Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 326 Northern Territory, attacking.

Chapter 326 Northern Territory, attacking. (4 more)
Xin Wu looked up.

It was a man with butterfly-like wings on his back.

The dark blue lines outline the main axis, and the thin lines are soft light blue, which may be related to the operation of spiritual power, which makes the streamers on the wings rotate, reflecting each other beautifully.

Xin Wu found that her eyes were all on the pair of beautiful wings. It wasn't until the distance between the man was even tighter that Xin Wu felt that the man's body seemed to be controlled by the force behind him, like a puppet, with a weak and boneless body. Swaying.

The closer the distance, Xin Wu found that this person seemed to have met there.

When he was thrown, was thrown!
The wings did not belong to him. After the man was thrown on the ground, Xin Wu realized that the 'wings' were actually something like a bamboo dragonfly, and then flew away automatically.

"Sister! Help!!!" Xin Wu's legs were hugged all of a sudden.

Xin Wu kicked away unceremoniously.

Xin Wu looked impatient, Jiao Lingyan was still in crisis, how could she have time to listen to this man's wailing.

"Sister Xiaowu, - me! - Don't you know me?! - me!" The man stood up from the ground with a quick bounce, and made several gestures while arranging his clothes.

"If you don't make it clear, you'd better go back where you came from!!" She was very angry, and she looked at Zhao Xiu'er who stood up straight and her face was pale, and felt even more uncomfortable.

"I, Li Yixian!"

Xin Wu's eyeballs moved, seemed familiar, I heard it there before!
"I, I met in the fairy world..." Li Yixian started talking a lot.

"I remember."

Xin Wu frowned, and looked in the direction of the wings that had disappeared long ago, "You came here specifically to find me?"

Li Yixian's eyes were red all of a sudden, and he wanted to throw himself down to Shen Wu, but Shen Wu dodged him.

There were many dried blood stains on his clothes, his eyes were bloodshot, and when his chapped lips opened his mouth, there was a sobbing sound from his nostrils.

"Sister Xiaowu, our return to the Yuanzong is over, it's all over... the disciples under the sect, and all the elders are gone."

Xin Wu didn't blink her eyes, could it be...

Here, Li Yixian hadn't finished crying, when a buzzing sound flew over his head, Li Yixian paused and looked around.

Next, the buzzing sound continued, one, two, three...

wind news.

Along with the humming, there are white silk threads that are faster, which is the sound made by lightning.

——Lei Xun.

Wind news and thunder news rushed into the sky like fireworks from many places in the central region, all of them concentrated towards the Lanyue Hall on Cangshan Mountain, and a few turned directly to the position of Lingxiao faction.

"You don't need to say anything, I already understand." Xin Wu's face was solemn and her voice was heavy.

An answer naturally emerged from the bottom of her heart, even if she didn't need to confirm it, Xin Wu was very sure.

"North Territory, attack!"

Li Yixian looked at the wind news and thunder news flying all over the sky, and his body trembled, "Northern Territory, this going to take over the central domain?"

When Xin Wu heard this, her eyes flickered.

The previous violence and irritability, as if she sensed the coming of the crisis, actually settled down, her slightly trembling hands were clenched into fists, and there was only calmness in her eyes, she glanced down at Zhao Xiu'er who was kneeling and refused to get up.

"I will save Jiao Lingyan, but not now."

After that, he looked sideways at Li Yixian: "The chaos is coming, if you don't want to die, go to Cangshan Mountain with me first!"

(End of this chapter)

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