Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 314 Who Do You Say Is Immortal

Chapter 314 Who Do You Say Is Immortal (3 more)
Yang Fan was sobbing, and after moving a few huge stones, he sounded his wind spirit root, and immediately sacrificed the Dao plate, using his spiritual power to send out a huge gust of wind, trying to blow away those huge stones.

The stones swept by the strong wind were thrown in one direction, and even smashed towards Tu Dian and Fu Qingcheng with anger.

It was also at this time that everyone came to their senses and moved forward to move the stones to help.


Yang Fan suddenly made a sound.

The collapsed building in sight crushed the flower stand of the entire corridor, and a huge stone in the center of the ruins moved slightly, and then... moved again!
Yang Fan blinked and was about to walk over.

"哗啦~" Suddenly, everything around the stone slab splashed, and Xin Wu crawled out from inside. After crawling out, he coughed a few times, his chest trembled, and large flakes fell from his mouth, nose, hair and his whole body. Large clouds of dust.

She gave the frozen crowd a look of resentment, reached into the hole and dug, and pulled out a person, it was Gong Ben who was dazed and staring at the stars.

The two walked out of the ruins, one step at a time.

Since Xin Wu cultivated herself, she seldom felt this kind of disgraced face. It was because those luxuriant flower vines wrapped the flower stand in the corridor airtightly, and she couldn't see it from the right angle where she stood.

If it weren't for Yang Fan's temporary reminder, Gong Ben behind him would have suffered a comminuted fracture even if he didn't die.

Yang Fan waved his hands and used the wind to use the Dust Removal Art on the two of them.

Shen Wu turned around suddenly when she was going to the dust to absorb the dust, and saw two people standing out of thin air.

"—Still coming down??!"

To Gu Chonghua, of course she doesn't have to be polite, he is now a hostage... Oh no, he is not even a hostage, at most he is an experimental subject.

For Tu Dian, Elder Tu, even if he has a white beard and short eyebrows, because of his seniority, he still has to follow the leader Lin Zi to call himself uncle.

It's not that I didn't think about it. When Gu Chonghua was in the Northern Territory, his eyes were red and his fangs were exposed, and he didn't see him lose his mind, go mad, because he was originally violent and twisted in his heart.

"Just right, I also want to ask my uncle why he brought this kind of monster to Cangshan?!" Tu Dian blew his beard angrily, and with a wave of his robe, he fell to the ground.

Gu Chonghua laughed a few times, and slowly tidied up his hairstyle and clothes that were messed up due to the fight, and landed slowly.

Even though his body was spotless and his hair was well-groomed, those long fangs and red eyes didn't show how handsome he was, but only evil.

Because of Qu Chenjue, Shen Wu's body is no longer dirty.

Xin Wu ignored Tu Dian, turned to the side and asked Yang Fan, "Where is my father?"

Didn't Gong Ben say that his father bled Zhu Yu to feed him? Then what happened now? Besides, he didn't see Zhu Yu's shadow either! ?
Yang Fan looked down at the ground and said nothing, while Tu Dian was full of hostility but gritted his teeth and didn't speak.

Feeling that the atmosphere was a bit weird, a string seemed to be stretched in Xin Wu's heart. If no one spoke again and the string broke, she might do something.

"Don't be nervous, your father was just bitten by Zhu Yu, here...the one on the left, your father is healing there!"

Gu Chonghua had already arranged the clothes on his body, so he spoke in a leisurely manner.

Got bitten?

"Zhu Yu did it, or you did it..." Xin Wu stared at her.

Gu Chonghua nodded his dry, chapped lips, "Look at me, do you look like I've drank blood? I really want to drink, but this old man insists on stopping me!"

"Who do you think is old and immortal?" Tu Dian immediately glared. "A good chief of Jiuxiao has become like this, what is the difference from the evil spirits in the Northern Territory?"

(End of this chapter)

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