Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 310 Gene Mutations Birth Freaks Like You

Chapter 310 Gene Mutations Birth Freaks Like You (2 more)
Xin Wu was stunned.

...Is there a mistake, there are still people who describe their family like this?

"Your elder brother is right, I have wronged you and hurried on your way."

Xin Wu: "..."

"You go back to the house and have a good rest first, oh, yes, you'd better change the lamp, change the bed..." Xin Tian glanced at Su Che with a serious face, and then said: "And...change a man."

Yi Yang, who was behind Fu Qingcheng in the courtyard, raised his head and glanced at Xin Wu, as if to say 'you are not worthy'. There were many disciples standing behind him, all of whom worshiped Fu Qingcheng.

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan and the others quickly ran back to Su Che, folded their arms, and stood proudly.

Facing the condemning stares from his fellow disciples, he raised his chin and almost nodded at everyone with one hand: "Do you guys know what love is? "

Even Xin Wu was taken aback by what he said, and looked back at him: "You know?"

Yang Fan rolled his eyes at her,...Uncle Xin, on your side, can't you see that I'm helping you?

But Xin Wu just looked at him curiously.

"Okay, okay, I don't know." Yang Fan suddenly swung his arms and said to the disciples: "Even if I don't know, then this matter is also Master Xin's own business. What are we watching? Let's go! Go back to your room!!"

A group of disciples dispersed.

Shen Tian stared at Shen Wu for a moment, and as soon as the two wooden boards in his hands were retracted, the golden light shrouded in the surroundings disappeared immediately, and his spiritual power became normal.

He was even closer to Xin Wu, and he simply reached out and grabbed Xin Wu's arm.

The next moment, the two disappeared in place.

Behind a boulder in the Pyrazine Mountains.

Shen Tian and Xin Wu stood at this place and looked into the distance.

"Have you really decided?" Xin Tian's temperament was warm and restrained, and he seemed to be confirming Xin Wu's thoughts.


Xin Wu nodded.

Thinking of Su Che's appearance in his mind, he curled his lips, inexplicably happy.

But Daddy Cheap suddenly squeezed out a trace of unnaturalness on his face, and he spoke intermittently.

"Then...don't you worry...the baby you gave birth to is an egg?"

Xin Wu: "..."

Can you chat happily?
Phew, Shen Tian breathed out and slowly walked to a rock and sat down casually, then patted his side, motioning for Shen Wu to sit down too.

After Xin Wu sat down.

"When your mother was pregnant with you, my father said that your mother's womb was a Taoist fetus reincarnated with power, and it would at least be pregnant for a thousand years. One day at home, my belly started to grow slowly..."

Xin Wu listened quietly, feeling very strange.

It was as if she was watching from the side when Lin Wan Bai was pregnant, but she could actually feel that scene.

"My father also said that there are two souls in this womb. When one soul dies, the other soul wakes up. Although you are one body, you cannot coexist as equals!"

Equal coexistence?

...It means that when Cen Wu was alive, she was in a deep sleep, and after she woke up, Cen Wu was only in the state of a soul?
[Souls that are not in the same world naturally cannot coexist as one]

The voice of the system on Xin Tian's body suddenly sounded.

[But I think more of the reason is because the host is a BUG, ​​the genetic mutation produced by the sex between people from another world and the natives will give birth to freaks like you]

Xin Wu roared angrily: "Who are you calling a freak?!"

(End of this chapter)

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