Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 319 Let me introduce you...

Chapter 319 Let me introduce you... (1 more)
Everyone only felt that the elders were imposing, and a group of disciples who were close to Xin Wu kept swallowing, their throats were as dry as if they were on fire.

Yang Fan searched the crowd in a panic, glanced at Shen Tian, ​​shook his head, Xin Zhan Shen lost a lot of blood...continue to search, and then saw Lu Feibai who was watching the scene with arms folded.

"Fifth Senior Uncle, Senior Uncle Xin is being bullied and you don't help, how dare you watch the fun?!"

Lu Feibai rubbed his chin and rubbed his eyes, "I'm not going, that little girl is so strong that I don't need to worry about it, besides, Elder Tu Dian has gone through so many battles and battles in Cangshan. He is worried about doing me wrong, if Master finds out..."

"I'm too lazy to listen to you in case."

Yang Fan turned around and left.

As soon as I saw that the senior uncle I admired was being targeted, I didn't care who was right and who was wrong, I first found someone to form a group to help, and I had already forgotten about my seniority.

"Hey, this kid, you want to go to the Duel Cliff with me, right?!"

As soon as Lu Feibai stretched out his long arms, he twisted Yang Fan's neckline and dragged him back abruptly.

"I just said that I won't go, I didn't say that my senior brothers won't go, you just wait for me to send a message—" Lu Feibai opened his mouth, opened his palms, and a unique identity token arrived in his hand .

Yang Fan's tense body suddenly loosened, and he automatically turned around and looked at Lu Feibai eagerly: "Oh, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Understood, don't rush!"

Lu Feibai's eyes flickered, he should be sending a message, and the next moment, Yang Fan saw the token in his hand flashing light, with one bar, two bars, three bars...

A total of five bars, or horizontal lines, of different colors.

"They'll be here soon." Lu Feibai shook his hand triumphantly.

Seeing Yang Fan's surprised expression, he slowly spread his palms and pointed at those thin horizontal lines, "This thin line lights up, which means that the senior brothers have accepted the message, is related to our only little junior sister, who would still Don't worry about it!"

Yang Fan nodded heavily, said "Oh", and cast a worshipful eye very cooperatively.

But this worship only lasted a few seconds, and he immediately and decisively looked at the confronting people in the sky.

From the negotiation between the two to the arraignment, the elapsed time was no more than 3 minutes.

But within 3 minutes, Xin Wu stretched out her finger and flicked, and a small formation appeared an inch away from her fingertips. What Xin Wu wanted to talk about was not the topic in front of her, but...

"Thank you, Elder Tu, for your kindness of not killing and saving your life. It seems that your cultivation base can only move points on the soles of your feet, and you can't really move your mind with your thoughts. I..."

Xin Wu shook her finger: "It's a little bit for Elder Tu... um, enlightenment?"

"Don't worry, it's free,...for you!"

As early as Xin Wu stretched out her hand, and the small formation moved from the thumb to the index finger, middle finger, little finger...even the palm and wrist, Tu Dian's breathing became a little quicker...

If Xin Wu gave him this method, the Heaven Killing Formation he made would come alive and become a moving formation.

Is this a revelation?

— This is preaching! !

Is it the temptation of Chi Guoguo?

But Tu Dian just liked this, and became crazy.

Tu Dian's eyes straightened.

Just as the elder was about to speak, Xin Wu beckoned, and a yellow light shot directly at her shoulder from somewhere in the crowd below.

"...Let me introduce to you, this is the town beast I brought back from the fairy world."

Several elders suddenly stared round their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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