Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 320 There is still a "but" and I was beaten away without saying it

Chapter 320 There is still a "but" and I was beaten away without saying it (2 more)
After Xin Wu came back from the fairy world, she told Taoist Qingyu what had happened, but what Xin Wu didn't know was that Taoist Qingyu, who had become a habit of showing off, had already told everyone that Shen Wu had been to the fairy world, and Also brought back a town beast.

This is the first time I see you.

But this clump, fluffy...

It seems that the difference between prestige and domineering is not 01:30.

Does Xin Wu's introduction mean that he wants to dedicate this duck to the mountain gate?
Although the fairy world is a small world, it is still a world after all. With this town of gods and beasts around, what kind of gossip is there to be afraid of?

But...but I can't help that Xin Wu is going to take in the evil spirits to the sect. Even if there is a strong force to stop some unpredictable people from creating rumors and seriously hurting Cangshan, what about the inside?

What if he goes crazy, hurts or infects Cangshan disciples?
... Gu Chonghua glanced quickly at the expressions of these elders, feeling troubled and depressed.


He glanced at Xin Wu's calm and composed look again, and it turned out that she was more pleasing to the eye.

"I'm picky now."

The implication is that I don't like your blood, but I am very interested in Xin Wu.

The elders looked at each other, always surrounded Shen Wu and Gu Chonghua in the center, as if they would kill the two of them at any time if they disagreed, staring at Gu Chonghua with undiminished vigilance in their eyes, and occasionally couldn't help but look at that A little yellow duck.

"My idea is that my Cangshan Mountain is the place where the eyes of thousands of monks gather, and there should be no dirt..." Tu Dian, as a senior elder, is the most qualified to speak.

He just opened his mouth to say a few words, and suddenly, a silver light slammed heavily from a distance.

Tu Dian was caught off guard, and his body fell into the wall of the Seventh Peak in a parabolic shape, and finally struggled to get out of the rock. He looked at Taoist Qingyu who was blowing his beard and staring angrily, and pursed his mouth a little bit aggrieved.

I want to cry.

You let me finish the "but...".

...However, as long as you can restrain him, it is not impossible!
Of course, Tu Dian had no chance to say this.

"You guys are really fat, dare to bully my little apprentice? Ha... really capable!"

The elders suddenly 'turned pale' and explained aggrievedly.

"Old Ancestor, I don't, it's just that my uncle said to hide this blood race in Cangshan Mountain!"

"Old Ancestor, you misunderstood, how dare I bully my uncle, we just ask my uncle..."

Taoist Qingyu: "I'm too lazy to listen to your explanations!!"

"Boss, second, third, and fourth, you guys know what to do!"

Only then did Shen Wu see four people standing behind Taoist Qingyu, Fu Qingcheng was expressionless, Xiao Yi frowned, Shao Mingsheng was displeased, and Shen Zhui was so angry that his eyes spit fire.

... When did they come?
"Boom!", "Boom!" "Boom!"

Then, several elders were sent flying at the same time.

Taoist Qingyu stopped in front of Xin Wu with a posture of guarding against perverts, and turned half of his body.

"Are you OK?"

Xin Wu shook her head.

"...Old Fifth is really making a fuss, I thought something happened, I scared the old man to death!"

Then he raised his eyes and saw Gu Chonghua behind Xin Wu, "Hey, little Huahua, why did you become like this?"

"Are you the... blood race they said?"

Taoist Qingyu seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, rolled up his sleeves to reveal his dark arms like withered vines, touched his chin pensively and began to circle around Gu Chonghua.

"Tsk tsk tsk...Okay, hehehe, that's great!"

(End of this chapter)

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