then secretly sent his subordinate Ma Bian to Demo with a secret letter, and strictly ordered the supervisor there to lead Baolin, arrest Gan, Zhang and other six people, and immediately execute them secretly on the spot.The seven gang leaders in Bomi ordered Zhou Chunlin to hunt them down after five days.This happened on December 27 of that year ([-]).

Immediately following the Wuchang Uprising (October 1911, 10), news spread to Lhasa from the British "Times".A foreign translator named by the imperial court was an acquaintance recommended by Mr. Luo in the past. He sent this earth-shattering news to Luo Changqi immediately through the fast horses sent by various post stations.The master was shocked, and hurriedly called us to Chunduo Temple where he was, and led everyone into his secret room.Passed the secret report from Lhasa to everyone, and said anxiously: "The situation has undergone such a drastic change. I believe that within three days, the news will spread throughout Tibet, and the army may be shaken accordingly. Think about it, everyone. What should I do?" I hesitated for a long time before answering: "The people who come to this kind of outlying land are not filial sons and grandsons. You must know this truth. If such a big change is spread, there will definitely be chaos! In addition, most of you are from Sichuan, and you all know how powerful the Gelaohui is, so why don't you say anything, let's leave Qamdo and see what's going on next." Master Luo was silent, and after a while, He motioned me to follow him out of the secret room to the hall for dinner. At the dinner table, he said to me worriedly: "This matter will never be completed. You are all officials named by the imperial court to guard here. How can it be so easy to leave? Even if the army There will be a mutiny, and I believe the superiors will send troops to suppress it, and they will never allow the situation to deteriorate. How about...go to Jiangda for the time being, and then make further advances and retreats?" I heard such words from the sidelines, and because of Wuchang The situation is unclear, and I dare not make any claims, so I can only nod in agreement.Master Luo finally decided to let me order the troops to return to Katuo quickly to prepare secretly for possible turmoil. He said that he would ask Chen Tong to bring him for discussion, and then tell me the further plan, so I hurriedly left and went back.That night, soldiers in the barracks could already be seen gathering in groups of three or four, whispering, as if they knew the news from Lhasa. At that time, the recruit team was stationed in Pengchu, forty miles away from our camp. , I brought people back overnight, and my secretary, Yang Xingwu, was from Wangcun, Yongshun, Hunan. He was in his forties. Yang Xingwu said: "The matter has come to this, and I will not hide it from you. The people in our camp already have a secret organization, which is under my control. Everyone is very united. Please don't worry too much." I heard this. These words comforted me a lot.At noon of the next day, Zhan, an officer of the artillery team, who was also a bannerman who had come to garrison in Sichuan, was suddenly killed by soldiers. Immediately afterwards, the officers of the whole army were assassinated, beaten or publicly humiliated, and expelled by the soldiers. All the incidents happened one after another, all because everyone had learned the news about Lhasa that morning, and they were all ready to move. An unpredictable evil was about to spread in the troops stationed in Tibet. On the other side, thanks to Yang Xingwu who came forward to guarantee me many times, and also thanks to the fact that I treat the officers and soldiers under my command pretty well. During the wars for several years, I have been sharing weal and woe with everyone, and I also rely on the recruits who joined later, most of them are from my hometown in Xiangxi. The sons who came here, so although the army has undergone drastic changes, they will not insult me.Another day later, when I got up in the morning, there was still no news from Master Luo. When I called the orderly to deliver breakfast, someone reported outside the door: Master Luo is here!I went downstairs to meet him, only to see him alone, terrified and embarrassed, he had already swept away his previous majesty, entered the room, looked at me face to face, two lines of tears flowed down, wept for a while, unexpectedly Don't say a word.I was so frightened by his appearance that I didn't know what to say. Later, a guard came in and brought a fox fur coat for Commander Luo. A soldier next to him rushed forward and snatched it away, saying, "I'm so cold now." Very well, Mr. Luo doesn’t need it.” Mr. Luo came to my room, and I saw that he was only wearing a velvet trench coat and a thin shirt inside, so I asked him what was going on, and he said, “Last night Around the second watch, there was a mutiny on my side. The soldiers besieged the lamasery where I was the headquarters of the division. Fortunately, someone tipped me in advance and I didn’t have time to get dressed. After a few miles, a guard followed me to help me, and after walking a few more miles, I bought a horse from a Tibetan family on the side of the road, and then fled to you." Finished speaking.Tears flowed again.Weeping uncontrollably, I hurriedly took out the warm clothes and asked him to put them on. While I was busy, someone from below reported again: Chen Tong brought him to see me, and I let him in. I saw him in a more embarrassing situation than Mr. Luo. The teacher just kept sighing: "You refused to leave Qamdo the day before yesterday, why don't you take a look now?" The two of them didn't speak any more, they just sighed face to face.After a while, the soldiers from Chunduo Temple chased after them one after another. Seeing that the recruit team on my side was heavily guarded, they didn't dare to rush in.After a stalemate like this for half an hour, everyone moved forward, and more than 10 people from the camp I was in followed.In an instant, everyone was only called by name and name when they were together, and the original organizational system of the army collapsed overnight.My subordinates originally consisted of four teams, left, right, front, front, back, and front, but after that afternoon, there were only more than 200 people left; they were all officers and soldiers who loved me deeply, and the rest were all gone.That night, Chen Tong led his main force to leave Qamdo, so I tried to dissuade him again and again: "The army was originally around Chunduo Temple, and the situation has not changed so badly. It should be said that it is easy to leave Qamdo. Now all Tibetans know about it." With the changes in our army, it’s not easy to come out of Qamdo from Spring!” Master Luo said in a dismal tone, “My secret letter to punish the leaders of the Brotherhood has already fallen into the hands of the soldiers. Dajianlu, I am afraid that those Sichuan people will not let me go. I heard that there is a small road leading to Larry on the mountain of Demo, or on the mountain of Demo. It should be easy for me to walk out of the Sichuan border through that path... ..." I was worried that if the army gathered in Demo, if Master Luo went, it would be bad for him.If there is a way to get out of Qamdo, I might as well try it, so I tried my best to say that his idea is good.

In this way, everyone was speechless all night.We set off the next day, and we walked for two days to Tangmai. After dark, Chen Tongdai was still behind somewhere.Someone in the know secretly told me: "Early this morning, Chen Tongdai has brought a dozen cavalry back to Shuobanduo." The loudest one, why did he change his mind now?If the route he secretly took now can be reached safely in the end, that's all.But considering that there are so few soldiers with him, what if he is in danger on the way?But many years later, I didn't know that he had successfully ventured all the way to Qamdo, from Qamdo to Sichuan, and then to Anhui.Chen Qing, a native of Anhui, served as battalion commander in Zhang Jingyao's Department during the Hongxian Campaign in the fourth year of the Republic of China.I was stationed in Changsha for a period of time, and I heard that I was in western Hunan, and the two of us even communicated for a while.The year before last, a friend came from Beiping (Beijing). I occasionally asked about Chen Qing. The friend said: "He has been the head of the guard team of Yuan Shikai's tomb not long after Hong Xian's failure. Later, because the tomb was excavated, His whereabouts are unknown."

That morning, we set off from Tangmai and waited for Mr. Luo, but we couldn't wait for a long time.I personally went to the place where he camped and urged him, and he said to me with a secretive face: "It would be too dazzling for me to follow your large army. After thinking twice, I decided to follow behind your army and keep a distance of one day. Anyway, I have already claimed that I brought Chen Tong out of Qamdo, so just pretend you don’t know about it, okay? If there is any danger, I have my own way to deal with it.” After finishing speaking, he beat his chest and sighed: “ I really regret that I refused to listen to what you and Chen Tong said at the beginning! If we had gone the other way, we would have produced Shuobanduo earlier, and we would not have the bad luck we are now!" He sighed again and again, seeing him like this, he didn't know what to do. No matter what Fafa said, I gave him the remaining bag of rice and asked him to keep it by my side, while I ate homemade tsampa all the way. Even in the upheavals of life, I dare not forget the meaning of wheat, rice and bean porridge Bar.Master Luo's confidantes and fellow villagers selected a group of capable soldiers to follow him to protect him, and then I said goodbye and went out to march forward.

After walking in a daze for six days, I arrived at Demo.Nishihara actually stood at the foot of the mountain to greet me, talking and smiling as usual.Seeing her, I couldn't help feeling inexplicably sad, unable to restrain myself for a while, and wanted to shed tears.Nishihara hugged my arm and kept asking me in surprise: "Are you too tired and sick from the journey? Why is it not like you before?" I had to force a smile and not let her ask any more questions.When I arrived in Demo, I still stayed at Diba's house where I lived in the past.At that time the army was completely disintegrated.The Gelaohui forces are rampant everywhere, and I meet them everywhere, in groups of three or four, even in the room where I stayed, they were blatant and openly performed the "friendship" ceremony in the gang.Their leader, even though he looks as low as a servant, has great power over life and death; when they stand up, I have to stand up, and when they salute the leader, I salute.In such a remote place, there is nowhere to vent orders, power, and schemes, so everyone can only listen to him shouting, as if the sun in the sky has also dimmed a lot for a while.At that time, Gan Jingchen, Zhang Ziqing and others had already gone to Lhasa two days ago to plan a big move, as if planning some big move. Zhang Ziqing was from Yinjiang, Guizhou, usually very alert and eloquent.When I was young, I traveled alone in Sichuan and Yunnan, and got acquainted with people from the Gelaohui, who have always been highly valued by the latter.Later I went to Tibet with me, and was promoted from general eye guard to secretary, and then promoted to military supply. He was always very considerate to me, so I treated him well.In Bomi's battle, he was left in charge of grain and grass transportation in Demo.At that time, many wounded soldiers had to be sent to Demo for treatment. Zhang Ziqing once came to plead for the treatment of the wounded soldiers, and I graciously agreed to his request at that time.This place of Demo was originally the only way for Gongbu to go to Bomi. He made friends with all the officers and soldiers who passed by. , Quan admired his reputation, his soldiers, especially his obedience to him, and finally became the deputy leader of the Gelaohui leadership.After Bomi's mutiny, this guy didn't come to greet me, but left without authorization.When I returned to my hometown in the second year of the Republic of China.He formed another army in the countryside, but he came to attach himself again.I am also happy to let the past go, let him command, and appoint him to hold the power of a heavy soldier.It's a pity that this guy has been used to being arrogant for many years, but in the end he was hacked to death in Chenyang by one of his subordinates, Tian Yiqing, what a pity!Naturally, this is a later story.At that time, the army was gathered in Demo, and I was full of doubts. I asked Yang Xingwu, but I didn't understand the reason. It was just that many people came from Lhasa, and secret meetings were held from time to time. As for the content of the meeting, There is no way to spy on it.The situation outside is that you can see chaotic soldiers of Hu Peng Yin all day long, running around in the Demo area. Although I hate this, I don't know what to do, so I took Xiyuan with me and wanted to go to her house I avoided it, and as soon as I went out, I saw Yang Xingwu coming galloping on a horse, and asked him what was the matter, and asked him to go to the house to tell me, then he told me with a secretive face: "The counselor has been appointed by Zhao Benli, a member of the elder brother's association." , Chen Ying and others were strangled to death in the lamasery at the foot of the mountain..." I was shocked and frightened for a moment, speechless, and Xingwu said again: "You'd better be on guard immediately—I'll go to the team first and do it in secret. Deploy in case of any accident." After saying that, he hurried downstairs.Nishihara came up to me and asked me what happened. I was excited and said to her: "This is beyond what you can know!" Then, I asked her to go back first: "My business here is over, I will come to you again." After a while, Chen Ying, the little leader of the Gelaohui who participated in the strangulation of the Counselor, came to me aggressively with dozens of people and said loudly: "Luo Changqi obstructed the revolution, and we suppressed and executed him. "I was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer. After they each found a chair to sit down, after a while, I answered in a calm voice as much as possible: "I heard that those wild fans also have the intention to waver and rebel. This news spread , I’m afraid it’s not good for all of us.” Chen Ying said: “We all share the same fate with Chang Qi, if he doesn’t die, we can’t keep our own heads, so don’t worry too much!” I have nothing to say.After a while, many soldiers gathered around, and one of them reported to Chen Ying: "The preparations are complete, and you can invite Chen Guandai to go to Lhasa with you tomorrow." Chen Ying turned to me and said, "Jiang Dana Someone from nearby wrote a letter, because the revolutionary action is extraordinary, I recommend you to lead, please follow us on the road tomorrow!" I had no other choice but to keep nodding, but for the sake of agreeing, Nishihara had already sent someone to come Urged, I took the opportunity to leave.When I arrived at Xiyuan's house, I found a cushion and lay down, thinking about Luo Changqi who was brutally slaughtered in my heart, thinking about being with these inhuman guys all day long, and one day I would be killed myself, tears fell down without realizing it.Nishihara saw it on the side, and kept asking me what was the matter, so I explained the situation that day to her. After she heard this, she began to cry and said, "What should I do?" I said, "Let me Arrive at Jiangda tomorrow and see the situation." Nishihara cried again, trying to dissuade me from leaving and staying at home, and I said: "The army has undergone such a big change that it is out of control. The Dalai Lama has been Seeing such a situation, I will definitely take advantage of it. The hatred between the Han people and the Tibetans is so deep, there will be endless troubles, and there will be no eggs under the nest. If I stay here, not only will I not survive, but you will also be unable to protect yourself! Fortunately, these rebels are cruel to others, but they are okay to me. If you go forward, there may be other ways of life. If you stay here, you will die! You must go with me, and don’t be reluctant to part with your family members. There are other things I can do, after I leave, I will be able to return to Gongbu soon." Speaking of this, Xiyuan cried unceasingly, and her mother was also alarmed by the crying, and rushed over, Xiyuan took her mother's hand again. The clothes were crying, and my mother was crying too, and I choked up with the mother and daughter, crying choked up.Then, comforting them in every possible way, the two slowly stopped crying.After a while, Xingwu found me and told me: "A large number of them will dispatch tomorrow. The Zhou Shuji officer of the Biaobu, the Hudu team officer of the first battalion, and others are all in Jiangda. They advocate revolution and drive Lian Yuzhong. Ying, a military government has been organized, and now you are recommended to come forward to preside over it. I have also asked everyone for their opinions in detail, and they are basically in favor. Since someone from the Association is here, it is inconvenient to say more - can you go with everyone tomorrow morning? I sighed and said, "It's so easy, but if I don't go, where can I go? Tomorrow, let's go to Jiangda for an interview. I mainly want to find out what you mean. Slowly. Let’s overcome the difficulties, and don’t talk about anything else.” Xingwu said again: “The body of the counselor has been cremated and wrapped up, and Zhou Xun is willing to carry it all the way for the march.” I praised this a few words, and after a while, I ate Order pasta.I went back to my original residence together with Xi Yuan, the passengers there were already crowded, I had no choice but to greet them with a smile, and tried my best to deal with it, until the second watch time, everyone dispersed.

The next day, we got up early in the morning.Nishihara's mother came to see her off and brought a coral mountain with her as a gift.About eight inches tall, exquisite and cute, she said to me: "Xiyuan traveled with you Benbu (Tibetans call it the official name of Han people), and I have nothing else to give, so I take this as a souvenir." After she finished speaking, she turned her face to look at it again. Look at your own daughter. "If she says that she will go out of Tibet with Benbu and go to the inland in the future, it will be the ends of the earth. I don't know when we will meet again... I hope you two will protect this item well. When I see it in the future, it will be the same as seeing it. I lost my daughter..." After that.Weeping.Xiyuan was also crying, so I had no choice but to comfort the mother and daughter, saying, "I hope we can reach Lhasa during this march, then we won't be too far away to meet each other." to say goodbye.I said goodbye to them one by one, and got up with my speech. At that time, most of the troops had already set out on the road, and only one recruit company was left to follow me.

Starting from Demo, we walked for two days to camp at Jiaomuzong, Hutuktu of the Lama Temple, and Pengcuo, the camp officer of Jiagua, and his wife all came to see him off.Everyone got together and talked until late at night before breaking up.We set off the next morning, and Hutuktu was particularly moved by his good management during our garrison period.So took my hand, reluctantly.The personal relationship between Phuntsok and me is even more unusual. When he saw me, he was about to go on a long journey. He had a panicked and helpless expression on his face, and he kept toasting me if he felt lost. Although I couldn't drink much, I managed to smile. Drank three glasses.Before leaving, Phuntso and his wife knelt down in front of my horse, weeping and asked: "Phuntso is old and incompetent. I am leaving here. When will we meet again?" Wept together, holding Xiyuan’s hand and crying: “You have to take good care of Benbu…” The couple gave us each a string of Tibetan Buddhist prayer beads, and Xiyuan and I also said goodbye in tears. It was only later that we heard that the Dalai Lama had returned to Lhasa. Afterwards, in accordance with the local cruel laws, those Tibetans who had friendly relations with Han officials were treated, one was inspected and one was killed.Phuntso and his wife were brutally beaten to death.This is an execution method similar to Ling Chi in the capital punishment in Han Dynasty. It is too cruel to use it on my Tibetan best friend!That day we stayed in Zengba (now Zhenba or Zengba Township), where Fan Yukun also lived.Yukun married a Tibetan girl from Zengba and had a son.A few days later, I went to ask him to go on a trip together, but he was reluctant to leave his wife and children, and was afraid of the wind and cold along the way, so he hesitated, so I had to persuade him slowly: "It's snowy and icy, and you have to take a car with you." The child goes on an expedition all the way, and no one can bear it. But the problem is that once our troops leave, this area will all become the enemy's territory, let alone your own life, who can protect your child?" I discussed with him in the middle of the night, but there was no result.When I set off in the early morning of the next day, I went to persuade him again, but Fan Yukun said to me: "You go first! You will definitely stay in Jiangda for a few more days, and I will bring my family and children with me when the time comes." In this regard, I have no other choice but to bid farewell to my old friend who insisted on staying, full of melancholy.

After that, I lived in Jiangda for three days, but Yukun still didn't come over.I sent someone to deliver the letter twice, at first he wrote back to me, but the letter was vague, and later, the letter I wrote was like a yellow crane, and there was no reply.Fan Yukun, a native of Guizhou Province, grew up in a poor family with a wife, mother at home, and a 14-year-old son.At first, he was assigned to Chengdu by order of the government, just in time for our troops to enter Tibet.He resigned his job to join the army and became the secretary of the battalion department. He didn't want to be promoted any more.I usually suffer because he is too old to march. Whenever there is a war, I always try to keep him in the rear barracks, and I myself do some written work required by the army.After Zhang Ziqing returned from Tibet, he searched everywhere for Fan Yukun's traces, only to find out that only two months after I left Demo, the rebellion was killed by the bandits who came back. The Tibetan wife and young son he married locally , was also killed at the same time.In recent years, I have been in close contact with people in Guizhou Province. Every time I think of Yukun and ask him about his hometown in Guizhou, some people say that his son graduated from Yunnan Surveying and Mapping School, but he didn’t know where he lived. This is really the sadness of life!It is no longer possible for good friends to meet each other, and even the children left by him don't know where they are!Can't help feeling miserable!
When I arrived in Jiangda, the various departments of the army had not yet started, but they were in turmoil all day long.A large number of people came from Lhasa, and there were also many unidentified spies, including revolutionaries, army or local officials and staff, and a small number of soldiers.Those who support Zhong Ying's faction are all members of the Gelaohui.During this period, Lianyu had just received 30 yuan of military salary from Sichuan, but Zhong Ying still felt hatred for him for dismissing her original post, and secretly ordered a group of soldiers to rob this large amount of military salary on the bank of the Wusu River. And instantly own huge sums of money.The people who called the elder brother's association did not stop at nothing, attacked the imperial office, and put Lianyu himself under house arrest.What makes me angry is that Zhang Ziqing has been in Tibet for the longest time. He has the ability to know nothing about this important matter before and after, and he didn't even tell me a word.Although the faction of the Revolutionary Party is very supportive of my influence, the strength of my side is far less than that of the Gelaohui people. What's more, Zhong Ying has hijacked Lianyu, and at the same time called for it in the name of the Gelaohui. On the other side, there are suspicions of revolution. Even if they want to mediate, it can only add to the chaos.If it is not done well, it will give the Tibetan army a gap to take advantage of, which will do a lot of harm but not a single benefit.So, I made up my mind to make a 36-pronged strategy and leave Qamdo as soon as possible, but I had to prepare it in secret so that no one from Sichuan knew about it.

On the day I just arrived in Jiangda, Shi Minzhai, the director of Jiangda, hosted a banquet to cleanse me up. He was very hospitable, and when he was halfway through the wine, he even knelt down to me and said it was an apology.I was very puzzled at the time, so I quickly helped him up and listened to him slowly talk about what happened. It turned out that it was just a small typographical error in the military and Chinese documents, and it was not any intentional slander at all.When he said this, I recalled an experience during the suppression in the Gongbu area.At that time, Lianyu, the commander of the army, criticized me many times, especially in the case of raiding Xiamen. Scolded a pass.It's just cursing in anger, and I've forgotten it long ago. Today, the director saw the situation in Tibet so chaotic, and I brought a large group of people here, for fear that I would remember the previous festival and seek revenge from him. , so fear became like this, and I wanted to understand what happened before and after, so I smiled and comforted him with nice words, telling him not to worry too much: "The previous thing is because my brother listened to other people's slander, so when I was not Friends, it’s easy to understand! Today we all explained clearly, and we talked well when we had something to say, and we met each other with a heart, don’t you still regard me as a friend?” I lived in Jiangda for three days and saw The general situation is over, and it is impossible to clean up and save it, so I decided to take a risk to find a way to go back to my hometown in Sichuan.So I asked Meng Linjun to go to the suburbs, sat down against the bushes, and discussed with him how to get there.Meng Lin said: "There was a secret letter from Commander Zhao last night. Because of the rebellion here, three battalions of soldiers have been sent out of Sichuan to quell the rebellion. If you leave Changdu now, you will meet on the road. This kind of misunderstanding No one can tell. It’s best for us to plan carefully and then make a decision slowly.” Hearing what he said, I was also very worried, but it was impossible to advance, and it was impossible to retreat. The road is safer.But Meng Lin was not very familiar with this road.I heard that there are three roads to reach Gansu, among them, the east and west roads are along the border. There are many people along the way, but the road is very long, and it takes three or four months to get there. There is only one road in the middle. The line is full of plains and deserts, uninhabited.Since ancient times, businessmen in Qinghai-Tibet have often taken this road to and fro. Calculate the distance of 100 military and horse stations along the road, and it will take forty days to walk until they reach the famous Qaidam Basin. Mongolian Fort, and then enter Gansu through Qinghai, but only a dozen days away, and the population along the way will be more dense.After hearing this, I went back to my place of residence and had a secret discussion with Yang Xingwu. Yang Xingwu strongly advocated leaving Qinghai as soon as possible.He said, because when our troops set off from Bomi, there were one person and one horse, and there were more than [-] camels and yaks accompanying the army. It's time-consuming to be roundabout. As for me, I was mainly thinking that the border troops were about to arrive, and it would be too late to advance or retreat, so I decided to adopt his plan and cut the mess quickly.Just take the agreed path!I made a quick decision and secretly instructed Yang Xingwu to immediately check the food and grass of the personnel, and start preparations quickly, and set off tomorrow!
When it was dark that day, Xingwu came to report.There are a total of 115 soldiers from Xiangxi and Yunnan and Guizhou; the rest of Sichuan can be temporarily repatriated to Lhasa.The oxen and horses are ready.For the tsampa alone, more than forty camels have been prepared to carry them. Calculated by the [-]-day march, there are still many shortages, but if we can't make preparations tonight, it may be too late.I did some calculations in my mind, and it seemed that there was barely enough food for a month. This trip to Halawusu could add enough food along the way, so I didn’t need to worry too much, so I decided to go as planned and set off early tomorrow morning.I had made up my mind, so I went outside the door and loudly ordered General Yang Xing to tell every soldier who was going to set out tomorrow one by one what I wanted to do, and asked them to keep it a secret that night.

(End of this chapter)

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