Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 164 Men are emotional with red ears, women are emotional and breathing disorderly, are you t

Chapter 164 Men are emotional with red ears, women are emotional and breathing disorderly, are you treating me... (1 more)
"it is finally over."

The referee guarding the ring yawned and announced the result directly.

No one noticed that Yang Yuting from the ancient country of Miaojiang jumped off the ring and followed Gu Chonghua directly.


Su Che came to the street stall early and ordered the third dish that Shen Wu loves, but there was no sign of Xin Wu after more than an hour.

At this moment, Xin Wu was already in her necklace world, looking at the dark sea of ​​people in the entire space, her scalp exploded!
"This is throwing seeds... It's just that one drop of Yuan Xiao's blood is not [-] million sperm seeds, so it takes so many..." Xin Wu closed her eyes to prevent herself from suffering from intensive phobia. To Xiao Zhao Shun Mao: "Who can tell me how to implement family planning on a tree..."

She hadn't figured out the result yet, when the sea of ​​consciousness moved, she felt that the formation in the outside room fluctuated, and she immediately withdrew the necklace.

However, as soon as she regained consciousness on the bed, she looked up and saw a big mouse and a man.

Xin Wu's mouth twitched, looking at those peach blossom eyes, she was speechless, "Do you really like opening windows?"

"I knocked on the door, but there was no I was a little worried." Xin Wu looked at the distorted door in the room, this a knock?She thinks it is more appropriate to call it smashing the door.

But somehow it hit...

She looked slightly calm, "This big mouse, yours?"

"I was knocking on the door and saw it come in through the window, and I ran after it..."

Emotions are still the way mice lead.

The big mechanical mouse under the eyelid straightened up, yes, this mouse is mechanical, it straightened up, looked at her with an awl face: "Xiao Wu, Dad disagrees!"

A sentence without beginning or end made Xin Wu look confused.

But the voice from Xin Tian afterwards made him understand instantly.

"It's thanks to your senior brother that I escaped from the dungeon of the Xin family. My father is a man, so I can't promise you with my body. My father has already betrothed you to you Fu Qingcheng. Besides, you have a marriage contract..."


A foot dropped suddenly and crushed it.

Xin Wu crossed her legs without moving, watching the pair of silver auspicious cloud boots put away, covered by the robe to the instep, Xin Wu looked up, and saw Su Che who was smiling badly, with magnificent and clear eyes There is a hint of intoxicating spring breeze in it.

Before Xin Wu could speak, he uttered a word with a smile on his thin lips.

"I did it on purpose."


What else can Xin Wu say, didn't they say it, he did it on purpose.

"If you step on it, you will step on it. Get out quickly! You can come out in the top five tomorrow. If we match up, I will not show mercy."

Su Che took another two steps forward, but just pressed one hand on the edge of the table not far from the window, the posture that exudes charm at any time and the noble and cold Fu Qingcheng are completely two styles.

Soft and charming, seductive and charming, when he took two steps closer, Xin Wu felt that his breathing was disrupted.

She swallowed, and was about to remind him that she was going to rest and let him go out, when she saw Su Che's playful gaze staring directly at her ears, Xin Wu suddenly had the illusion of being seen through.

"Jiao Lingyan told me that men's ears will turn red when they are emotional, and women's breathing will be disordered when they are emotional. You just..." His thin lips were slightly parted, and the curved corners of his mouth proved his happy mood at the moment.

"You just fell in love with me..."

"Move Nima!"

Xin Wu panicked, grabbed the pillow and threw it at the opponent's face.

She is just a face control, so it is normal for such a good-looking person to breathe disorderly, Xin Wu thought, the pillow fell to the ground in her sight, the body was still leaning there, and the bright teeth with a smile sword looming made a series of bursts in Xin Wu's heart. The picture should be marked with a mosaic.

"Crush the soul!"

Just when Xin Wu called out the Soul Crushing Hammer and was about to throw out Su Che, the culprit...

A window of the house broke with a "bang".

what's the situation?
She hasn't done it yet.

 The first update is here, the rice cake is asking for a recommendation ticket, okay?
  The buildings in the ancient world have many windows


(End of this chapter)

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