Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 305 Uh... Just keep your breath.

Chapter 305 Uh... Just keep your breath. (1 more)
There was a smile on Gu Chonghua's lips, as if tearing off the mask of disguise, presenting the most wicked and evil side to everyone's eyes, trying to infect others with his distortion.

For Gu Chonghua, apart from the fact that his obsession with cleanliness is true, and the fact that Ai Cen Wu Ai's life-and-death debauchery finally led to a fall in his realm is true, everything else is empty talk.

What is the same door, in the Northern Territory, Hongtu and others went to kill, he knew it and did not stop it.

What is Ling Xiao's first disciple, he betrayed as soon as he said he would betray, bullying his master and destroying his ancestors... What can't he do?
"Xin Wu, you haven't seen your expressions at this moment, how interesting, hehe...hahaha..." Gu Chonghua stepped forward step by step, and stood confronting Su Che, his eyebrows provocatively.

"What to do, I still want to kill him!"

Su Che's unspoken words were swallowed in his throat, and he turned into a bloodthirsty smile, standing up in his body seemed to be able to ignite the air in the next moment.

Shen Wu didn't turn around, and was still a little upset at Gu Chonghua's sarcasm just now, "He has a strong recovery ability and should resist being beaten..."

"Well... Just keep your breath!"

When the words "just keep your breath" entered Su Che's ears, he slowly unfurled his furrows, the hostility in his body disappeared a lot, and a smile gradually covered that charming face.

"Okay, it's up to you!"

It's also the word "according to you". Last time, if it was as cold as ice, this time it will be a dead branch in spring.

Then, Xin Wu's sharp eyesight eased a little, and everyone felt that the smog covering their heads had dispersed, and felt that the air was not so oppressive.


A silver light flashed on Su Che's soul-breaking ruler, with a terrifying sword intent as if cutting off the sky, behind him there was a whistling wind that seemed to be cut off, the sound was intermittent, chi chi, until the soul crushing hammer fell After leaving this place in a hurry, it was back to normal.

Gu Chonghua's body seemed to be held in place by someone, and he couldn't dodge, his pale face instantly turned red.

The next moment, he tilted his body and roared angrily, and then gradually moved half a foot away, but the sword glow of the Broken Soul Ruler still pierced his abdomen.

For a moment, blood red flowers bloomed on the clothes.

"It took a drop of blood to avoid Master Su's sword!?"

"He was the Chief Ling Xiao before, is it so difficult to avoid it?... Master Su is so powerful."

Without being anxious or arrogant, Su Che raised his arms again, and the pupil in his eyes instantly became a vertical pupil, and the pupils flashed golden.

Here we go again, that feeling of being locked in!

Gu Chonghua's pale face was faintly sweating, and he turned around and jumped out of the Soul Crushing Hammer regardless of the strong wind outside that could tear everything apart.

"call out--"

Su Che's blow was not as sharp as last time.

Like a wave hitting out, but with a huge impact force, the moment Gu Chonghua jumped out, the light from the Broken Soul Ruler hit his back fiercely, and then his body before he jumped out and fell was suddenly hit by a With a huge impact, it smashed into the distant mountain.

Blocks of rocks were hit by this force and fell, flowers, plants and ancient trees were broken one after another, and all the flowers and plants touched by the undissipated white light behind Gu Chonghua turned into dust.

Gu Chonghua struggled out of the deep rock, and his unusual clothes became all kinds of cloth strips, revealing his strong body and clinging to his curves...

The wound on it healed slowly without leaving any traces.

It's just that the face has become whiter, and the white is a little blue.

The moment his body broke free from the rock, Xin Wu's Soul Crushing Hammer turned a corner and directly caught him who was falling, and headed towards Cangshan Mountain again.

The Central Territory is huge and vast, and three days have passed since the fight between Su Che and Gu Chonghua, and finally saw the continuous mountain range outside the Pyrazine Mystery, and the top of the mountain range is the Cangshan building embedded on the top of the mountain.

Shen Wu was stunned, looking at the peaceful scene,... What is it that sent a thunderbolt to let her come back?

 It’s really a new day in 2018, wishing you a new year, all wishes come true, everything goes well, good health, abundant wealth...

(End of this chapter)

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