Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 307 Can She Say, Fuck You?

Chapter 307 Can She Say, Fuck You? (3 more)
"You said this is your second home?"

Xin Tian became a little impatient, but still calmly persuaded: "You are my blood, I know you have suffered so much grievance and torture here, this world is really not suitable for you!"


Xin Wu resolutely refused, "It's different now, whoever wronged me, I will pay back twice as much, and whoever tortured me, I will let her die a miserable death, like that vicious grandmother, like the one I killed a few days ago Xinxiang."

"So... Dad said the opposite, this world really suits me!"

"The disciples of Cangshan are like my family members, and the senior brothers are like my elder brothers... What's more, how can I, a woman with a man, always abandon me!?"

Xin Tian glanced at Su Che behind Shen Wu, narrowing his eyes dangerously: "Really, then I will kill your family, your brother, and your man!!"

Xin Wu has been staring at that man, he is as elegant as a bamboo, and as elegant as a spring breeze, how could he have such a face.

is that a lie?

"Then—you kill me first!!!"

One word and one sentence, express the sound of 蹡蹡.

How could the cheap father be so cruel, must be a lie.

Xin Wu doesn't believe it.

But suddenly, a voice seemed to confirm her thoughts...

"Yes, I lied to you!"

The actor who acted in a serious manner just now, the actor who was rebellious and went crazy in order to go home by any means,... Xin Tian suddenly jumped up on the spot at this moment.

Then the Cangshan disciples who seemed to be in a coma, but were not in a coma and were blatantly eavesdropping, all got up from the ground with their mouths pursed and blushing... and then they showed a contradictory sense of aloofness and patted the dust on their bodies.

Xin Wu's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide.

Behind them, Yang Fan, Lu Feibai and others, who were just angry, were all dumbfounded.

After a long time, some disciples in the courtyard looked at their stunned faces, and laughed wildly with their hips on their hips. The more they laughed, the more arrogant they became, the more domineering they were. Their laughter could almost blow over the roof.

"what's the situation?!"

"Fuck me, we're being played, aren't we?"

"Fuck, what are you doing? I was still thinking about how to go out and you will all be wiped out. I was still thinking about avenging you. I was very angry..."

"This sudden change will over-stimulate and make people stupid..."

Yang Fan and the others rushed out cursing, and beat up those crazy people who laughed!

Xin Wu froze in place, not knowing what to say.

Could it be that she is going to say haha,...hehe, so you cultivators actually celebrate April Fool's Day vulgarly?

No, she wasn't going to speak.

She needs an explanation!
Suddenly, her room opened.

Xiao Yi came out of her room, completely clean, obviously not acting as a lying corpse, he smiled slowly, his lips were red and his teeth were white.

"Little sister, you can't blame the seniors, it's all the attention of the master and your father!"

Xiao Yi spoke slowly, habitually stroking the phoenix blood ring on his finger.

Xin Wu: "..."

Can she say, fuck you? !
Then, behind Xiao Yi, Shen Zhui also came out with a smile on his face. Xin Wu saw a paper fan pinned to his back waist, and the pendant on it was clearly his own collection, so he walked away casually, and Hanging around in front of the paper fan owner?

"Junior sister, my words are the same as senior brother's. It is the attention of the master and your father. Even if you call for a fight, I will never go to Duel Cliff, you little pervert."

Xin Wu: "..."

There is also this kind of person who took her things, blamed her completely, and called her a pervert!
(End of this chapter)

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