Big sister is going against the sky

Chapter 329 Don't question my decision at any time.

Chapter 329 Don't question my decision at any time. (1 more and 2 more)
Traveling all the way in a hurry, occasionally you will see fleeing casual cultivators and disciples of various sects below.

The once magnificent building has long been turned into a mass of ruins, corpses strewn all over the place, and in some places a fire ignited into the sky, the fire was like a prairie fire, and the entire ground was riddled with holes and scars.

After seeing too many scenes like this... the corners of Gu Chonghua's lips twitched all the way along the way, "... People in the Northern Territory are really ambitious, but they are still much worse than me .”

Xin Wu glanced at Gu Chonghua, this man is really perverted.

Shaking her head, Shen Wu urged her spiritual power to move forward again. Yang Fan is the smartest kid. As soon as Gu Chonghua was about to get close to him, he took several disciples Yu Jian to block the way. Angrily want to tear these people apart.

But the red eyes flickered a few times, and they stopped.

"Brother, brother. Then... where is it?"

"Guanqing faction!"

"Oh, Guan Qingzong? I don't seem to have heard of it, ah, take a quick look—it seems that there are still people alive, let's go down and have a look, and help if we can. It won't take long?"

A few disciples suddenly looked at the place below where the smoke was rising, and then one of them mustered up the courage to step forward and put forward his opinion to Xin Wu.

Xin Wu glanced down lightly.

"Don't go."

One of the disciples couldn't figure it out, so he raised his voice and yelled at Xin Wu, "Why?"

Shen Wu Feijian didn't stop, she turned her head and glanced at him, and found that it was a young man with slightly curly hair, but he seemed to be a new face.

"I haven't seen you before, you must have entered Cangshan this year?"

"Yes, Master, my name is Jun Wu." After saying a few words, when this disciple saw that everyone was about to fly past Guan Qingzong, Jun Wu became anxious, "Master Xin, it really won't take long of……"

Xin Wu ignored it and continued on her way.

"Hmph, if Master doesn't go, I'll go!" Wu Jun was about to rush down immediately.

Yang Fan blocked the way.

Wu Jun said angrily: "Yesterday, I have advanced to the early stage of Pigong. Once the palace gate is opened, the spiritual power can be doubled. I am not afraid of people from the Yin Sect. Besides, there are only two or three people from the bottom. What danger is there!?"

After finishing speaking, he rushed down regardless.

Xin Wu finally stopped, but she had no intention of rushing down immediately.

Instead, he turned around and faced the crowd.

"—I hope you can see clearly the next thing! I just need you to understand a little bit, and don't question my decision at any time!!"

Everyone was silent, some didn't understand what Xin Wu meant.

But still follow the meaning and approach the three people at a very fast speed.

When the distance was still a few meters away, the three of them suddenly jumped up and surrounded Wu Jun——

A man's head was separated abruptly, and a jet of black mist spewed out.

The incident was too sudden, Wu Jun took a big breath without precaution, and the spiritual power all over his body suddenly rushed, Yujian was a little unsteady, and fell down.

For the other two, a thinner man immediately opened his arms to meet Wu Jun. His arms, neck, and even his face were covered with dense tooth marks. His muscles agitated, and the tooth marks came alive, revealing ferocious sharp teeth... …

Wu Jun struggled to get away, trying to escape in a panic.

The other person next to the tall and thin man raised his foot and kicked at Wu Jun.

His feet are like fists, and the five fingers and the soles of his feet are like a piece of iron, like a shield, and the range is just right to block the area where Wu Jun wants to escape! !

Can't escape? !

The shield-like soles knocked Wu Jun back at once, and the person with merged head above him was also approaching. The man covered with fangs suddenly opened his mouth and grinned, liquid splashed from the fangs all over his body. Come out, the stench is incomparable.

Just at this critical moment——

A long and slender arm stretched out from nowhere, and suddenly twisted the collar of Wu Jun's neck, pulling him out of the encirclement with ease.

With the whistling of the wind in his ears, Wu Jun's eyes blurred, and he passed by a fire dragon the size of a water tank.

Wu Jun's face turned pale for a while, and he slowly came back to his senses.

"It was Uncle Xin who saved me!!"

When he came back to his senses, he was already standing on a senior brother's flying sword.

Because he absorbed the poisonous smoke, his legs trembled, and he almost fell off the flying sword, but it was the senior brother who supported him.

Wu Jun said hoarsely: "Thank you."

I don't know if I said it to Xin Wu, or to the senior brother who supported him, anyway, after two words, there is no content.


With a loud noise, Wu Jun turned his head, his eyes were reddened by the inexhaustible sea of ​​flames, even if he was at a height of more than a thousand meters, Wu Jun could still feel the tangy heat waves in the sea of ​​flames, and the burning all will.

"I don't like to explain anything, but I just want you to understand: - From now on, the decisions I make need to be implemented rather than questioned. If there is a next time, I will not save you again. If you think too much of your life, Go ahead and try!"

After Xin Wu finished speaking, she was about to turn around and continue on her way. She glanced at Wu Jun, whose face turned pale, and still took out the elixir and handed it over.

"I made this with my own hands. It's hard to change a thousand pieces of gold. Don't let me think it's a waste."

Wu Jun trembling his blue lips, he reached out to take it, "Thank you."

The voice was still hoarse, and it seemed that he was really frightened.

As a new disciple who just entered Cangshan Mountain, I have never seen the duel between Shenwu Duel Cliff and Wu Meier, nor have I been to places such as the Corpse Puppet Sect in the Northern Territory with her. Unexpectedly, it can be transformed into a monster in an instant.

After Xin Wu turned around, the senior brother beside Wu Jun patted him on the shoulder.

"Uncle Master has always been so unreasonable, are you wronged?" Asking this, the admiration in his eyes did not diminish at all.

"... She speaks very straight, don't take it to heart, she just doesn't want you to take your life as a joke."

Wu Jun looked at the slender figure from the back, with fluttering long hair and white hair, looking so weak that he could speak such awe-inspiring words and deliver such a terrifying blow.

... Master, what kind of person is he?

Forget it, no matter what kind of person she is, I must let her recognize me, and I can't let her think that the pill is worthless.

Just as he was on his way thinking wildly, that senior brother was not talking to Wu Jun.

After driving for a certain distance, they finally arrived at the Acacia Pie.

Being so close, Xin Wu's breath was a little unstable for a few seconds.

What Xin Wu didn't expect was that it didn't take long to come here again. Before I went to the Northern Territory last time, when I came here, it was still colorful and prosperous, and the pink gauze curtains on the pavilions were like the world, warm and warm Incomparable.

For a moment, everyone felt the evil spirit from her.

"Conceal the breath, the Hehuan faction is all women, if you encounter a man, you will kill them all!"

 I'm going back to Sichuan after the end of the month...I'm thinking that if this score is broken, maybe someone will urge me to update it
(End of this chapter)

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