Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 165 Your Father Says Let Me Warm Your Bed

Chapter 165 Your Father Says Let Me Warm Your Bed (2 more)
Through the broken window, Xin Tian swaggered in.

Then he saw the shattered mechanical mouse on the ground and Su Che standing by the table, "Why are you in my daughter's room!?"

Xin Tian walked in and walked towards the mechanical mouse on the ground, Su Che took a step back respectfully, but it was only a step.

"You like my daughter?"

Su Che nodded slowly.

"I don't agree!" Xin Tian shook his head and vetoed, then looked Su Che up and down for a moment, "Your appearance is very good, and your status is noble, but... the blood does not match, I don't want my daughter to hatch..."

As if thinking of that scene, Xin Tian shook his head while talking.

and many more……

What hatch?
Before she could react, she only heard Shen Tian continue: "Your Teng Snake bloodline is very pure, and you are also a royal family in your family, but you and Xiao Wu can't do it!"

Su Che is a flying snake?
That is a fairy beast. In the mythical world, Nuwa created it according to her own image. It has existed since the wilderness, and it exists in the same way as Huangdi and Chi You.

Su Che is a descendant of Soaring Snake?How did dad see it?

Also shocked was Su Che himself.

His eyebrows were slightly frowned, his eyes were half-drowned, and the base of his fine eyelashes seemed to have been drawn with a deep eyeliner. When he raised his eyes again, the intoxicating spring breeze had disappeared, and his eyes, which were as transparent as spring water, were indifferent.

"Senior God of War, I'm very sorry for stepping on your mouse on purpose! But your daughter, I will not give up!"

Hearing Su Che's apology, Xin Tianxia consciously wanted to say it's okay, but just opened his mouth and suddenly stopped: "Deliberately stepped on it. Huh?...You did it on purpose? You want to fight!!"


Su Che raised his chin, his expression still indifferent.

The atmosphere was awkward, Shen Wu looked at Shen Tian and then at Su Che, and then began to release the coercion, the gap on the table suddenly began to tremble, and the books on the bookshelf began to shake...

Xin Wu was startled and jumped up from the bed.

"—Get out! Get out and fight! If you damage my doors, windows or anything, I'll find a fucking woman to fall in love with!"

"How dare you!" Xin Tian glared at her viciously, and Su Che said coldly, "No!"

"Then get out—"

As soon as she lost her temper, Xin Tian and Su Che ran fast.

The room finally became quiet, Xin Wu gritted her teeth angrily thinking about the unrecognizable room.

Anyway, Jiao Lingyan had already brought all the disciples of the Hehuan Sect back, and there were still vacant rooms on the floor she was on.

She got up and packed her things to move directly to the next door.

As soon as the door was opened, only one oil lamp was on in the room. It was a bit dark, but it did not affect the sight.

She walked into the room and poured a cup of cold tea at the table, gulped it down, put down the cup and threw herself on the bed.

"I'm so tired."

"Sleep when you're tired."

The sudden sound rang in my ears, and

When Xin Wu turned her head, she saw a handsome face and blinked at her.

"Why are you here!"

Her waist was held, and Fu Qingcheng's faint voice sounded: "Your father ordered."

"Oh, what he said was that he was going to lure Junior Brother Su away, let me warm you up first, and after you get on the bed, we will cook rice with recycled rice, and talk about men and women... If you have too much, you will become addicted of……"

His cold crimson thin lips opened and closed, repeating Xin Tian's words.

Xin Wu trembled angrily, her hair stood on end.

"Xin Tian, ​​that old bastard!!!"

She roared angrily, and was about to turn over and get up, but suddenly couldn't move.

It turned out that just now Fu Qingcheng tapped her acupoints with his hand clasped around his waist.

 The rare crispy rice was diligently updated yesterday, and children who work hard need recommendation votes to support.


(End of this chapter)

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