Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 328 Hey, You Are Really Boring

Chapter 328 Hey, You Are Really Boring (3rd and 4th)
Above the main hall, everyone turned their heads to look, wanting to know what news Yi Yang brought back.

Fu Qingcheng glanced at the anxious crowd, Fu Qingcheng smiled, and once again showed that contemptuous but not arrogant expression, the young disciple felt his heart beat faster when he saw it.

"Tell me."

His succinct tone aroused everyone's curiosity, and his lazy tone was like a light feather gently scratching people's itch.

"The corpse pit of the Yinzong in the Northern Territory is fixed on a space magic weapon, and it can move freely."

This news is not a narration or record, but it is continuously flashing. After a closer look, Xin Wu finds that the astronomical stone of this news is a higher-grade spar, and the lines depicted are different.

"And just after attacking Qilu Hall, the disciples of Qilu Hall surrendered."

Yi Yang's voice paused, as if he could feel the atmosphere on Fu Qingcheng's side, but he seemed to be more indifferent through the spar, and summed up the news he had found in one sentence.

But just the first half of his sentence has already caused huge waves in everyone's hearts.

"...Space artifact!!!"

"This kind of legendary thing, even the ancestors and emperors of the Central Territory may not have it in their hands?! Where did the magic weapon of the Yinzong of the Northern Territory come from?"

The people here are all elder-level existences, so naturally they won't ask the silly question of "are space instruments and space rings and bracelets the same?"

That's a different concept, the space ring can only store things, and it can only be dead things.

Only the space magic weapon has other functions, such as this moving space magic weapon, or the jade necklace on Xin Wu's neck... It can actually be the existence of Baizishu and Shushengzi...

Xin Wu subconsciously touched the necklace on her neck.

Looking away from the corner of the eye, I saw Xiao Yi stroking the ring on his hand. Fu Qingcheng put one hand on the table, and the simple wooden ring on the ring was silent.

His long and slender fingers tapped on the table, making a crisp 'click' sound.

She subconsciously came up with an idea,... so the space magic weapon is such a rare existence?
"If the moving space magic weapon is used as a corpse pit, as long as there are people, there will be corpses, and you can create infinite figurines..."

"This is another catastrophe!!"


The meeting lasted three days.

During the three days, Cangshan's disciples did not go out to support any place, but some casual cultivators fled to the foot of Cangshan Mountain, and Cangshan's disciples would not drive them away.

When the wind news and thunder news came, it was to grasp the latest developments.

Some disciples once asked the elder, "Why don't the Cangshan disciples go out to help each other?"

"One is that there is too little information, and the number of Cangshan disciples is also small. Cangshan disciples cannot be sent out to be cannon fodder. The life of any disciple in Cangshan is precious!"

At the end of the fourth day, Lin Zi held an ancient parchment scroll in his hand before issuing orders.

In addition to a group of elders, Fu Qingcheng, Xiao Yi and others who sat down with Taoist Qingyu will lead a team to support the various factions that are still survivors.

Fu Qingcheng alone took a thousand disciples to the Central Region and eastward.

Xiao Yi took two thousand disciples to the south of the central region.

Su Che took three thousand disciples to the west of the central region.

Shen Zhui and Shao Mingsheng led four thousand disciples to the north to support them.

Lu Feibai led his disciples to gather the remnants of various factions...

When it was Shen Wu's turn, Lin Zi was tangled up. He glanced at Taoist Qingyu anxiously, and saw that he had a blank face, as if everything was easy to discuss, but the way he was holding the table legs was clearly telling him Check it out.

"Uncle Xin, take your disciples to the northwest first, then to the southeast, and finally to..." Before he could finish his sentence, he felt a gaze focus on him, and the majestic headmaster suddenly stopped. The food was ready, and he stammered. "Uncle Xin... what do you want!?"

"Master, you can't protect me forever!"

Xin Wu frowned, and stared at Taoist Qingyu.

Taoist Qingyu shrank his neck, turned his head away arrogantly, and then found a carrot out of nowhere and ate it.

"Just as the head said." Xin Wu said seriously, "However, I don't want five thousand, I just want three thousand. I just hope that Yang Fan and others who went to the Northern Territory with me will be with me, and then my The first destination, I want to go to Hehuan Pie first."

Lin Zi stood up immediately, and asked with a solemn face, "I can do anything else, but you have thought about it... really only need three thousand disciples?"

"Yeah." Xin Wu nodded again, and then thought for a while, "...wait a minute, I'll bring another person."


On the second day, the sky just turned pale, and the moment when day and night alternated on the earth, everything was quiet.

A figure lightly landed on the roof of the Wudao Building, raised its arms and gave a loud shout.

"Set off!!!"

Immediately, the densely packed crowd surged up into the sky, and the moment the body fell, there was a bright brilliance on the soles of the feet, and the swords came out in unison.

Finally, it is divided into four directions: southeast, northwest and north.

In front of the Enlightenment Building, three thousand disciples are ready to go.

"You have all seen Wu Meier who fought with me on Duel Cliff. If you meet someone with a special mark on his body, don't believe it easily. People who are possessed by terracotta figurines are ever-changing. I hope you will not ruin your life because of kindness!"

Some of the disciples here started earlier than her, and their realm is higher than her, but their seniority is not as high as her.

Three thousand disciples, she can't guarantee that everyone will obey her and obey her orders, but she will still say what should be said.

When the words fell, Yang Fan and others were the first to take the lead in saying "yes".

Afterwards, Encounter went to the Hehuan Clan.

At the time of Yujian, Gu Chonghua came over.

"...It's so strange, why did you think of taking me with you this time?" Gu Chonghua couldn't help but glance at her neck when he spoke, and took a breath of the air. Although there was no smell, he still looked intoxicated .

"You didn't see the faces of your master and your head, it's a wonderful thing!"

Xin Wu didn't even move her head, her eyes stared straight ahead, "It's purely useful to bring you here, as for my master and the sect master's expressions are always very exciting, I don't need you to remind me."

"Hey, you are really boring. It's rare for me to talk to you so calmly."

"Your calmness is also boring."

"Then do you like my strength, for example... You can feel the same kiss when you stared at your nephew's body last time when your blood addiction broke out?"

Gu Chonghua gradually shifted his gaze to her lips, and suddenly, stretched out his hand to press his lips a few times, understating it and seeming to deliberately make people look at his lips to attract imagination.

Xin Wu finally turned her head.

"Are you fucking idle? I don't have time to talk to you right now!!"

 I'm sorry to write a long chapter, and I don't know if those of you who are still chasing can get used to it, but my dears.I hope that you who have a new year and a new atmosphere can also bring me a new year and a new atmosphere,

(End of this chapter)

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