Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 195 Really Not Human?Very good!

Chapter 195 Really Not Human?Very good! (3 more)
"...that person is very strong, if he had ambushed you, he would have..."

Xiao Zhao purred for a while, and purposely snorted a few times, which in Xin Wu's ears was Chi Guoguo's disdain.

Xin Wu put it on her shoulder, looked at the young man who was speaking, and quickly crossed the bridge.

This young man has a face with Chinese characters, eyebrows like a broad axe, slightly curly hair draped over his shoulders, wearing a gray-brown double-breasted men's clothes, with a wine gourd tied around his waist, and his smile is a bit simple and honest.

"Brother is also from Zhongyu..."

Shen Wu stood about three meters away from him, secretly observing his every move, " senior the champion of that competition?"

"Whether it's a championship or not, I've never participated in the Central Competition. Speaking of which, the Central Competition is something I've always yearned for..." The other party let out a sigh, and then sighed.

"I know you want to ask me how I got here, right? Don't worry, let's wait for the people behind..."

Shen Wu listened to the first half of his sentence, smiled slightly and was about to say a word of all ears, but unexpectedly the other party said to wait for the people behind...

She broke through suddenly, sitting on the front of the human coffin, destroying the surroundings,... who else?

From one side of the cliff to the other side, the suspension bridges are thousands of meters away. How did this man see the coffin, and how did he know that there were ten more people?
She waited quietly.

Unexpectedly, within 5 minutes, there was suddenly a figure at the exit of the opposite tunnel, with clothes like snow, sword eyebrows and star eyes, long hair flying, walking like the center of the world, Xin Wu was startled.

Fu Qingcheng?
She just had an idea.

"...isn't it a human?"

A voice from the side rang out, and in an instant, there was still that kind of trembling: "It's really not human... one, two... ten of them are not human... that's great, maybe this will be the time to leave. Here's the opportunity!"

Shen Wu's eyes widened, looking at the copy of Fu Qingcheng flying over.

how come?
When the thunder calamity destroyed the world, these people were obviously also hit.

Eight...nine...ten! !

Actually, there are really ten! !
She still remembered telling Xiao Zhao just a moment ago that one of them was left as a hostage with Da Luo Jinxian... No, not necessarily, there is another possibility, the extra one here is Fu Qingcheng himself.

Can be distinguished as long as they are close together.

"Sister, let's go, you are our lucky star!" The young man laughed, a little impatiently.

But Xin Wu was startled suddenly, and grabbed him.

"Wait... you just said... us?"

It means that there are more than one of them in this coffin. After a pause, she asked again: "It's the same as you, didn't you participate in the Central Territory Grand Competition... came here from the Emperor's Terrace?"

Perhaps it was the reason why the ten trees gave birth to their children. The young man was in a much better mood, and while leading the way, he said:
"I originally planned to tell you when I got there. Seeing that you are so eager to know, let me tell you about me first!"

Xin Wu began to rub the skirt with her hanging hands, and walked quietly among the tree children, the guard in her heart still did not let go, just waiting for the other party to say something sensational.

The young man proudly said: "Since they are all from Zhongyu, you must have heard of Gui Yuanzong."

Returning to Yuanzong?
Of course she knew, there was only one in the top ten in this competition, Nie Can.

"If you say that Guiyuanzong is the mainstay of Daomen 48 in the Central Territory, if you want to say that my position in Guiyuanzong is an existence that is as famous as the chief disciple Lin Jiangjun who sits down in the sect..."

Seeing him beaming and starting to talk nonsense, Xin Wu couldn't help but interrupt him, "You're talking about the previous generation's head, right? It's said that Linjiang County has been the head of the house for more than 300 years..."

 The third one is here.Cheer yourself up, my daughter has to hang water for four days in a row, maybe the time is a bit unstable... I will try my best

(End of this chapter)

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