Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 317 What to do now is to wait

Chapter 317 What to do now is to wait (2 more)
Next, Xin Wu saw a very miraculous scene.

When the drop of red candle fell on Zhu Yu's skin, it suddenly spread like frost from a central point, turning Zhu Yu red in less than 2 minutes.

Xin Wu calmly stepped forward and touched it.

The creamy and cool feeling is the same as touching a candle.

... like a painted wax figure.

When the red wax torch completely covered Su Che's fingertips, Xin Tian picked up the blue and white porcelain bowl and walked up to Zhu Yu, suddenly paused, and purposefully freed one hand to wave at her.

"Come closer now!"

Xin Wu did so.

Xin Tian's eyes were shining like stars, "Next, you will witness the miracle that Daddy created for you!!"

The bowl of blood was poured down by Zhu Yu by Shen Tian, ​​and afterwards he manually closed Zhu Yu's chin.

"...And then, is this all right?" Xin Wu asked.

Xin Tian gave an inscrutable smile, raised his fingers and booed her to be quiet, and said, "What we have to do now is...wait."

He let out a heavy breath, as if he wanted to blow all the violent factors in his body out of his mouth.

Xin Wu kept chanting... Believe in Dad...Although he is a pretentious but systematic person... Believe in Dad, even though he is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years and occasionally pretends to be tender... Believe in Dad , although he was locked in a dungeon by the Xin family, he later built Kunlun and took seven sons...

Eh, no.

Change your thinking, change your thinking, otherwise the more you think about it, the more you feel that your father is unreliable.

Xin Wu has been doing ideological work for herself in this way.

At a certain moment, the person on the bed let out a sigh of relief, killing people without paying for their lives.

After the stench, there is a weird smell, like the smell of bad wine, with a bit sourness and a strange fragrance, especially... when Xin Tian got up and slapped Zhu Yu's body After the wax, that smell was stronger.

"Father, he won't go out with this smell in the future, will he?"

It's as noticeable as body odor.

Xin Tian said: "Open the door first to let the air in..."

Open the door?
Can the smell go away by opening the door?
Shen Wu turned around and looked, the golden light covered by Shen Tian earlier had disappeared, she raised her foot and kicked...

There was a loud bang, and the entire door, including the wooden bolts, flew out and slid several meters straight before hitting the ground with a slap. Everyone outside the attic looked over in unison, and only saw Xin Wu standing in front of the door frame. ...and the slowly retracting legs.

"Uh, Uncle Xin is still as fierce as ever, what is going on inside...?"

"Hey, do you smell it? There's a smell?"

"Well, I smell it, let's go, let's take a look..."

The disciples who were watching the battle between Gu Chonghua and Tu Dian all rushed towards the room in the attic.


During the battle, Gu Chonghua had a strong smell of blood on his body. Just now, he felt that his strength had increased in vain, and he even grew sharp nails.

A random swipe brought out a lot of blood from Tu Dian's body. He felt his mouth was dry, so he couldn't help but lick it.

"What happened?" Gu Chonghua turned to look at the wooden house, his thick eyebrows frowned, and the wings behind him trembled.

"Damn it, where are you looking! You haven't finished fighting with me yet?"

Tu Dian rushed over shouting, with bloodstains on his face and arms, his clothes torn and looking very miserable.

Who knew that Gu Chonghua just glanced at him lightly, "I won't play with you anymore."

He continued to look at the room, his eyes flickered, ... always felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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