Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 321 You Can't Kill, You Have To Take Care Of It

Chapter 321 You Can't Kill, You Have To Take Care Of It (3 More)
So weird.

When everyone was arguing about Gu Chonghua's blood status, Taoist Qingyu actually rubbed his chin and stared in amazement.

Xin Wu moved a certain distance to the side, so that Taoist Qingyu could 'appreciate'.

After a while, Shen Wu asked Taoist Qingyu: "What is Master talking about, what is so good?"

Several senior brothers also leaned over here.

Lu Feibai, who was hiding in the crowd, stretched his neck and looked at it for a while, but couldn't help his gossiping heart, and stepped forward to join in the fun.

"The devil body formed the day after tomorrow will grow up to be a big devil." Taoist Qingyu said.

Fu Qingcheng looked sleepy, and his obsidian-like eyes were full of resistance: "Then it's better to kill him now!"


Taoist Qingyu interrupted, "Not only can it not be killed, but it must also be properly raised."

"The demon body is even rarer than the Tao body. The spirit body is once in a hundred years, and the Tao body is rare in a thousand years. The devil body is as rare as the holy spirit body. Although he was formed the day after tomorrow, but in today's I'm afraid Zhongyu won't be able to find it."

"Oh?" Gu Chonghua's voice contained a bit of light joy, revealing a sense of restlessness.

While listening, he approached Xin Wu, bumped her with his shoulder familiarly, and mouthed a few words, "I'm a treasure now."

Taoist Qingyu was a little excited, chattering endlessly.

"...As long as he is willing, those celestial figurines from the Northern Territory are just his nourishment...Thousands of years ago, in the attack launched by the Northern Territory, many monks died tragically on those Yin Xiu who were possessed by the celestial figurines. The magic body is a trump card for the end, but on the contrary, if it is acquired by the Northern Territory and planted with figurines, it will be a catastrophe."

Shen Zhui trembled, "Master, are you exaggerating?"

"It's even more exaggerated than this!"

Taoist Qingyu rolled his eyes at Shen Zhui, and then smiled 'kindly' at Xin Wu in relief.

"Xiao Wu did the right thing. Only by staying in Cangshan can people feel at ease with such a hole card. Well, you are indeed my apprentice of Taoist."

Shen Zhui and Lu Feibai put their heads together one after the other: "Master, we are also your apprentices, you have never praised us like this..."

Taoist Qingyu: "Get out!!"

The elders standing not far behind the senior brothers immediately looked at each other and looked at Xin Wu in surprise.

...Could it be that she knew earlier that she would take the risk of leaving Gu Chonghua behind?
For a while, the atmosphere was quiet.

A few elders: terrible and meticulous thought is this~? !
A few senior brothers: the body of the demon so terrifying?More terrifying than Junior Sister's Tiangang Body?
Not long after the silence, the embarrassment of honey juice was staged.

Tu Dian: "Oh, that's it, then I have nothing to do here, I'm going back to set bones."

With a look of enlightenment on his face, after walking a few steps, he turned his head to look at Xin Wu and waved his fingers, meaning, don't forget about the formation.

After Tu Dian left, several elders also left one after another.

Shen Wu suddenly relaxed, and then...feeling sore back...and sore legs...

It seems that I have to find a chance to get some universal radishes from the master to replenish my body.

Fu Qingcheng's complexion was not very good from the moment he came here, like the sluggishness that appeared after staying up late, with a slightly sick face, and he tried to cover it with a layer of powder... Anyway, it doesn't look good.

"You really love me, not me!"

Then, his whole body was wrapped in a ball of light and shot out like a cannonball.

That direction seems to be his own courtyard? !Xin Wu's eyes widened suddenly, what was he going to do...

(End of this chapter)

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