Chapter 327 The Bell Rings Seven Times (1 Update and 2 Update)
The Central Territory is huge and boundless.There are so many religions that 48 cannot be summed up.

It is said to be 48 sects, but it actually refers to the 5000 sects left over from the Great War 48 years ago. However, there are countless sects that have risen after thousands of years.

It's just that no matter how the old school of Protestantism changes, Cangshan is undoubtedly the leader of this sect.

Xin Wu wears the identity badge that Taoist Qingyu sits on, so she can go all the way no matter she encounters any defensive formation or teleportation formation.

Take the two of them to the sixth peak, and let Duan Wuchen guard behind them.

Sure enough, the bell above the main peak rang and struck seven times.

I remember Senior Brother Shen Zhui once said that the more times the bell is rung, the greater the event encountered. The last time the bell was rung was two years ago during the Zhongyu Grand Competition, and it was only rung three times.

...It seems that the bell has already given itself the answer.

Just as Shen Wu was about to turn around and leave, she glanced at the two of them and left a few of Fu Qingcheng's Shushengzi in place.

"Stay here honestly, tell them to do anything, and we'll talk about everything when I come back!!"

Li Yixian said: "Sister Xiaowu, I listen to you!"

Zhao Xiu'er nodded, lowering her head so that people could not see her expression clearly, but her attitude was very respectful: "Senior, Xiu'er understands."

Shen Wu turned around and headed towards Lanyue Hall, the main peak, and met many disciples flying from various peaks with swords along the way.

When they reached the second peak, Xichen Peak, it happened that Shen Zhui, Lu Feibai and others also flashed out from the courtyard and rose into the air.

"Junior Sister, do you know what happened?" Shen Zhui leaned forward, watching the galloping voices, and there was some speculation and uneasiness in the voice.

Lu Feibai also looked towards the stilt tower of the main peak, "Since I entered Cangshan, this is the first time I've heard seven bells ring!"

"Me too." Shao Mingsheng responded briefly.

Lu Feibai Yujian leaned in Shen Zhui's direction, stretched out his arm and bumped into Shen Zhui, and said aloud, "Fourth senior brother, tell me, is the head of Lin Zi passed away?"

The bird bone on Shen Zhui disappeared in a flash, "Get lost!"

I believe that if the person who said this was not his junior brother, he would definitely make the other party die without knowing how.

The sound of the wind galloped past my ears, and under the flying sword was the panorama of Cangshan Mountain.

"North Territory, attack!"

Xin Wu spoke, she was clearly by her side but the voice seemed to come from under the Nine Netherworld, it was extremely cold.

The few words of the introduction made several people silent at the same time.

Then one after another accelerated their speed and surpassed the main peak.

When Shen Wu and others arrived, Elder Liu and others from the outer sect were already waiting in the square outside with a series of disciples. As soon as Shen Wu put away the flying sword, Shen Zhui tugged at her sleeve, "Let's go, Master is calling us over there."

Following Shen Zhui to the higher level, some disciples still politely address them as seniors.

Some of the disciples who joined Cangshan in recent years, under the guidance of their seniors, all looked at Xin Wu, looking at her with suspicion, curiosity, admiration, and so on.

Xin Wu noticed something and glanced back when she entered Lanyue Palace.

Immediately, everyone felt that those brilliant eyes like colored glaze were deeply rooted in their hearts. Of course, just a pair of eyes is not enough.

That oppressive momentum resounded in the mind for a moment. Some people felt a chill on the back of their necks, some people turned pale, and even some disciples who had just stepped into the body training state softened their legs and sat on the ground directly.

This is the unique nun in Cangshan.

This is that Cangshan Mountain, Xin Wu.

"...Thinking about it, it's really fast. Two years have passed, and my junior sister will be able to play awe-inspiring."

Beside him, Shen Zhui, who waited for her to come up before continuing to move forward, let out a faint sigh.

Xin Wu raised her eyebrows: "I did it on purpose."

Those who can enter Cangshan must have succeeded in lifting the tripod, and those with bones have more understanding and talent. Even those who are cold-hearted and cold-hearted will be assimilated as long as they join Cangshan, and they will regard this place as a holy place in their hearts.

To protect the holy place in your heart, you must have a goal to strive for and surpass.

She is not worried about being compared, she is only worried about the upcoming battle, and wonders if there is any chance for these disciples to surpass.

Enter the house and take a seat.

The upper ranks were of course head master Lin Zi and Taoist Qingyu, and the lower ones were the core elders such as Tu Dian.

Because the seniority of Xin Wu and the others belonged to the category of masters and uncles who were in charge, they sat opposite to those core elders.

"I believe that so many wind news and thunder news appeared together just now, some people have already felt it..."

Lin Zi sat on top, extremely majestic, full of demeanor as the master.

It is not at all obvious that this is someone who affectionately calls her Shishu.

At the same time, Lin Zi's voice was also spreading, just like the screen that lit up in the sky when the tripod was raised before.

All the words and deeds and various discussions of the people in the hall are presented to all disciples through the 'live broadcast' public ceremony.

"North Territory, attack."

A few words fell, like thunder that sounded out of nowhere, with a bang, causing many people to show astonished expressions on their faces, and then pulled the people around them to whisper.

"This is a rumor from the royal family of the ancient kingdom of Miaojiang, listen to—"

With that said, Lin Zi crushed the news.

Then everyone heard some conversations, which roughly meant that the disciples of the ancient Miaojiang country found someone invading and questioned them. Anxiously calling for help.

"Listening to the sound, it seems that there are many bats flapping their wings. It should be the Red Moon Gate in the Northern Territory that attacked the ancient kingdom of Miaojiang." The pleasant sound sounded like mellow wine.

Xin Wu turned her head and happened to see Su Che looking towards her, her pupils were dim, she didn't know what was hidden inside.


Red Moon Gate?
The cries of bats are inaudible to normal people, and they all rely on ultrasonic reflections to locate them, which is the knowledge learned by Shen Wu in her previous life.

If Su Che said it was the cry of bats, Xin Wu might still sneer, but what Su Che said was the sound of bats flapping their wings.

I heard the sound of bats amidst so many chaotic magic spells and the screams and howls of people soaring into the sky...

Is this his talent, or is it also his bestial intuition?
Xin Wu didn't think about it, Lin Zi crushed several rumors, all of them were big and small sects.

Su Che could deduce the sect in the northern region that was attacking at every move.

In contrast, Fu Qingcheng, who was sitting there, was a little silent. Just as Xin Wu thought about it, a rumor came from outside again and entered the hall.

Lin Zi had experienced this situation countless times. He just stretched out his palm and waited for the news to reach him. He only needed to ask to crush it to get the latest news.


But the next moment, the news stopped in front of Fu Qingcheng.

He grabbed it from the air, and a teleportation crystal block of the wind message shaft appeared in his hand.

"Master, this subordinate has found a piece of news."

This is Yi Yang's voice!
 [Thank Hua Jie for the reward...] The third wave after the year, thank you, hug, hold on~~
(End of this chapter)

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