Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 316 This bowl is human blood.

Chapter 316 This bowl is human blood. (1 more)
It is said that knowing a son is better than a father, just by looking at Shen Wu's appearance, Shen Tian knows what she is thinking.

He returned to his normal body, with a slender and straight figure, a decent robe, and a jade-like crown. He was also a handsome uncle. He stepped forward to pick up his distracted daughter, and when she regained consciousness, he beckoned him to come closer to him.

Xin Wu followed him into the room.

This room is different from the ice wall and ice bed where Xin Tian was unconscious before. This room is very ordinary, with a simple red sandalwood bed and a few cabinets.

There are two beds, one with a person lying on it.

Zhu Yu was lying on the bed, with naked upper body, pale complexion, protruding fangs, closed eyes and making a ho-ho sound, her hands and feet were bound by iron rings made of fine iron, lying on the bed in a large font.

On the side cabinet was a red candle, a dark leather whip with sharp thorns, and a rough blue and white porcelain bowl, which contained a bowl of red liquid.

According to Xin Wu's visual inspection, it should be blood.

But this scene is so weird no matter how you look at it.

A cold room... a handsome man with naked clothes bound by an iron ring... and the props that make people think...

Xin Wu turned around and walked out the door.

"Hey, Xiao Wu, come in. Why did you go out when I didn't say anything?" Xin Tian was a little confused.

Seeing that Xin Wu's footsteps were getting faster and faster, she stretched out her hand and tapped, a golden light shot out and sealed the only door in the room tightly.

"...I'm going outside to call a disciple to come in and help!" Xin Wu turned around.

Xin Tian's eyes widened in surprise, "Who told you to come?"

Um, didn't she come to torture?

"It's just to let you gain insight. These two things belong to the family. If I hadn't been bitten today, I wouldn't want to take it out..." Xin Tian said, walked to the cabinet, and pointed to the Whip.

"The thin and long things on it are not sharp thorns, but suckers like blood leeches!"

After a few simple and clear introductions, Xin Tian pointed to the red candle and said: "This is made of the bone marrow of the eighth-order fish demon in the Mihe River, and red sleeve fruit is added, so it is similar to the candle in our world. ..."

"Oh, this human blood."

Xin Tian has a warm and soft voice, and his gestures are elegant, as if he is not the same person as the person who broke his dentures in a prank before, but quite different.

"You look good."

Shen Wu looked at it with burning eyes, feeling a sense of excitement to unlock a new posture... Oh no, explaining the unsolved mysteries of the world.


When the whip was pulled down, Xin Wu's eyes narrowed, and the camera slowed down countless times. As expected, she saw those sharp thorns piercing into Zhu Yu's skin, and the moment they were pulled out, countless drops of blood came out.

Zhu Yu's body trembled below, and his brows were furrowed, but the ho ho sound from his throat had weakened.

Beads of blood gushed out, and the sucker on the whip absorbed everything in an instant.

As the whip whipped again and again, it gradually turned into a deep dark red.

Shen Wu was engrossed in watching, Shen Tian pumped his energy,...suddenly, Shen Wu stepped forward and grabbed the whip, pointing at Zhu Yu tremblingly, "Father, what's going on, he seems to be out of breath."

"—the sound of the heart seems to have disappeared." Xin Wu felt it carefully, and said in surprise.

Xin Tian glared at her, "Stand over there, don't interfere."

"I do not!"

"You don't believe Dad!?"

After 2 minutes, Xin Wu let go of her hands, clenched her fists and stood obediently by the wall.

But then, Shen Tian picked up the red candle without rushing to help, and suddenly turned the direction, with the flame facing down. When a drop of red candle fell on Zhu Yu's body, he quickly put away the red candle and put it back. counter.

...It seemed that he couldn't bear to give Zhu Yu even one more drop.

 ...Although it is already the fifth day of the lunar new year, the sound of firecrackers can still be heard everywhere. There are more fireworks in the countryside than in the city, but there are not as many red envelopes as in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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