Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 313...Is it so serious?

Chapter 313...Is it so serious? (2 more)
Wu Jingang hesitated when he heard Su Che's explanation from last night.

At this moment, the door was opened, and Xin Wu stepped out while arranging the long gown outside.

"Don't shout, I'm awake. Let's go now, the road says..."

Xin Wu buttoned the last button, pulled the summoned disciple away, and when she heard him speak again on the way, Xin Wu realized that this disciple was Gong Ben who had been to the Northern Territory with her last time.

"You mean that after my father fed Zhu Yu blood, Gu Chonghua also went crazy...?"

Gong Ben said out of breath, "Yes."

Because of Xin Wu's long strides, he still needs to trot to keep up as a man, and it is also a bit difficult for him to speak.

"Shen God of War fed Junior Brother Zhu Yu with blood. I don't know if he smelled the blood of Shen War God. Then Gu Chonghua rushed there desperately. When the fleshy wings were released, many disciples saw them. Several elders said they would Let's kill Junior Brother Zhu Yu and Gu Chonghua together...they are already fighting together."

Xin Wu frowned: " it so serious?"

Gong Ben gasped for breath, and nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice.

She had thought about the reaction of these righteous disciples when they saw the blood race, but she didn't expect to fight together? !
The place where Gu Chonghua was placed on her courtyard road is not far away, and it is not close at all.

Xin Wu's mood was a little up and down at the moment, and after asking about the situation, she rushed towards the side hall without saying a word.

The two of them didn't realize that a room next to the Xinwu courtyard suddenly opened, and a ray of light flashed away.

From Xichen Peak to the desolate Sixth Peak, Xin Wu and Gong Ben teleported through the attic array three times, and then arrived at the Sixth Peak.

When passing through a green and translucent purple bamboo forest, Xin Wu paused and looked at the bamboo forest with contemplative eyes. There was not a single fallen leaf on the ground, and there was a cloud of air floating above the bamboo forest. When the wind blows through, the mist rolls with the wind But it didn't dissipate, but the blowing leaves made a rustling sound.

The vitality is so strong, the wild bamboo forest has just begun to have roots of wisdom, and it has already opened up to the secluded.

This sixth peak is a good place.

When Gong Ben saw her looking towards the bamboo forest and was about to ask something, Xin Wu stopped and started to walk forward again.

It was the same place where I saw Xin Tian last time. He and Gong Ben walked through a long corridor, passed through four or five side halls, and finally saw a small attic when they could see the wall of the Seventh Peak in the distance. .

Before she could show her body from under the overgrown flower stand, a ray of light hit her, and then, Yang Fan, who was standing in front of the attic, turned to this side, happened to see Xin Wu walking towards this side, and suddenly exclaimed : "Uncle Xin, be careful!!"

Next to the flower stand was the decaying palace, which suddenly slammed down like a drunkard.


A loud bang.

Gu Chonghua and Tu Dianyong, who were fighting in the sky, were startled for a while, and both closed their hands.

Gu Chonghua turned his head, glanced at Yang Fan, and then at the shattered flower trellis corridor crushed by the ruins of the temple, his red pupils shrank sharply.

"Who are you talking about?"

Tu Dian's white beard and short eyebrows were also twisted into a pimple, and his sharp eyes like a goshawk were slashing straight at Yang Fan who was running.

"Son, tell me... who's down there?"

"Ah, I'm not done with you guys!!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Yang Fan was running out from the attic, his eyes were a little red, and began to move the huge stones with his hands when he arrived at the ruins, sucking hard while moving the stones. nose.

"Master Xin came over just now! She didn't see it when your shot fell, and she was not prepared..."

I didn't see this blow... I was unprepared... Even if it was a strong physical body... Such a large building fell... If you don't die, you will be seriously injured!
(End of this chapter)

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