Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 323 When Did You Be So Obedient

Chapter 323 When Did You Be So Obedient (1 More)
The sun shone down, and the small courtyard was filled with warmth, and the walls and the ground seemed to have orange brilliance flowing.

It's just that the tables and chairs in the yard, the positions of Xin Wu and Su Che are all under the sunlight, and the position Fu Qingcheng made happened to be because the old tree at the gate of the courtyard blocked part of the light, making Fu Qingcheng's whole body hidden in a deep darkness. in the dark.

Fu Qingcheng got the tea and drank it in one gulp.

Just as Xin Wu's eyes were about to light up, she saw that thin lips opened her mouth and said, "No."

"It's not up to you and me to decide this matter, let's see what your parents say!" Fu Qingcheng rarely said such a long sentence, with a deadpan expression on his face.

Xin Wu said: "Since when have you been so disciplined?"

Fu Qingcheng's eyes grew colder, his sword eyebrows seemed to be covered with frost, he stood up and left.

Halfway there, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Kidney deficiency was taken aback, the cup in my hand fell to the ground with a thud, and rolled around a few times.

Her first reaction was that a coquettish Su Che would not have poisoned the tea.

But on second thought, I drank it myself.

When he dodged past, Fu Qingcheng's swaying body also stood firm, some blood was splashed on his plain white robe, he didn't even look down, and then walked out.

After Fu Qingcheng left, Su Che walked to where Fu Qingcheng was standing, moved his nose, took a breath, and then smiled.

"Xiao Wu, don't worry, big brother is fine."

Clearly steadying his mind is at most a stagnation in his chest, but he still feels the random impact of that heartache, forcing him to spit out blood...whether it is true or not, he doesn't care!

He is a ruthless Teng Snake, apart from Xin Wu, probably there is nothing worthy of his true affection.

Xin Wu was stunned, her slightly parted lips tightened unnaturally.

at night.

After Su Che fell asleep, Xin Wu got up quietly, got dressed and went out.

The moonlight was cool, and Xin Wu's long gown was blown by the wind, she dodged and fell into the courtyard of the eldest brother.

Looking around, the scenery of this yard is much better than his own.

White walls and black tiles, there is a pond in the courtyard, and there are blooming bowl lotuses floating on it. Under the moonlight, it enters and breathes spiritual power by itself, covered with pink brilliance, extremely delicate.

She visited a few places at random, and then found the one with the dim light, took out a few bottles of pills from the necklace and put them at the door.

When he turned around and was about to leave, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Thank you, Junior Sister, for your concern. My fate is hard, and I won't die so easily..."

Xin Wu turned around, pulled her lips, stretched out her hand and shook it: "Hey, senior brother hasn't slept yet?"

"Xiao Wu, are you caring about me?"

"Well, is it weird to care about senior brother...? I'm going out for a walk, ah~ I'm sleepy now, so I'll go first!"

After Xin Wu finished speaking, she was ready to run away.

Fu Qingcheng didn't stop her, and watched her run away in a daze before bending down to pick up the porcelain on the ground.

Uncork the bottle, and a scent wafts out.

"It's actually the Four-pattern Dragon Spiral Pill, Xiao Wu..." Fu Qingcheng poured out one and threw it into his mouth.

When returning to the house, Su Che took a long breath as if he didn't wake up halfway.

After she took off her clothes and lay on the bed, she felt that the person behind her approached with a hand around her waist. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that Su Che was hugging her a little tight...

In the next few days, Fu Qingcheng would come to her yard without saying anything, just drinking tea with Su Che.

Occasionally she said one or two inscrutable words, and Xin Wu didn't even know what they meant.

Fu Qingcheng's face was still pale. The Longxuan Pills she sent were of relatively high quality, so why didn't they see any effect.

After all, it's not his own man, so it's enough to send his heart to avoid Su Che's misunderstanding.

The days passed without a sound.

During this period, Shen Wu asked Wu Jingang to bring back some craftsmen from a border country to start building the sixth peak.

He also called several nephews who were close to him to be supervisors, and occasionally helped Yukong deliver things, which could make the construction much faster.

(End of this chapter)

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