Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 306 That's Just Your Guess

Chapter 306 That's Just Your Guess (2 more)
The top of the pyrazine mountain range, Cangshan.

From the moment the Soul Crushing Hammer landed, Xin Wu sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Whether it's the Duel Cliff that you can see when you land, the Enlightenment Building, and the Moon Palace... etc., no one can be seen anywhere.

"There is also Xichen Peak, let's go and have a look!"

Xin Wu led Yang Fan and the others around and around for a long time, without seeing any disciples along the way.

Dust Peak.

The Dust Peak on the top of Cangshan Mountain is the exclusive mountain range for Taoist Qingyu's disciples. Except for Xinwu Su Che and five senior brothers, Yang Fan and others dare not approach at all, for fear of offending Taoist Qingyu, who has the hottest temper .

But today, everyone felt the difference, so under the instruction of Xin Wu and Su Che, all the returned Cangshan disciples followed behind them.

Whether it was Lanyue Palace or the small courtyard of Xin Wu and the others... they were all shrouded in a hazy golden light.

Taoist Qingyu's Carrot Lingtian is also included.

As the crowd approached, Xin Wu found that the spiritual power in her body was slowly condensing.

It is not leaking out, nor is it withered and consumed, but gradually develops from a gas to a liquid, condenses, becomes sluggish, and does not move at will.

Covering the center of the golden light is not Lanyue Hall, but the small courtyard where Xin Wu lives.

Xin Wu CIA pushed open the door, only to feel a refreshing smell rushing towards her face, the first thing her skin felt was the warm and soft spring breeze.

"Spiritual power can't work."

"Mine is the same. It's not that it disappeared, but it's settled in the body and can't be controlled..."

Xin Wu didn't speak, but looked inside, because she was standing at the front, Xin Wu saw the man in the center of the crowd at a glance, and the people beside him who were unconscious all over the place...

The people behind were still wondering about spiritual power, and then there was the sound of hardware Xinwu.

"Sure enough, you did it. What are you going to do? Haven't you already obtained the magic pattern order?"

Xin Wu spoke with a calm and scary tone, thinking about the meaning of her words, is this someone she knows?
Everyone looked curious and rushed forward to have a look.

Looking at it, it was a gasp.

Xin Tian! ! !

How could it be him?
Those lying on the ground are all Cangshan disciples!

Everyone was shocked at first, then angry, clenched their fists, and their eyes spewed fire.

However, no one rushed out... because Uncle Xin told everyone that she was not allowed, and she still had questions to ask.

Shen Tian rubbed his face impatiently, his elegant and clean facial features were deformed by his one hand, but he didn't care at all, he just said in a deep voice: "Xiao Wu, Daddy's Gathering Magic Pattern Order is for entering Sanqing Dao Jing Tu wanted to go home, but this group of people refused to let Daddy go home, so Daddy knocked them out!"

"Can I go home after opening the Sanqing Daojing Map?" Xin Wu asked.

Just as Su Che was about to step forward, Xin Wu's hands hanging from the cuffs moved, and when Su Che looked down, he immediately retracted his feet.

"That's right, there is a power in the Sanqing Daojingtu that can travel through time and space, and just a little bit of it can split the ancient enchantment of the fairy world. Therefore, as long as we enter the Sanqing Daojingtu, we can go home, you Don't you want to go home...?"

Xin Wu didn't move at all, and her voice was even colder: "That's just your guess. Hehe, when I go home, Cangshan Mountain has already become my second home. I'm already home... Where else should I go?"

(End of this chapter)

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