Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 315 This is fake, I want to scare this girl

Chapter 315 This is fake, I want to scare this girl (4 more)
"That's you!"

Gu Chonghua smiled, "Northern demons?"

"...Then do you think that the people in the Central Territory are people of the righteous way? Not to mention the far away, just in front of you, your young uncle, her Jinjue City Xin family, is also a family of cultivation in the Central Territory? What did they do? You've heard about something..."

The tails of his long and narrow eyes were drawn up, and his handsome face was free and easy without fear of anything.

"Hehe... Steal her spiritual root, destroy her Dao foundation, drain her blood and throw her body into the wilderness..."

Tu Dian's tongue was clumsy, he muttered and didn't know how to answer.

But the disciples of Cangshan must not see that their elders suffer, Yang Fan immediately stood up and said: "But at least, not to mention other sects, my disciples in the Central Region have never done anything to steal people's treasures, dig people's ancestral graves, and steal the corpses of the Bamboo Cen sect The matter of destroying the Zhucen faction! Not to mention using the corpses of those dead monks as corpse puppets or putting them into corpse pits to hatch terracotta figurines..."

The two argued with each other sentence by sentence.

Seeing that they will fight again in the next moment.

"Shut up!!" Xin Wu felt a little dizzy.

The two immediately staggered away, not looking at each other's disgusting faces.

Yang Fan and Gu Chonghua shut up, but Tu Dian stepped forward and repeated what he said before: "——Why did Master Uncle bring this kind of monster to my Cangshan Mountain? My Cangshan Mountain is the head of the Taoist sect, and it is a model for monks in the Central Territory. , we must not accept this kind of evildoer!"

"Old feudalism!" Gu Chonghua snorted in a low voice, as if speaking in a low voice, but everyone present could hear it.


Tu Dian immediately raised his arm and stabbed, pointing at his feet, and every time his toes fell, a circle of small acceleration formations would be formed underneath, and he had to fight Gu Chonghua for a few more moves in just a moment.

"Master, don't worry about Shen Zhanshen. He has great powers. Even if he is bitten, he won't be infected. Don't worry..." Gong Ben was speaking well, but he looked behind her with wide eyes: "Master Uncle, Xin... Xin..."

Xin Wu narrowed her eyes.

There was a wind blowing from behind, and the exposed neck was a little cool, and the neck suddenly shrank, and the hairs all over the body stood up.

In a hurry, Xin Wu turned her head and saw a familiar corner of the clothes, the navy blue robe, the bright yellow brocade hemming, and the long beard on the fluorescent jadeite on the waist flying up...

What are you doing?
Xin Wu frowned, turned back, and a face with blue face and fangs was magnified in front of her face, and the other party smiled ferociously.


Xin Wu conditioned reflex, and when she punched out, she heard 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'''' .""


Xin Wu stared wide-eyed, looking at the man with slender fangs, livid complexion, and red pupils... It was so miserable that it was hard to look directly at!
"Are you infected?"

In the distance, Tu Dian was sent flying with a palm, got up from the ground and came straight to this side, looking at Shen Tian with heartbroken eyes.

"Senior can't resist?"

Shen Tian can be said to be his idol, a candle that inspires him to practice Taoism.

"Oh, you're talking about this tooth..." Xin Tian stretched out his hand, clamped the slender fang on the left with both hands, and snapped it hard.


Hoop the one on the right side, break it hard, and it breaks again.

The crowd was stunned.

Xincai said with a smile: "...This is fake! I want to scare this girl..."

Everyone: "..."

Frighten your sister, our little heart is not as strong as your daughter's.

Shen Tian, ​​who originally wanted to get closer to his daughter, chuckled a few times in the eyes of everyone, swallowed a pill, and his red eyes and livid face gradually returned to normal.

Xin Wu was a little distracted,...why is it okay for her father to be bitten by Zhu Yu?
(End of this chapter)

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