Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 324 The Signs Before the Chaos

Chapter 324 The Signs Before the Chaos (2 More)
Perhaps it was because Shen Wu's appeal in Cangshan was so strong that besides Yang Fan and others, many disciples joined in one after another and began to help consciously.

It is said that time is like running water, and the days of self-cultivation are even more timeless.

Not long after, the ruined and barren Sixth Peak gradually began to change drastically. The architectural style was Xin Wu's favorite Chinese style.

Pavilions, towers and pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, auspicious animals are dragons and phoenixes, unicorns, and twelve zodiac signs.

As for the environment, Xin Wu thought for a while, and then began to pull radishes and various spiritual herbs from Taoist Qingyu's spiritual field.

For example, the lamps of the small stone towers on both sides of the stone path are movable formations, such as the hall of alchemy, and the spring water for washing are all painted by Shen Wu with various formations, spirit absorption formations, and defense formations...

The house Xin Wu chose was a well-built courtyard. She made the purple bamboo forest into the scenery in her own courtyard. The dense air emitted by this bamboo forest every day is the rich spiritual power of nature.

In just two months, the entire Sixth Peak was shimmering with clouds and rosy clouds.

Many spars of Baizishu were used for decoration, and the light changes under the sunlight. When there are mountains blowing in, the purple bamboo forest is buzzing, and the color of the spiritual grass blooming in the lush spiritual fields is like a fairyland.

With such a big change in Cangshan Mountain, many disciples of Cangshan Mountain have not participated in the new atmosphere that has been transformed. Every brick and tile of Cangshan carries their own strong feelings for Cangshan Mountain.

In the past two months, none of the disciples went out to do missions, and they basically watched the transformation of the sixth peak anxiously, for fear of missing something.

Half a month ago, Wu Jingang came to look for Xin Wu.

"I'm going back to the Southern Region."

Xin Wu was a little astonished, "What's the matter,... Is something wrong?"

Wu Jingang stretched out a hand and spread it out.

His fingers are thick, his thumb is like a radish, his nails are thick and yellowish, and the lines on his palm are very clear.

There is a round bead in the palm.

"Huh? This is the bodhi bead?... But it doesn't seem to be yours?!"

Wu Jingang shook his head, "In Buddhism, the natal bead of low-ranking disciples, the Pepper Bodhi Bead, is already close to the relic..."

"And then...?" Xin Wu looked at him.

Wu Jingang continued: "I don't know what's going on, I felt something following me a few times ago but I couldn't find it, but last night when I was chanting the mantra, this bead suddenly rolled down from the air Come out, it should be something happened to Buddhism, I want to go back and have a look..."

Xin Wu frowned,

Rolling out of the air, it is the relic that has been hiding in the space behind the Buddha's light.

"An accident happened in the Buddhist gate. You should go back. If you need help, please let me know."

Xin Wu remembers what she told Wu Jingang at that time.

The Southern Territory and the Northern Territory are not far apart. Logically speaking, he should have arrived in half a month, but no news came out.

Xin Wu was a little worried.

But then I thought about it, if Wu Jingang's power is used to send a message, it shouldn't be a problem.

What Xin Wu gave him was the thunder news that he specially asked for from Taoist Qingyu.

Asking Yang Fan and others to send the craftsmen away, and then take care of a few more, and arrange them for Dao Dao, Duan Wuchen, and Gu Chonghua, Shen Wu felt a little idle.

This kind of boring day somehow made Xin Wu feel a little uneasy.

Talking about his talent is very good, and he has reached the middle stage of body training.

Besides Duan Wuchen, Yang Fan is also very concerned about Dao Tao, always coming to give advice from time to time.

On the second day after settling down, Xin Wu heard that the disciple was summoned outside and asked to see him.

Xin Wu withdrew from her practice, and asked with some doubts, "What's the matter?"

"There is a woman outside the mountain gate who wants to see you, and tells you that you will know when you see this ring..."

As he said that he respectfully presented the ring, Xin Wu's pupils shrank when she saw it.

 Thank you Li Shixue... for your reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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