Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 318 Gu Chonghua's Past

Chapter 318 Gu Chonghua's Past (3 4 more merged)
Not long after he looked at the room steadily, suddenly, a figure rushed out from inside.

"You have two choices now, become an ordinary person and leave Cangshan, or continue to be a blood clan but must stay in Cangshan!"

Some disciples who came out with Xin Wu quickly covered their mouths. The first sentence was understandable, but the latter sentence was a bit confusing. It was enough to be a blood clan, so why did they have to stay in Cangshan? !
"What do you mean by Uncle Xin? Why do you leave a hazard in the sect?"

An elder from the outer sect next to him looked at the disciple inscrutablely, and said: "You are stupid, there is still a force in the central region that can surpass Cangshan, so this kind of danger stays in Cangshan, and can check and balance him from harming people everywhere! "

Gu Chonghua heard these words, but he still glanced at Xin Wu quickly, and asked stubbornly: "What do you mean?"

Xin Wu didn't speak, she pursed her lips, waiting for his choice.

The sudden surge of power just now cannot be ignored. Could it be that Zhu Yu has returned to normal, so she does not need to be a test subject by herself, or that she is already kind enough, and the two choices she made are to let him live, It didn't make him disappear immediately.

"If I neither choose to become an ordinary person nor stay in Cangshan, will you...will kill me?" Gu Chonghua's fingernails trembled, and beads of blood rolled out of them, and the scent couldn't resist Come up with an answer he needs in his heart.


The soft voice made Gu Chonghua's body tremble.

Then, with bitterness all over his face, he opened his mouth wide and started laughing wildly, with tears rolling down from the corners of his eyes.

Gu Chonghua suddenly remembered the time when he had not yet cultivated.

His parents took him to a street corner, and then his mother told him to wait for a while, saying that he was going to go shopping, and he obediently agreed, and stood there waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting until noon to afternoon, after Afternoon turned into evening.

His mother did not come back to pick him up.

Later, relying on the food donated by some people and the gold and silver rewarded by others, he walked on foot relying on his memory, and he finally arrived home after walking for several days and nights.

Her mother hugged him and cried for a while, asked him how he was, changed him into new clothes, and gave him a bath...

He remembered that his father's face was not good-looking in those few days, even if he approached him, his father would snort and slap him fiercely, and then shut the door with a bang.

A few days later, her mother took him out again.

This time he walked further, on a busy street, his mother carried him out of the car again and put him at the intersection, saying that she had something to do and had to walk away for a while, and then told him not to run around and wait for her.

This time, Gu Chonghua believed it again.

He curled up and hid by the side of the road, when children picked up stones and threw them at him, and the gold and silver rewarded by women were snatched away before they were warmed up in their hands, he relied on the leftovers on the street to fill his stomach, After three days and three nights, he looked at the way he came, and finally understood.

It's the parents who don't want him anymore.

When he was about to despair, he remembered that a woman about his age, namely Cen Wu, took him to a restaurant for a full meal and gave him a spirit stone.

After the woman left, Gu Chonghua hid in a temple in the wilderness, and when he was hungry and fainted, he absorbed the spirit stone in a daze.

His body changed a lot, and finally he met the chief disciple of the Ling Xiao faction who was traveling at that time, and was taken back just like that.

... When he finally inquired about the woman, he found that all she had in her eyes was a man named Gu Chonghua.

Thousands of years ago, there were countless small battles left by the impact of the Millennium War.

After a mission, when both Gu Chonghua and Fu Qingcheng were injured, Cen Wu chose to save Gu Chonghua.

After that battle, his realm began to get lower and lower...

Falling from the peak of Destiny to Xuanling, falling to the peak of Dao Yushen 300 years ago, falling to Dao Nie Valley 100 years ago, and finally to Huagai...

That's why Shen Wu asked Shen Zhui Gu Chonghua why his realm would drop.

It was only during the Dabi that when Xin Wu said that the demon in Gu Chonghua's heart had something to do with her, her face instantly became gloomy.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Chonghua laughed softly, "What's wrong with me?!"

When his parents abandoned him, Cen Wu chose Fu Qingcheng from the beginning to the end, and even Ru's body, which was occupied by Shen Wu, chose Su Che...

He raised his head, and the violent breath seemed to dissipate suddenly.

A deep sadness filled the body.

"You also think that my heart is twisted and perverted?" Gu Chonghua's voice was a little hoarse and deep due to the influence of emotions.

Such a person who loves cleanliness and obsesses with cleanliness, tears are still falling on the clothes, and the blood in the sharp nails stains the white fingers red, and he wipes the clothes with his backhand.

"I swear..." he went on.

"...Ever since I was abandoned again and again, I swear that I will never be a good person again. I will do whatever I can to get the person I love, even if I am hated or resented by the other party, it is better than treating me as a transparent person powerful."

"Even if I pay, I care about everything."

If you don't get a response because of love, you will think about unfairness in your heart, so I fall in love with you but can't wait for your look back, so I will go crazy and want to torture and humiliate you, even if what you leave in my eyes is not love, but hatred.

"Even if I have to change my mind, I will be the one who turns around first. I don't want to be left where I am, like a trash that can be thrown away!!"

So, he turned around for the first time, betrayed Ling Xiao and abandoned his master who never gave up on him, and also tried to change his mind and stop thinking about Shen Wu...

This is the first time he turned around.

It was because he didn't want to be an abandoned person, so he abandoned others on his own initiative for the first time.

But he didn't expect Xin Wu to appear in front of him again.

He wanted to torture Xin Wu, but he was attracted by those eyes without knowing it, and pushed the stove over without knowing it, without knowing it... Even if she became a man, Gu Chonghua would still recognize her,

Gu Chonghua thought, this is love.

"What do you choose?" Xin Wu's unwrinkled eyes were tight, and her dazzling glazed eyes narrowed with threatening sparks.

Gu Chonghua sighed slowly, as if he was brought back to his senses by Xin Wu's staring gaze.


"Turn around... Since it's useless, just stay."

Xin Wu put her hand on the jade necklace, and whenever Gu Chonghua said something bad, she would directly take out the Soul Crushing Hammer.

"..." A group of Cangshan disciples.

Hey, you are Chief Ling Xiao anyway, and you were threatened by a woman, why didn't you strike out in a fit of anger, and finally fought for a hundred rounds, and finally got obediently killed by Uncle Xin.

All the disciples immediately looked unhappy, but Xin Tian was a little happy.

"That's it, that's great, Cangshan has gained more force, then... I'll go and blow out the red candle."

Although I didn't see how the whip and wax oil were operated, the implication that everyone heard was that it was not important for Gu Chonghua to be there, and it was more important not to waste the red candle.

Such a big Cangshan is naturally not her decision.

A group of juniors naturally extinguished their thoughts of confrontation.

But Tu Dian blocked Xin Wu's way with a few Shang Lao: "No, our Cangshan Mountain cannot accommodate monsters. As the head of the 48 Taoist sects, we cannot set a precedent!"

 This chapter is a big change, 3 and 4 are merged
(End of this chapter)

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