Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 194 Hey, The Girl Opposite

Chapter 194 Hey, The Girl Opposite (2 More)
Although she felt very stupid, but Xiao Zhao would never harm her, so she simply turned over and started to stand on her head.


A beam of lightning as thick as a baby's arm struck down.

Xin Wu felt her heart beating violently, her eyes widened, "...Is this the rhythm to kill me?"


Because of standing on her head, Shen Wu saw Xiao Zhao baring her teeth and waving at her.

Xiao Zhao: have to persevere.Being struck by lightning is a good thing!In addition to helping you forge your body, the True Thunder of Destiny can also take out your magical weapons and temper them with thunder, as it is said in our blood inheritance.

According to Xiao Zhao, she hurriedly took out her Soul Crushing Hammer and various flying swords, and Long Huaiguai also took out to deal with Thunder Tribulation.

The flying sword tempered its body and became sharper. The appearance of Longhuaiguai didn't change, but it was terrifying only when it was held in the hand.

Her favorite Soul Crushing Hammer, the dark surface of the hammer occasionally flashed with lightning, and a blue-purple bead was spinning in a recessed slot near the handle.

Xin Wu didn't realize that her jade necklace also absorbed a lot of thunder, not only by the jade necklace, but also a lot of thunder was directly sucked into the space.

Not long after, a branch of Baizi tree stretched out from the necklace and swept away several dolls.

And after breaking through to the Realm of True Fate, Shen Wu's own changes were even more earth-shaking. There was an extra Sanskrit word for "fate" on her dantian.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there are a large number of ancient visions, dry spiritual springs, world ovens with only a little spark, the tree of spiritual marrow...

Xin Wu was ecstatic.

And outside.

The black and white grid on the ground turned into a piece of coke in the thunderstorm, and the catastrophe cloud fell all over the sky, and those puppets swarming over were also instantly defeated, because the glass cube at the reversed perspective was directly shattered into slag,

The entire chessboard is distorted in space, swirling, like an undercurrent vortex in the river, and everything is involved in this small vortex.

The eye of Xin Wu's body is the mouth of the whirlpool.


After a strange sound, the surrounding scene changed again.

Both of Xin Wu's feet were on the ground, and her hands were propped up,... She thought that she was still standing on her head, and it was because of the loose hair that brought her back to her senses.

Xiao Zhao jumped on her shoulder and grinned. When Xin Wu turned her head, it covered its mouth with its paws in a very humane manner.

The robbery cloud in the sky finally dissipated.

The chessboard under her feet disappeared, Xin Wu raised her head and looked around, frowned suspiciously, "This is, passed the human coffin...?"

She was standing on a narrow bamboo bridge at the moment. The bamboo boards were a bit rotten. Through the gaps, she could see the bottomless abyss below the bridge. She walked and looked around, and finally confirmed that she had passed the human coffin.

Why haven't Su Che and Fu Qingcheng followed up now?

Xiao Zhao's little brain moved, and he whistled silently, "Hush... master... where are your wild men, one or two... eh, how many are there?"

"Ten of them, leaving one as a hostage."

Xin Wu took out a pill bottle from the necklace, glanced at it casually, stuffed a few pills into Xiao Zhao's mouth, and smoothed it down.

"Now there is none, so your master is lonely again..."

Before Xin Wu could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Hey... girl across the way, how long are you going to chat with your little pet?"

someone! !
Xin Wu's spirit tensed up immediately, and she looked forward warily.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not a bad person, you are from Zhongyu, so am I, come... cross the bridge first, and then we'll talk after crossing the bridge!"

 The second one is late. My daughter’s symptoms of vomiting last time were delayed. In addition, she felt dizzy and feverish this time. She went to the hospital to find out that it was mild encephalitis. She must pay attention to it, otherwise it may affect her intelligence in the future. So, I’m a little sorry for today...

(End of this chapter)

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