Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 311 Can Zhu Yu Return to Normal

Chapter 311 Can Zhu Yu Return to Normal (3 more)
[Hey, I heard it! 】

There was no surprise in this voice, no emotional ups and downs, it was as mechanical as reciting lines, which made Shen Wu even more furious, wanting to force the child out of his father's body and beat him up.

Xin Wu remembered that the child in the abandoned mountain stone room in Cangshan had an expression.

"That's really great, I haven't tried laying eggs yet, because the eggs seem to be smooth, maybe they will come out smoothly without labor pain..." Xin Wu said slowly, and matched it just right. Deputy 'really strange' expression.

Xin Tian was a little speechless: "So, you have made a decision."

Crossing Erlang's legs, Xin Wu stopped answering, because she had already answered it several times before.

After talking about the man, Xin Wu began to change the topic and chat with her father about the things she met in the Northern Territory, such as the blood creek that would not freeze, and the magnetic field that can exchange bodies... When it comes to using dragons in the Corpse Puppet Cult When Huaiguai plunged the ancient town into darkness, Xin Tian showed an 'as expected look'.

"...Then, it was discovered that the magic pattern on Gu Chonghua's body was fake."

Xin Wu dangled her feet back and forth, looking innocent and playful, "So Dad, you asked Hongtu to switch the magic patterns?"

"You use us as bait, just for the magic pattern order?"

Xin Wu held back this question for a long time, but he still wanted to ask, because she wanted to know if Shen Tian really regarded her as his daughter! ?

This is a sensitive topic.

Xin Tian thought for a while, and selected a sentence from thousands of miles.

"Because Dad knows that my daughter is very charming and won't get hurt. Gu Chonghua must not be able to handle you. On the surface, he sees resentment and jealousy in your eyes. There is no love. Where does the hatred come from?"

Xin Wu chuckled twice, her eyes widened wildly.

"but I do not like it."

Seeing this, Xin Tian said cheekily: "Then do you like your Fu Qingcheng, he..."

"Father, I don't want to talk about this anymore." Xin Wu grabbed the ground with her palms, picked up a stone and threw it viciously towards the edge of the cliff, "There is one more thing I don't know if you can solve it."

"……you say!"

"In the Northern Territory, that kid Zhu Yu was bitten and became a vampire. Oh, he's a vampire... Can he return to a normal person?"

Following her daughter's example, Shen Tian also started throwing rocks outside, leisurely, as if she didn't listen to what she said.

"Father, you are talking, can you return to a normal person!"


Xin Tian frowned, something suddenly floated in his mind, wanted to think about it, but found that he couldn't grasp anything, but saw Xin Wu's disappointed expression.

"I'm trying to suppress his blood-sucking desire here. For the ask your master! That's your Cangshan disciple, and it's not my turn to care. If he can't help it, come find me again!"

Xin Wu nodded, feeling a little chilled after sitting for a long time with nothing under her buttocks, she got up and left quickly.

Xin Tian looked at Shen Wu's back in a daze, "How can you give birth to a normal grandson for me?"


at night.

After Shen Wu meditated and absorbed spiritual power, she felt that her clothes were a little wet, so she stood up and prepared to take a bath.

When I went to the northern region, I didn’t take a bath because of the freezing weather. When I came back, I started to meditate, and my body gradually sweated and became dirty.

Standing up from the futon, Xin Wu began to prepare bath water.

After coming back this time, she changed to a bigger bathtub behind the screen, threw in a few Dungu mushrooms, and scattered some flower petals.

When everything was ready, she closed the doors and windows, took off her clothes, and as soon as she stepped into the bathtub, a hand grabbed her ankle from under the water...

 The third update, come on ヾ(°°), please subscribe and ask for a recommendation ticket...


(End of this chapter)

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